Bregor said:This doesn't even touch e-mail, browsing, office apps and all the other things that an Xbox cannot and will never be able to do.
D3 on medium? If you are going to slum it up at medium might as well play the Xbox version.
You can do that all on an old 400mhz or less PC that won't run you more than $99 at this point. Anything over that is for games and you are fooling yourself if you think any different.
signet said:You can do that all on an old 400mhz or less PC that won't run you more than $99 at this point. Anything over that is for games and you are fooling yourself if you think any different.
dark10x said:What?!?! Doom 3 on medium will look VASTLY superior to the XBOX version. Did you even READ what medium settings actually are?!? The actual texture resolution isn't even being downgraded here (unlike XBOX)! Not only that, the framerate will be smoother!
Bregor said:Wait, you have a 9700 Pro, but will buy the Xbox version????
dark10x said:Bullshit.
We have PIII-500 Mhz machines still floating around at work, but the majority of the machines are 2 GHz and over. For office apps, those 500 MHz machines just can't get the job done...even after reformatting. They are sluggish in daily usage.
signet said:missed the rolleyes did ya?
Textures downgraded on the xbox? How much more detailed do you want for what is 1) and unfinished game at this point and 2) running on the relatively low resolution of a TV.
Yeah you might not be able to run Office Xp but there are programs that will work.
dark10x said:You clearly know nothing about standards...
signet said:here I was thinking we where talking about running Doom 3 on personal PCs, I had no idea you were installing Doom 3 on your work PC. Think you can put in a good word for me, I'd love to work there.
Let me know a program that you run today that did not have an equivalent back in the dark days of 2000.
You can do that all on an old 400mhz or less PC that won't run you more than $99 at this point. Anything over that is for games and you are fooling yourself if you think any different.
dark10x said:You are insane.
You are clearly talking about Doom 3. -mega-barfy-rolleyes-
There is a difference between doing something and doing it well. A 400 MHz PC does not run Windows 2000 or greater very well.
Tre said:You play a dangerous game, signet. Sure, there were equivalents back in 2000, but as the years progress, so do people and what their programs can do. There are a lot of features that help productivity that weren't available 4 years ago.
Fission Mailed.
signet said:A 400mhz PC does not need to run Windows 2000, don't you get that. you don't need to run the latest to get work done. A 400mhz will run windows 98 and it's office apps just as well in 2004 as it did in 1999.
dark10x said:You obviously don't understand the fact that, in my example, we can not USE Windows 98. It does not work properly with our network and we don't want to support it. We are trying to follow a standard. Installing Windows 98 IS NOT AN OPTION. The networking components of Win 98 are TERRIBLE...
Tre said:dark10x: I'm beginning to think these guys don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about, just defending their hive.
signet said:And what does your networking situation have to do with playing Doom 3?
I had no problems networking a win 98 PC with WinXp PC, all you need is a 3rd party program like Allaboard.
SaitoH said:While everyone has their opinion, I've seen this one reiterated numerous times and am a tad baffled. It does have a CG rendered quality, but in motion, you don't really notice it. I've only played that leaked alpha, but it looked amazing to me.
Definitely not plastic, IMO.
On topic: The Xbox version looks great, and hearing that it runs at a good framerate is fantastic news. Should make a lot of people very happy.
Oni Jazar said:which is when Halo 2 comes out and by then who cares about Doom?![]()
signet said:And outside of a corporate environment what can't a 400mhz PC do? Did your corporation not use computers back in 2000?
Old PC have the same basic software packages as newer PCs.
signet said:And outside of a corporate environment what can't a 400mhz PC do? Did your corporation use computers back in 2000?
Old PC have the same basic software packages as newer PCs.
Bregor said:I've already given an example of a use for fast PC's outside of the corporate environment: Photoshop.
dark10x said:People are doing MORE with their PCs than ever before and the older software and hardware just doesn't cut it.
signet said:Photoshop did not exist back in 1999?
signet said:you 1st.
signet said:yet a 400mhz will do what most people need it to do (web, email, book keeping, office apps), the people who refuse to throw away money on a Doom 3 capable PC can get by just fine.
I have. You evidentally have not, since you have missed the reason why a newer PC is desirable for Photoshop users.
dark10x said:Old folks, extremely casual users, and people like you are the ones who can get by. People can get by on old machines, but you attempted to make the case that faster machines are ONLY USEFUL for games. You suggested that owning a machine over 400 Mhz only holds value for gaming. That is utter bullshit.
Why not just live in a cave, hunt for your own food, and make your own clothes?
Bregor said:Hey now, some old folks get frustrated by slow PCs also!
dark10x said:Signet, you actually seem incapable of imaging tasks beyond your (very) limited scope.
I think that's the problem right there. You assume that, if it works for you, it must be good for everyone. You are ignorant. Flat out ignorant.
seismologist said:At least by getting the PC version you can grow into it as you upgrade.
The Xbox version your always stuck with the same cruddy textures and choppy framerate. Basically you get what you pay for. There's no way around it.