Carpe Carnim
JFC are these Corbyn's people, or are they the tiger he's riding?
In the face of an expansionist Russia do these morons really believe that pre-emptive surrender to Putin's wet dream is a solid policy position?
I'm laughing at socialists being against internationalism, what the fuck is going on.
Someone get a fucking grip. There's millions of people in this country and, whilst an awful lot of them are thick and detestable, the consequences of Brexit combined with political and financial ineptitude will probably be disastrous.
Unless we make a shit load of delicious, nutritious jam.
I'm laughing at socialists being against internationalism, what the fuck is going on.
Presumably young Labour aren't for Israel, so what is their alternative to a two state solution?
The SNPs David Linden asks Johnson if he will apologise for his comments at the Tory conference about the need to clear away the dead bodies in Sirte.
Johnson says we must all be aware of the tragic absence of security in Libya and Sirte. But, when those problems are resolved, Libya has fantastic prospects.
Labours shadow foreign minister Fabian Hamilton says Johnson said that the only people criticising him over his Sirte comments had no knowledge of Libya. Quoting a Libyan politician saying the remarks were offensive, he asks Johnson to apologise.
Johnson says MPs should get behind the plan to bring security to Libya and Sirte. That would honour those who died, he says.
The SNPs Stephen Gethins asks how Johnson thinks his comments impacted on Libya.
Johnson says he is trying to bring people together.
Gethins agrees. He has brought people together to condemn what he said.
Johnson accuses Gethins of political point scoring. Ignoring the security problems in Libya does no one any favours, he says.
In one of his answers on Libya Boris Johnson accused the opposition of trivialising the security situation in Libya.
Here is Emily Thornberry, the shadow foreign secretary, effectively accusing him of hypocrisy.
Boris Johnson accuses critics of his Libya remarks of trivialising the issue. Yes, the same Boris Johnson who joked about dead bodies
Labours Jeff Smith says Johnson said earlier this year that Labour had been far too pessimistic about Donald Trump. Does he accept he was wrong?
Johnson says President Trump has not juncked the Iran nuclear deal, the JCPOA. Britain intends to keep it alive.
Sir Edward Leigh, a Conservative, asks Johnson if he intends to encourage Trump to encourage a negotiated solution to the Korean crisis.
Johnson says he wants to see jaw-jaw, not war-war.
Emily Thornberry, the shadow foreign secretary, asks if Johnson accepts now that the UK will have to pay a divorce bill to the UK. And how much should it be?
Johnson says Thornberry has misquoted him. He said he was opposed to the UK paying a substantial sum. Some people were talking 100bn. Would suppine Labour pay that much? He thinks they would, he says.
Boris brands Labour benches "supine invertebrate protoplasmic jellies" for refusing to rule out paying £100bn Brexit bill.
Thornberry says Johnson has said both that the government is planning for no deal and isnt. Which is it?
Johnson says there is a ruthless consistency in everything he has said. Tory MPs are united behind the principles of the Lancaster House speech, the article 50 letter and the Florence speech, he says.
Warning: Utter bile.
Warning: Utter bile.
LAB: 44% (+2)
CON: 38% (-)
LDEM: 7% (-1)
Survation confirming Full Communism draws ever nearer.
Baring some catastrophic error by Labour, I just don't see how the Conservatives think they are going to last as a viable option for most people.
At least every week, normally sooner, we have the results of austerity and brexit and just about every shitty tory policy crashing down on us and they don't have any believable excuses anymore other than incompetence or self interest.
They are even losing their go to "labour crashed the economy" excuse since even Osbourne came out and said Labour did pretty much everything they could in the situation and it wasn't their fault.
Look how easy Corbyn trounced May at the PMQs. It's like the Tories just keep handing ammo out to Labour each week and they are stuck with a prop gun that May still somehow manages to shoot herself with.
In an ideal world the party would crumble, the country just can't keep going with them and their ilk bleeding us dry.
