Buggy Loop
signet said:And how long are you planning to play Doom 3? It is not an life long investment, just a simple game.
With mods it can put life into doom3 for a long long time, you have no idea.
signet said:And how long are you planning to play Doom 3? It is not an life long investment, just a simple game.
Look at a game like half-life... People are still playing that like crazy. Isnt it the most popular game on the internet still with CS and DOD and the like?signet said:And how long are you planning to play Doom 3? It is not an life long investment, just a simple game.
signet said:I only assume that people with super fast PCs are buying them for the games and not for the added benefits of running office apps faster.
Yes they can be used for other tasks but they are made for gaming. As a gaming machine the Xbox is the wiser choice becasue it is cheaper and runs Doom 3 plus many others just as well.
dem said:I have since given in to the dark side.... and I would never go back.
signet said:I did give into the darkside and ran back screaming. Thanks to that poor decision I have a P4 2.5ghz with 1gig of ram and a 9700pro that does nothing but run some dam MMPORPG all day. Thankfully I have fount some uses for it but all my gaming is done on my consoles.
signet said:I did give into the darkside and ran back screaming. Thanks to that poor decision I have a P4 2.5ghz with 1gig of ram and a 9700pro that does nothing but run some dam MMPORPG all day. Thankfully I have fount some uses for it but all my gaming is done on my consoles.
signet said:I did give into the darkside and ran back screaming. Thanks to that poor decision I have a P4 2.5ghz with 1gig of ram and a 9700pro that does nothing but run some dam MMPORPG all day. Thankfully I have fount some uses for it but all my gaming is done on my consoles.
dark10x said:Why the f*ck are you buying it on XBOX then? You already HAVE the required hardware. You are sitting around bitching about spending money on a PC that you already HAVE!!!!
Doom 3 would run much smoother and look much better on your PC than it ever will on XBOX.
What does that have to do with your initial claim that one might as well play the game on Xbox if they're going to play it on the medium setting on PC?signet said:You just get so much more for you gaming dollar when you game on consoles.
signet said:D3 on medium? If you are going to slum it up at medium might as well play the Xbox version.
Hell, a GF2 MX renders Doom 3 nicer than the Xbox
You just get so much more for you gaming dollar when you game on consoles.
Doom 3 running on a Geforce 2 MX looks better than Doom 3 running on the Xbox. It runs like crap but it looks nicer.CrimsonSkies said:"Hell, a GF2 MX renders Doom 3 nicer than the Xbox."
cybamerc said:Doom 3 running on a Geforce 2 MX looks better than Doom 3 running on the Xbox. It runs like crap but it looks nicer.
cybamerc said:dark10x:
> The fixed function hardware of that particular card is not capable of displaying the
> shader routines properly.
Doom 3 is designed around the DX7 featureset. Some effects have been enhanced for newer cards but you're not missing out on anything as such by using a GF1/2. Doom 3 running on those GPUs simply looks vastly superior to the Xbox version even if it's unplayable.
Gregory said:I used to be a PC nerd back in the day when 3Dfx was on top, but I grew tired of all the shit with PC gaming.
Doc Holliday said:just wondering isnt doom3 an opengl game? what does dx have to do with it?
Insertia said:i think i'm the only guy on earth that doesn't have any 'hassle' with PC games. I've had my PC for a year and a half now, installed dozens of games, and I have yet to download any drivers or patches for games the entire time.
signet said:lol me too, I guess we got kicked in the "nuts" enough with all the PC garbage back in the day. Shit I can't even count how many 3dfx cards I had (3dfx, voodoo, voodoo 2, voodoo rush, dual voodoo 2s, voodoo 3 3000, voodoo3 3500) the only ones I did not get were the voodoo 4 or 5s by then I was in nvida's pocket.
It may require that DX9 is installed but it certainly doesn't require a DX9 class card.m0dus said:I mean, you DO realize that the game, in its final form, likely won't even execute without DX9 functioning?![]()
Why an HDTV? First of all, Doom 3 Xbox only supports 480p, secondly a progressive scan capable tv isn't going to magically make the game look better. Keep in mind that I'm not talking framerate, just looks.No, I'd say that the Xbox version running on an HDTV would put anything running on a GeForce MX series to absolute shame
You are ignorant. Flat out ignorant.
m0dus said:As for DX-9 -- I HAVE a Geforce 2 GTS, as well as a shuttle XPC with a Geforce 4 MX , and I have the doom 3 alpha. Guess what? it won't run on ANY of them. To the best of my ability, I should edit/add. both systems *have* DX9 installed--but that doesn't really mean a lick of difference? It would seem the hardware needs to support the feature set, and DX9 cards are the only ones out there that truly can--at least, to the quality of xbox visuals. edit: I realize that it MAY be possible to get the game running smoothly enough if you turn off the per-pixel lighting, stencil shadows, bumpmapping and glow effects--but then, what's the point? The Xbox version runs fine without sacrificing ANY of that.
Yes, but the hilarious thing is that you've ALREADY SPENT "gaming dollars" on a PC rig which will outperform your Xbox for Doom 3. So what exactly was your argument, again?signet said:After gaming for a few months with stuff like UT 2004 and FarCry I find gaming on the PC distasteful at best. Buggy, clunky and overall not as appealing as console gaming. I much prefer picking up X game and putting it into console X and start playing.
You just get so much more for you gaming dollar when you game on consoles.
Tre said:Yes, because saying a game looks like shit is insecurity. You're just a weee bit paranoid, guy.
DaCocoBrova said:Having just seen Doom3 footage for the first time, I honestly believe that there's no hope for a good XBOX version unless the game is seriously re-tooled.
signet said:What pains me are PC games who have to come into Xbox game threads and spout off how much better the PC version is. If you can find me a $150 PC that will run Doom 3 better than the xbox I'll listen. If you can't keep your yap shut.
I'll take my 65" HDTV, XBL, 5.1 surround sound and comfy couch over my 19" monitor, shit ass computer chair, and stereo speaker set-up any day of the week