Seven Force
Wright reminds me a lot of Zappa from Guilty Gear, personally.
Edit: Whoops, beaten on that point.
Edit: Whoops, beaten on that point.
My favorite Mahvel character ever for sure.God's Beard said:Well he's always talking about Doom, and everytime someone mentions Richard Pryor you can hear him say "Dormammu I love you" kind of under his breath.
Dorm is definitely another distinctly Marvel 3 character. I'd throw Spencer and Amaterasu in there, too.
Dahbomb said:3 hours from now. It starts at 7 PM Pacific.
I am really fascinated about Frank West DHC combos into LVL5. Dude on SRK claims he can get to LVL5 by just combo into Skrull Inferno -> DHC into Frank West Cart Hyper -> Camera shot. That sounds way easier than what I originally thought.
You just enter the Capcom Code everyone knows it!IntelliHeath said:I would lol'd if there is a secret input to access to mega buster. :B (like kind of impossible input)
RAOH???QisTopTier said:LOL Yup Wright is zappa, said that the day he was announcedCornered mode = Raou
NO RAOU!!!God's Beard said:
His level up system reminds me of Bang from BlazBlue. Each counter that a good Bang lands brings you one step closer to getting bitch slapped by Fūrinkazan.Dahbomb said:What about Frank West? Who is he like in a FG?
Raoh?QisTopTier said:
lol I'm too lazy to keep searching for relevant combo videos XDGod's Beard said: said:lol I'm too lazy to keep searching for relevant combo videos XD
Who the what the when the WHAT?Kadey said:Where you at?!
I'm a scrub just ask farms!Kadey said:I want to play against scrubs now.
Kadey said:I want to play against scrubs now.
enzo_gt said:I do too, too bad people scared him away out of frustration and intolerance.
You will always be the 7th Mahvel god to me lupinko, after other recent inductees Wolverine and Jean.
Is the stream still on?
I'd laugh too. It's part of the fun of being the riddlemaster DUHHHHHJazzmanZ said:What are you talking about, the problem we had with Lupinko was his stupid as hell hints.
He'd never confirm whos right, and some of his hints were vague as hell and could relate to a bunch of other characters, I mean we got Carnage out of Firebrand, CARNAGE.
And when we were wrong he'd laugh at us for being bad at them.
Remember nobody being hyped for Frank? Remember when it was just me?Dahbomb said:For me personally, no other character has gotten such a reversal in terms of anticipation and hype after reveal as Frank West.
I was pretty meh at his inclusion early on and thought he would just be a TVC port. After the reveal and learning more information on him, he is the most fun character out of the new cast and just as unique as Wright. My hype for Frank West in UMVC3 went up astronomically. I respect his inclusion even if he may not end up being that good in the long run (maybe we'll see).
Eh, I try not to get hype unless I see solid stuff. But I did say months ago that he wouldn't be like his TvC self if they put him in the game due to how long they had to work on him. Which return gave us that post about his camera LOLBanana Kid said:Remember nobody being hyped for Frank? Remember when it was just me?
I never understood why people say she's an SNK characterParallax Scroll said:Viper is an SNK character when she's in Street Fighter IV. When she's in marvel, she's a Street Fighter IV character.
~Devil Trigger~ said:I never understood why people say she's an SNK character
She fits the "Stereotype/pop culture reference" direction of Street Fighter(Hot female Secret Agent)
Banana Kid said:Remember nobody being hyped for Frank? Remember when it was just me?
SolarPowered said:His level up system reminds me of Bang from BlazBlue. Each counter that a good Bang lands brings you one step closer to getting bitch slapped by Fūrinkazan.
Frank would be too godlike if he had mobility.
She looks and plays like an SNK character. Like a male SNK character to be exact. Right down to the costume, the gloves, the flame kicks and seismo moves. You really have to admit that she stands out a lot in the SF crowd with her crazy AOE moves. I still like her in both SF4 and MVC3.I never understood why people say she's an SNK character
It's Raou. Look at the videos I posted lol Wright is zappa random evidence is kinda like ghost as well for him.SolarKnight said:I dunno, if anything I feel Wright's turnabout mode is more like FRKZ than Frank's mechanic.
Showing how much of a SF4 noob I am here... doesn't Viper in SF4 have additional jump options (like high/low jump) that most SF4 characters don't have?Dahbomb said:She looks and plays like an SNK character. Like a male SNK character to be exact. Right down to the costume, the gloves, the flame kicks and seismo moves. You really have to admit that she stands out a lot in the SF crowd with her crazy AOE moves.
You don't get Furinkazan by randomly throwing out burning fists from the other side of the stage lol.SolarKnight said:I dunno, if anything I feel Wright's turnabout mode is more like FRKZ than Frank's mechanic.
They were without a doubt the worst riddles ever created. No disrespect to Lupinko, it's just not something he's good at.The Carnage guess was like the money shot. I was so sure it was him that I turned off GAF and went to bed all satisfied only to wake up in the morning to read the disconfirmation. At that point the fun from the hints was sucked dry. Red mutha fucker, Aunt May Carnage GAF meme, "Strange bedfellows" (really though this hint applied more to Carnage than Firebrand), Mighty Max, villain character etc.
The hilarious part about the hints was that as HUGE of a Vergil fanboy I am... the connections to Vergil were VERY loose. I guess some of them weren't vague but at that time I just didn't WANT to believe them in case I was setting myself up for a disappointment.
But whatever... FUN times and memories. I also remember me being sad about Ghost Rider being sort of disconfirmed only for him to actually be in the game anyway!
Kadey said:I'm just letting stuff run on my stream. Will play if scrubs want to.
The only 61fps stream.
Gathering evidence is easy enough. Getting the hit for Turnabout is the challenge.Anth0ny said:Do we know if Wright can get to Turnabout mode easily? I think Viscant suggested something like Trish's boomerang -> DHC into Phoenix Wright and pick up evidence. Is something like that feasible?
He can gather the evidence rather quickly and easily. That's not the problem like I have been saying for quite some time. Well it IS a nuisance when you have toss away bad evidence but it's really not a big deal.Anth0ny said:Do we know if Wright can get to Turnabout mode easily? I think Viscant suggested something like Trish's boomerang -> DHC into Phoenix Wright and pick up evidence. Is something like that feasible?
Dahbomb said:He can gather the evidence rather quickly and easily. That's not the problem like I have been saying for quite some time. Well it IS a nuisance when you have toss away bad evidence but it's really not a big deal.
The problem is getting the Objection hit on the other character. It's basically like the Pipe, technically a very good move only it's attached to a character with low mobility/mix up options. The impressions of the guys playing said that once he had the evidence people just ran away from him so they didn't get hit by Objection. The strategy then has been to use another character to get the opening hit and potentially TAC/DHC into Wright for the Objection hit.
Pretty much once he gets into Turnabout mode he is insane there is no doubt about it. The plus side is that he at least has a timer on it so it's not Dark Phoenix broken.