Do Drive and Air play OTG?
Dante OTG moves:
Cold Shower
Million Carats
Acid Rain
Doom is only top tier because of Hidden Missiles and his crazy TAC combos. No one complains about him as a point character unless they suck at the game.You mean on the ground? Doom has lousy ground movement yet is top tier.
Mobility is a major component of character worth in Marvel. It is among my 5 pillars of top tier character traits. Also Dorm and Morrigan might have bad ground movement but they have good movement in the air and can play it to their strength. Contrast to Sentinel who has really great ground movement but limited air mobility is decisively mid tier.
The biggest exception to the rule is Strom. Superlative aerial and ground mobility but not quite a top tier character.
as long as you know your place.I'm so sorry.
I'll never mention GameFAQs near a cosmic lord again.
Dante should have a Quicksilver slow down super like ammys, Doppleganger clone super like morrigans, and a Royal Guard counter super a la tasks aegis counter.
Budget cuts, clearly.He should also have Ice Age or Real Impact with invulnerable startup, that would be nice and fair.
His level 3 should have been Dance Macabre, why doesn't he have Rising Dragon, etc., etc.
I was actually kind of surprised they decided not to use RDP for more moves.
Unlike it is right now, right? ;-)you dmc fans and your unreal expectations! if the marvel characters got to do everything they can do in the game then it would be a broken mess.
dark phoenix activates and the screen goes black and you see a message pop up saying you died and you have to reset the system.Unlike it is right now, right? ;-)
Viewtiful Joe *activates slow on command*
Dormammu *collapses reality*
Morrigan *planet busts*
Haggar *can now throw pipes*
Chris *still the same*
dark phoenix activates and the screen goes black and you see a message pop up saying you died and you have to reset the system.
He should also have Ice Age or Real Impact with invulnerable startup, that would be nice and fair.
His level 3 should have been Dance Macabre, why doesn't he have Rising Dragon, etc., etc.
I was actually kind of surprised they decided not to use RDP for more moves.
Because Iron Fist needed a good assist move.
Everybody MvC Origins hits PSN on tuesday everybody buy it to support the series!!!
Scrub question: How do I do team hyper combos but with just the two characters? Is that even possible? Please don't Bionic Arm me.
THCs for two characters are done the same way you do it with three characters. However, a THC will always activate hypers for the maximum number of characters you have available + the bars for. So, if you have Wesker/Phoenix/Dormammu, and 2 bars of meter, and you THC, Wesker and Phoenix will use their hypers.Scrub question: How do I do team hyper combos but with just the two characters? Is that even possible? Please don't Bionic Arm me.
Thor is kind of the dead egg in the group. His assist is great for Tron, but he himself gets no support at all. She-Hulk's slide isn't great for him. If Abegen swapped to the Clothesline assist, which has armor, it might be decent, but then he loses Tron comboability.nice Phoenix kill from Abegen:
So lets discuss Abegen here for a second. His team theory and design was basically "I like grapplers, lets make a team."
Is Tron/Thor/She-hulk the best way to do that team design? He isn't even doing optimized Tron combos for the amount of meter he likes to blow on that Thor DHC. And not to mention I don't know what the hell Thor or She-Hulk do when they are in that order, they get almost nothing from each other.
Also, I'll note that while everyone here is vicious about theoryfighter stuff, we're all really friendly when it comes to helping people understand things. Don't be afraid to ask questions. No one here hates on newbies, and some people here talk about the game way more than they play it and aren't actually any good at all. We still love them, too.![]()
Actually, I'm pretty sure it's referring to a move Dante has in DMC3 and DMC4. Think Ryu's Shin Shoryuken.
a.) with at least 2-5 bars of meter, and only 2 characters alive
b.) with only 2 bars of meter, and 2 or all characters are alive
those are conditions, execution-wise, you would still press A1 + A2. i do that all the time to punish assists (even with one character left). much quicker to react with than a qcb+2 buttons
Actually, Rising Dragon is Dante's Shinryuken in DMC3. Real Impact is Dante's Shin Shoryuken, which goes into a Tatsumaki. DAT fanservice.
