etherpsn is too broke to invade xbox nation.
etherpsn is too broke to invade xbox nation.
psn is too broke to invade xbox nation.
good thing about live is that you can play some real good players. i've played so many good players just by hanging out at streams and asking them for a match. almost everybody streaming is playing on xbox.
good thing about live is that you can play some real good players. i've played so many good players just by hanging out at streams and asking them for a match. almost everybody streaming is playing on xbox.
Yeah I would be on 360 too if it had games I gave a shit about. But it doesn't so Im on ps3 only, dont want to buy a 360 just for fighters. Although I really do wish I could play all those good players to level up my game >.< Maybe if I win the lottery or some shit xD
Same... The only people are really play are like Q, Solune, Seph and Apollo. PEOPLE NEED TO ADD ME AND PLAY ME.
after that performance, lol.
The return of box art MM. HAHA OH WOW!!!
You bet I was salty. The thing is, I play Q so much that I pretty much know how the match will play out. And it's ONLY just him. I play Ranked for a little bit (maybe about 30-40 mins a day?), but the people are either so terribad or just random mashing that I don't really learn a lot. Solune dodges me all the time, Apollo is always playing something else and Seph is almost never on.
What level of people do you end up playing on ranked? The Cosmic Lords and such out there have to be pretty good.
Oh shi-We were putting you on blast in there too LOL
Around 6th-8th? I haven't really hit Ranked until about a week ago or so when I solidified my team. I'm hoping it gets better but the matches are getting harder to find as well.
edit: even though I was salty, I still had hella fun. A lot of times, I KNEW I should've passed my turn to Q or Beef, but NAW! I WANTED TO PLAY! Also, GGs to everyone yesterday. We're gonna have to have a salty runback. 1 v 3. COME AT ME BRO!
If you want to get to the better opponents, you probably need to play on ranked a bit more since it tends to match you up against people who are pretty close in rank to you. If you go on streaks you can rank up pretty quickly. I have been doing Quick Match, although that usually doesn't match me up with anyone who's very highly ranked (3rd Lord+). But I'm sure PSN has its killers just like it did in Vanilla.
Fuck yeah. Japan knows who the real best Megaman is.
Who the hell is Harp Note?
Isn't that the Roll type/Female protagonist of the Megaman Starforce series?
Didn't get a chance to comment much, but last night's Live vs. FraySN was great. Wish if my PC didn't fuck up right at the final 3 or so matches, but I had fun stream monstering.
Overall, with like one choice absence (Y u no Donovan Japan), I think Japan has one of the better conglomerated list of character desires. X, Tessa, Gene, Batsu, & Bass.EXE are all that high up on the Capcom side? Jedah's making top 20? Nina from the one BoF everyone mentions for her incarnation got into a notable spot on the list? Amazing. X being right under EXE though kinda shocked me, I took it as a foregone conclusion that Japan was EXE land, but my boy is right there next to him. (Bass.EXE is still better for an EXE rep though.)
Their Marvel side stuff isn't too shabby either. How the hell does Japan know what's up picking Ms. Marvel & Spidey villains to top the lists with? :lol
@Anki: We sure this isn't just their translation that just got put up recently?
Edit: Wait, Date Masamune is "PUT YA GUNS ON!" dude? Oh God, he is so Mahvel. :lol
Solune dodges me all the time.
You dodge me all the time too! BBCSEX is coming out soon, you can body me in that. Before that though lets get some marvel in so I can test out some new tech =p.
I wonder how many people responding even knew who she was?Nico Minoru is a hilarious pick.
Prototype and Q, I haven't play you guys in a while. How about a few matches now?
Last time I played Q was in 3s lol
Last time I played Prototype was in trashcode Vanilla Marvel.
I agree that she'd work great in the game- I just question how many of the votes were for anything other than her (japanese) name.Nico Minoru is an awesome pick. I've said this before.
I agree that she'd work great in the game- I just question how many of the votes were for anything other than her (japanese) name.
These are fake. Seth told me Japan doesn't want DLC. Stop posting fake things.
I'm pretty sure that Sengoku Basara characters can't make it in for historical/facial modeling reasons(based on a real person). Capcom already knows that everyone wants Gene. Also, what Darkstalkers are left to add? Jedah?Gene is way too low... he should be #1. The rest is alright, needs more male Darkstalker characters. I have always wanted Data Masamune as the premier Sengoku Basara character but that team doesn't want any characters from the series in so that's not going to happen.
I can't blame them. The last round of characters was about as exciting as a tranquilized Sloth.And it's quite obvious Japanese want more female Marvel characters already. All females in top 10 aside from Venom, Green Goblin and Gambit.
Prototype and Q, I haven't play you guys in a while. How about a few matches now?
Last time I played Q was in 3s lol
Last time I played Prototype was in trashcode Vanilla Marvel.
Ooh can I get in? Haven't played in a while need some practice.
That FGC link with all the streams collected on a single page is awesome. When did they come up with that?
These are fake. Seth told me Japan doesn't want DLC. Stop posting fake things.
I'm pretty sure that Sengoku Basara characters can't make it in for historical/facial modeling reasons(based on a real person). Capcom already knows that everyone wants Gene. Also, what Darkstalkers are left to add? Jedah?
I can't blame them. The last round of characters was about as exciting as a tranquilized Sloth.
*still waits for Phylla-Vell, Ms.Marvel and Emma Frost*
That FGC link with all the streams collected on a single page is awesome. When did they come up with that?
These are fake. Seth told me Japan doesn't want DLC. Stop posting fake things.
I'm pretty sure that Sengoku Basara characters can't make it in for historical/facial modeling reasons(based on a real person). Capcom already knows that everyone wants Gene. Also, what Darkstalkers are left to add? Jedah?
I can't blame them. The last round of characters was about as exciting as a tranquilized Sloth.
*still waits for Phylla-Vell, Ms.Marvel and Emma Frost*
Is there a PSN scrub group?
Preferably before Marvel 4.
10 year wait!
Ggs Cludius! That was fun. I think you have to best Wesker on PSN.
nope, my Wesker is trash tier.