I PMed you my full list... =DGimme your questions GAF. The next 2 days are yours.
SolarPowered said:Basically, Capcom would probably want Mahvel 3 to follow the Street Fighter IV curve.
Marvel vs Capcom 3- 2million+ sales(sales for first game)
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3- 1million+ sales(50% attach rate for the upcoming game)
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3ringles Edition- 500k+ sales(50% attach rate for the upcoming game unlike AE which was more like 30% attach rate coming from SSFIV).
Most people expect UMvC3 to sell more like Pringles edition which is probably a pretty bad scenario for Capcom. There it is a in a nutshell.
Yeah I am glad I am not the only person who noticed. So many changes noticed in these videos that aren't listed in the changelog... mashables buffed Shuma indirectlyQisTopTier said:Yo dahbomb you see the mashable hyper stuff with shuma? LOL He fucking recovers now while the other dude is still getting hit with like 4 balls. You know what that could mean right?
Also lol at chaos dimension 450k unblockable
This IS true. Not many people know about this.You can even punish his godlike -1 launcher by chicken blocking.
I never said Vergil was godlike (well I did but it was a joke)... in fact I think he is the 2nd best DMC character in the game. You should've read my posts in the previous thread... it would've made more sense as to what I really feel on Vergil.And I don't think Vergil is bad. Just not godly.
I do too, too bad people scared him away out of frustration and intolerance.Skilletor said:I believe in Lupinko.
I might end up hitting the lab with shuma first. J.S relaunches, Test out follow ups with mashed hyper smash, and other things. The fact his gameplan goes around resets into throws and the throw drains meter is nice too.Dahbomb said:Yeah I am glad I am not the only person who noticed. So many changes noticed in these videos that aren't listed in the changelog... mashables buffed Shuma indirectly.
SolarPowered said:Damn, we gave them 2 million+ sales, man. How much more do we have to give? LOL
Cheap as fuck haha. We can't even get moving CG trailers anymore lol.
I believe in his being a trolling cocktease.Skilletor said:I believe in Lupinko.
Dahbomb said:Never forget the Firebrand/Carnage/doujinshi fiasco.
well stuff that's not even worth discussing.QisTopTier said:I believe in his ability to get people salty over shit that's not worth being salty about.
QisTopTier said:Sigh, you guys have the maturity of middle schoolers.
Parallax Scroll said:where's ultimate norcal getting streamed at
It's like a game of Russian roulette where you've got three bullets in the chamber instead of one.HK-47 said:Or we can go three for three!
I wonder which will happen
The damage on Dr.Strange's counter hyper is pretty sick. Dude has tons of potential with a meter building assist if you have the right team.Dahbomb said:Sales talk is BORING!
Sales didn't hinder MVC2 from being HYPE!
Meeeeemorieeeees!OH SHIT LUPINKO IN THE HOUSE...
Never forget the Firebrand/Carnage/doujinshi fiasco.
Is this a yes to checking out his demon missile?Professor Beef said:avquote.jpg
IPW and I believe it goes up in 3-4 hours from now (if my time zones are correct).where's ultimate norcal getting streamed at
God's Beard said:It blows my mind how much Doom and Dormammu were buffed in this game. It's like Seth Killian wanted his own characters to be stronger so he told the team they were crap.
It makes me sad that She Hulk was nerfed as much as I hated fighting her, she was such a distinctly Marvel 3 character.
Mind blown: QisSethKillianQisTopTier said:If who seth liked determined who would be godly then arthur would be S tier! *ignores firebrand*
Well he's always talking about Doom, and everytime someone mentions Richard Pryor you can hear him say "Dormammu I love you" kind of under his breath.Dahbomb said:Seth plays Doom and Dorm? Yeah Dorm is like top 3 most improved character in UMVC3.
IPW and I believe it goes up in 3 hours from now (if my time zones are correct).
Everyone is a damn Jojo character to you. Trish is more Darkstalkers than Jojo'sGod's Beard said:MODOK is a Jojo's character, along with Trish and Phoenix Wright.
Hmm... what new character would fit in a Dorm/Doom team. Which new characters have a lockdown assist?Dahbomb said:Seth plays Doom and Dorm? Yeah Dorm is like top 3 most improved character in UMVC3. Doom too of course but I say Dorm is more improved than Doom.
I thought the quality was fine for a makeshift stream. Thanks for taking the time to show the game off a bit to everyone.Yo Ugh.
My back is killing me and I'm sleepy, but no point sleeping now. Gonna stay up and watch dat Nocal vs Capcom.
Shoutouts to sp00ky. Streaming ain't easy.
Sorry for the quality. It was a webcam.
Strange has a lock down assist... sort of.Hmm... what new character would fit in a Dorm/Doom team. Which new characters have a lockdown assist?
No, it's just that I only comment on things that remind me of jojo's. ^_^QisTopTier said:Everyone is a damn Jojo character to you. Trish is more Darkstalkers than Jojo's
Dahbomb said:What about Frank West? Who is he like in a FG?
And Dr Strange?
LakeEarth said:Hmm... what new character would fit in a Dorm/Doom team. Which new characters have a lockdown assist?
Is it archived at the link?sephi22 said:Yo Ugh.
My back is killing me and I'm sleepy, but no point sleeping now. Gonna stay up and watch dat Nocal vs Capcom.
Shoutouts to sp00ky. Streaming ain't easy.
Sorry for the quality. It was a webcam.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOc4REOCcPMDahbomb said:Dr Strange?
Dahbomb said:What about Frank West? Who is he like in a FG?
That sucks.Enzo, remove any hint of Morrigan's minimum air dash height requirement changing. It's unchanged, and terrible.