Just for references' sake:
- 80% of the Million Stabs you see there are me attempting a H - Weasel Shot frame trap post wavedash. The other 20% was me trying to crouch cancel wavedash. 100% of those random standing Hs with Strider were me trying to H - Formation B - H - Formation B Shot. 100% of those random c.Ls as Viper were Rapid Seismo attempts or bad crouch cancel dashes.
- Cold Shower - Prop Shredder is the optimal online confirm, no swag combos today.

- It's amazing how awful I felt playing Amaterasu that night. It's like all my setups were MIA as I thought of them and I could only arf arf arf around.
- Hidden Missiles is so oppressive, I almost made it more of a priority to punish that assist however possible than to focus on the point character! :lol
- I'm in dire need of matchup experience. Good blocking doesn't cut it when you don't know exactly what you're blocking or how disadvantageous it could be. Phoenix Wright was an eye opener and also reminds me that I am forever cursed to be completely free to roster additions that initally never make sense to me (Olimar in Brawl was a wat inclusion to a younger me then he turns out to be the matchup I hated playing most as Marth, now Phoenix Wright shows me the light once more. :lol)
- Spencer was when all my momentum came to a complete stop. How does I stopped zips?
- Last two matches were my brother playing and of course he'd have to come in and go even with that walk up pressure... =/