Ubisoft has Canadian group/lawyers monitoring social media "harassment" due to AC: Shadows.



An anti-harassment plan put in place to protect employees​

Finding sales up and a critical success, that would put balm at the heart of the teams and even’Ubisoft which swam in recent times in troubled waters. Between the anti-DEI movements that have not stopped S’en take to the game because of the presence of’a black samurai, Japan in theater of’opus that has also sparked controversy among some Japanese screaming cultural betrayal, and rumors of redemption, the period is not the warmest. To this is’ adds the trial of the former executives of the’enterprise accused of moral and sexual harassment that does NOT’arrange anything to the global picture of’un Ubisoft in turmoil.

The climate remains tense, especially for developers. To counteract any foul-smelling eventuality on social networks, a device has even been presented to protect them. “We are recommended not to post on social networks that’on works at Ubisoft to avoid harassment”, says an employee of the group, recalling the many online attacks already suffered since the presentation of the game.

An extreme and stressful situation that Ubisoft prefers to anticipate. An online anti-harassment plan has even been presented in CSE to accompany the release of the game and protect employees. “C’is an initiative from Canada. There is a team that monitors networks and acts quickly in case of a targeted’ attack,” explains an elected official. Psychological and legal support is promised to employees who would be targeted. “Contrary to what’on had up’here, there, c’is serious”, he claims.

Yasuke, the hero of Assassin's Creed Shadows
Yasuke, the hero of Assassin's Creed Shadows © Ubisoft
Thus, the messages published by Internet users on X (ex-Twitter), Reddit or videos on Youtube will be closely monitored by a dedicated cell to react quickly to any problem. Lawyers are already prepared to draw complaints in the event of a proven harassment situation.

Ubisoft is now at a turning point and, once again, its future rests on the success of its star game. If Assassin’s Creed Shadows is a success, the’company will offer a little respite. S’il does not come out of the’ombre, it will lead the group into a much deeper crisis. Some dream of seeing the giant sink. It would be dramatic for its nearly 20,000 employees, but also for the video game industry which really does not need that right now to lose footing.

This is translated from French, but it's clear enough. Ubisoft anticipates backlash and they have a team to monitor social media, and lawyers ready to prosecute so-called "harassers".


Canada. We’re always the last bubble in the world to pop.

Maybe lower the price of the game 10 dollars and don’t hire an army of lawyers to defend “Susie Ubisoft” from being called out as a DEI hire who helps make garbage that plays like your HR training PowerPoint at work.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I don't care enough, nor would I stoop so low as to bother people about the game they made.

I did give Randy Pitchford a hard time on twitter once.


Threatening people online or not is bad.

I think some people think they're prosecuting people who shit on their awful game, which they're not.


You should surely not harass employee. And i hope we found the harassers.
If you hate a product like Assassin Creed Shadow, the best way to complain is to not buy it. Send an email to the support mailbox of the company and you should hope the company finally get the message correctly.

I agree, the last part is a tough one to get through recently it looks like.


Canada. We’re always the last bubble in the world to pop.

Maybe lower the price of the game 10 dollars and don’t hire an army of lawyers to defend “Susie Ubisoft” from being called out as a DEI hire who helps make garbage that plays like your HR training PowerPoint at work.
At least they work for their employees and do something 🤷


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
It is entirely possible to be critical without devolving into harassment. More people need to learn this. Remember when people sent death threats to CoD developers after balance patches?


Gold Member
Threatening people online or not is bad.

I think some people think they're prosecuting people who shit on their awful game, which they're not.
No regular person is harassing devs. None.

This is the same bollocks we've seen time and time again in regards to crap media coming out that has had drama, deviates from the norm or is just downright rotten, whether its films, tv shows or games.

Its been going on for years.

It's the lamest cop out imaginable.


Newd Member
The problem lies in what they classify as harassment. If people are mad about the game or very critic, does that constitute harassment? I'm willing to bet thats the case.

I would be more concerned about the japanese shrine officials saying that your game damages their reputation and create what they call "tourist pollution".
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Giallo Corsa

Gold Member
Ah yes, when everything else is about to fail, be ready to cry wolf and to pull out those "-ists" and "-phobe" cards, 'cause after all, it's impossible for them to be at fault, it's always those racist/bigoted chuds amirite ?

Shit's so transparent (and at this point expected) that I don't know whether we should laugh or cry.


Gold Member
It is funny that it is BFM, of all french media outlets, that address this news since they are particularly "anti-woke" (imagine fox news with a moustache and a baguette).
I guess their love of business (BFM means "business fm" the name of an old radio station form which BFM TV originated) is stronger than their hate for woke things...

Lokaum D+

Remember the review embargo is tomorrow, I wonder what the "pro" reviewers will say:

March 18th at 10am PT

I suspect they will all give it good scores to try to fight back against the chuds.
the game has a black man and a woman as protag, of course it ll review well, even DAV reviewed well, no one ll say that you play as a black man harassing Japanese ppl and deduct points for it
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I don't agree with the harassment of individuals, but a lot of sensitive souls intentionally conflate criticism of their product with harassment, when the two aren't the same thing.

I imagine we'll get a lot of that when the product releases.
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Ah yes, when everything else is about to fail, be ready to cry wolf and to pull out those "-ists" and "-phobe" cards, 'cause after all, it's impossible for them to be at fault, it's always those racist/bigoted chuds amirite ?

Shit's so transparent (and at this point expected) that I don't know whether we should laugh or cry.

What even is this post? You may not like the game and that's fine, but this is literally about a company protecting their individual employees from harassment and personal attacks.

And criticism != harassment.
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What even is this post? You may not like the game and that's fine, but this is literally about a company protecting their individual employees from harassment and personal attacks.

Which doesn't exist or not to the extent of announcing this sheer PR posturing measure. For them, any form of criticism is harassment, so it's more like censorship what they mean.

A company with people involved in sexual scandals monitoring social media for "harassment" is quite something. They should monitor their internal business emails instead.
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