The game seems to sometimes let you completely negate chip damage if you pushblock at precisely the right time. It's something I've noticed since Vanilla, but the science behind it is a mystery to me. The next time you watch a ChrisG bulletfest, swap your eyes between the opponent's life bar and the screen, and sometimes you'll notice that they take no chip damage from a Soul Fist. There was a player on GFAQs who said he knew how to completely negate Astral Vision chip damage by pushblocking both projectiles at just the right time, but no one was willing to make a video with him.Does Bionic arm not chip or something? I got a perfect on someone after I blocked one.
Then again I pushblocked the move he did right before the Bionic Arm, but I thought I'd still have to take the chip.
I'd love it if you went through all of these for comment, but I think it's best if you keep things realistic. Capcom isn't likely to change anything more than frame data numbers and slight mechanics in a patch. There's zero chance of characters getting new hypers/moves in a patch.I had a ton of changes planned for the Marvel patch. Since it might not come I am thinking of just posting them one by one. For Iron Fist I have these changes:
Chi power ups: Are remade now and buff two folds. You get the same bonuses but on top of them every Chi comes with a counter. If you activated the correct Chi for the right type of move then you will initiate a counter. Green chi counters projectiles, Blue chi counters high/mid moves and Red chi counters low/mid moves. The counter moves and additional buffs will talked about in the separate chis.
Green Chi: Now you also gain the ability to gain meter on whiffed moves. Whiff moves only gain 25% of their normal gained meter when hit (against normal values). Green Chi counters projectiles and when you activate Green chi against a projectile Iron Fist instantly activates Rising Fang with completely projectile invulnerability.
Blue Chi: You now also gain super armor on a few moves like st.M and st.H. All Rekkas have 1 hit of super armor. Blue Chi counters high moves and this will result in a new move where IF super jumps over them instantly and delivers a vertical chop bringing them down for a hard knock down. When initiated as a counter this move is invincible.
Red Chi: Now your normals do minimal block damage and rekkas do more block damage. The counter to mid/low will result in a instant crumple stun.
*New power up hyper mode (Zen): Basically a power up hyper mapped to d, d + 2 attack. IF enters a power uped stat. During this mode all of his chis are activated at once for the duration of the hyper. When activated the hyper also acts as a counter and will counter the move corresponding with the appropriate chi. IF is powered up all yellow (super saiyan style).
*Rising Fang can be activated whenever and is now air ok. Rising Fang when connecting against a wall will allow IF to wall jump once and do another Rising Fang in the opposite direction if he wishes but the 2nd RF cannot be wall jumped.
*IF can now do both wall jump and double jump.
*New Dive kick attack mapped to d+H in the air. Works similar to Akuma's dive kick but with a more horizontal trajectory and better hit box. Does not cause ground bounce but causes stagger when hitting a grounded opponent.
*Chop attack mapped to d+M. IF comes down fast vertically and hard with an aerial chop. Great hit box in front of him and underneath him. Causes hard knockdown and hits OTG but doesn't recover fast enough for a follow up in an OTG situation.
*Cr.L now hits low and visual animation matched for that purposes.
*IF can now link 5 Rekkas in a row.
*Fist of Fury has more invulnerability on start up.
*Shoulder Tackle just like Rising Fang can be used anytime. Pressing S as a follow up to the move causes him to fake out the attack and then dash through the opponent on the other side setting up potential cross ups with assists.
*All versions of IF's air throws drops them directly below him.
*Launcher adjusted so that it has a better horizontal/hitbox allowing IF to convert from anti-air situations.
*All Rekkas that move IF forward can negate projectiles aside from Shoulder Tackle, QCF+H and the Crumple stun.
Doom, the Mexican Dictator!Max's Retro Assist Me! Finale vid gives me hope that MvC is still in capcoms mind.
lmao at the Ono part, great stuff Max!