LAB: 44% (+2)
CON: 38% (-)
LDEM: 7% (-1)
Survation confirming Full Communism draws ever nearer.
For trivia, the best performance by any party in a postwar poll was this one:
Gallup/Telegraph, 1995-12-04, CON 23% LAB 62% LIB 12%
But to be fair Gallup badly flopped the following election, so I'm not sure that was ever accurate. ICM had Blair's peak at 50%.
Can't believe it's actually happening
Well from what I heard on the radio today the chances of the DUP deal falling through have grown since the SF meetings have apparently stalled.I think they're bracing for a loss in the next general election. I can only imagine they hope the DUP deal doesn't actually fall early into the term and try to ride this current wave and hope apathy sets in on these issues... eventually.
Shows how fucked our politics are at the moment, the fact the Tories can be so absolutely, historically awful yet so many people still think "yep, that's my party".Whilst Labour's position is clearly very strong, it must be a *little* worrying that Corbyn is beating May at every PMQs, she's being stabbed in the back left, right and center, Brexit negotiations are a shit show, Boris is pissing in her cornflakes, the Tories are being beaten around Parliament on opposition day... And yet they're stuck at 38%? That's still a really high percentage.
Come back Cameron. Please. You can have all the kids and pigs you can fuck, promise.
Whilst Labour's position is clearly very strong, it must be a *little* worrying that Corbyn is beating May at every PMQs, she's being stabbed in the back left, right and center, Brexit negotiations are a shit show, Boris is pissing in her cornflakes, the Tories are being beaten around Parliament on opposition day... And yet they're stuck at 38%? That's still a really high percentage.
Come back Cameron. Please. You can have all the kids and pigs you can fuck, promise.
Ugh. That's true.I know it's hard to believe but they are at 38% with Jeremy Corbyn running the labour party, Abbott in line for the Home Office and ukip almost all back in the fold.
That's nuts as far as I'm concerned.
Come back Cameron. Please. You can have all the kids and pigs you can fuck, promise.
May is very very close to going. If the EU fails to do a shock capitulation to her Brexit plan and the government goes for a No Deal Brexit, she's definitely toast. It'd represent the total failure of her premiership.
If Yougov and others begin to lock in the trend to show a narrow majority of voters regarding Brexit as a mistake, her entire party might be toast.
I may bet on her going by Christmas.
If May is swapped out for literally anyone else, Corbyn's lead is likely to shrink, though.
Would a new Tory leader jeapordize the relationship with the DUP?
They would love someone like Mogg, I don't see liberal Tories putting up with It. I really think May is the best they can do without causing splits to appear.
There was a poll sometime after the election that said replacing her made the Tories less popular, they are in a funny place.
Mogg is Catholic. They would *detest* someone like Mogg.
PMQs was brutal. If it was boxing, they'd have thrown in the damn towel. Corbyn isn't even much of an orator and May was just completely out of her depth.
So, I stopped watching PMQs a while back because Corbyn was terrible at them and the Tories have never taken them seriously and treat them like they're practicing for a stand-up show.
But I just watched this and damn, you aren't kidding. Corbyn shut down every bad joke the Tories tried to make then twisted the knife on every important issue that he brought up. May looked even more like a joke than usual. Honestly, the longer this failure of a government continues, the better Corbyn gets at all this stuff.
Baring some catastrophic error by Labour, I just don't see how the Conservatives think they are going to last as a viable option for most people.
At least every week, normally sooner, we have the results of austerity and brexit and just about every shitty tory policy crashing down on us and they don't have any believable excuses anymore other than incompetence or self interest.
They are even losing their go to "labour crashed the economy" excuse since even Osbourne came out and said Labour did pretty much everything they could in the situation and it wasn't their fault.
Look how easy Corbyn trounced May at the PMQs. It's like the Tories just keep handing ammo out to Labour each week and they are stuck with a prop gun that May still somehow manages to shoot herself with.
In an ideal world the party would crumble, the country just can't keep going with them and their ilk bleeding us dry. said that? Do you have a link by any chance, would be interested to read that