Does Bionic arm not chip or something? I got a perfect on someone after I blocked one.
Then again I pushblocked the move he did right before the Bionic Arm, but I thought I'd still have to take the chip since Arm is oh so active.
I meant for us to comment on. That could have been more clear.Comment on the IF changes or comment on the rest of the cast? Most of these changes are self explanatory for IF because there is a big reason behind every change. Rising Fang in the air is a must for him, it would allow him to combo at SJ height. Dive kick is essential as it allows him to change trajectory in the air while being a threat from the air, still having a focus on grounded combat. The Shoulder tackle change also corrects two of his problems, getting in and having left/right mix ups (even if it's with assists, the option is there). The Zen mode is another must for him, he needs the safe DHC in option if he has to be played down the order. Cr.L is also obvious, a character like him should have that tool. I kept my standard for the changes based on what they delivered for UMVC3, a few new moves and some character changes but not a huge remake.
Most of the other characters that require changes are the lower tier characters. Most of the top tiers aren't touched much outside of 2-3 necessary nerfs. Dorm in my patch actually has a couple of buffs with a couple of nerfs so he isn't going anywhere.
It works, but not as well. Last time I tried it seemed range-specific and Spark is too slow for some assists on reaction. I can hit stuff that beats beams with EMD on the assist start up, I doubt it works with Spark. Plus, the high hitbox makes it weird.God's Beard theoryfighter question that he better know the answer to:
Okay, so EMD x Magnetic Shockwave -> Stalking Flare is an awesome assist punish.
Does Mighty Spark x Mighty Thunder -> Stalking Flare work as well?
nice Phoenix kill from Abegen:
So lets discuss Abegen here for a second. His team theory and design was basically "I like grapplers, lets make a team."
Is Tron/Thor/She-hulk the best way to do that team design? He isn't even doing optimized Tron combos for the amount of meter he likes to blow on that Thor DHC. And not to mention I don't know what the hell Thor or She-Hulk do when they are in that order, they get almost nothing from each other.
WWWWWWWAAAAAAYYYYYYYY ahead of you....The War Destroyer hyper would be a neat THC for mix-up-based characters. Or, I can imagine it being amazing for Firebrand or something. War Destroyer to get all the missiles out, DHC to Luminous Body, unblockable while they block the missiles.
The War Destroyer hyper would be a neat THC for mix-up-based characters. Or, I can imagine it being amazing for Firebrand or something. War Destroyer to get all the missiles out, DHC to Luminous Body, unblockable while they block the missiles.
I look forward to reading it.WWWWWWWAAAAAAYYYYYYYY ahead of you....
But just so you know in my patches FB is getting a change on his unblockable too.
I'm not opposed to the arc being messed with, but why not just change Tenderizer, an assist that is almost never used aside from this purpose? Give it a little less hitstun or something, and you're good to go.It's nothing much, just the arc adjusted so it hits grounded opponents and goes under airborne opponents. This way you don't have 300% Tenderizer set ups and the unlockable can be escaped via cc. Viper FA would be adjusted even further because it has way more perks.
Firebrand would get buff in support play and his lvl3, which would be adjusted so it's a lvl1. Bon Voyage would be an assist.
If you reduce the time on the level 3 in its level 1 state, then it's completely useless. I look forward to seeing your changes listed explicitly.Tenderizer IS being changed to either the L or M version but it's possible to put people in similar situations with other assists especially if that character is like Nemesis or IF. That's why both unlockables need a look at, can't have 300% set ups.
FB lvl3 would be adjusted accordingly if it were a lvl1. Either it would be a super buffed lvl3 or a toned down lvl1. Either way that needs a buff.
Zero would get nerfd anyway. FB will get a slight increase it normal move damage scale whereas Zero will be getting a decrease in special damage scaling value. Zero would also not have Lightning Buster shenanigans. Also FBs Demon Missiles on point will be getting buffed.