Professor Beef
I just learned that in the new DmC game the main villain (Mundus) is the brother of the legendary dark knight Sparda....[/MG][/QUOTE]
Don't you just love canon?
I just learned that in the new DmC game the main villain (Mundus) is the brother of the legendary dark knight Sparda....[/MG][/QUOTE]
Don't you just love canon?
Drawing women is hard bro. So much easier just to load 'em up with some silicon and call it a day. Drawing people in general is hard, one of my pet peeves. That's why I stick to drawing cars all day long.I think I saw the living room picture before. It's some good art IIRC.
All artists are perverts. I refuse to believe otherwise. Blessings to them.
Give that meaning for me.I just learned that in the new DmC game the main villain (Mundus) is the brother of the legendary dark knight Sparda....
Ouroboros lasts a mere 420 frames.
Dark Harmonizer is 135 frames per call.
So, you build about 1 bar during that time.
You're better off picking Vergil and enjoying the 2/3 bar you get per Spiral Swords, or the 1.5 bars you get per Devil Trigger.
I don't know, they are situational but they don't outright suck.
I made my post begging for more MvC3 content.Capcom looking for fan feedback on MvC:O. You know what to do, minions.
Drawing women is hard bro. So much easier just to load 'em up with some silicon and call it a day. Drawing people in general is hard, one of my pet peeves. That's why I stick to drawing cars all day long.
Mundus was the main villain in DMC1. Originally he was referred to as Lucifer/Satan but Capcom had to change his name. He was the ruler of the demon world and Sparda was his top general. Sparda rebelled against him and defeated him to become the legend that he is today. Aside from both being demons there was no connection between the two, Mundus was just this ultimate evil that traumatized Dante and his family so it was his goal in life to defeat him (as was Vergil's among other motives).Give that meaning for me.
She should have the Optic Blast assist.
Viscant said:Structure just refers to how a match typically goes. If you stick with one team for long periods of time you start to get used to the typical match flow. Like say you play a team like Wesker/Spencer/Doom. Its pretty hard to TOD with this team with one hit from Wesker. Its basically impossible to do it off an air throw or Mustang Kick without x-factor and Doom assist is designed to draw them into the air. Youre probably going to start a lot of matches with your first offensive action being an air throw. So a typical match structure is.
1) Wesker lands a throw, does full combo without using meter.
2) Spencer related reset ends successfully, Wesker completes the kill. Depending on character health some kind of meter expenditure is always necessary; if youre lucky you wont have to burn it all.
If meter is still plentiful:
3a) Next touch will end in a level 3 and a dead character (since shades were off). Probably wont be able to set up a Spencer related incoming because you needed a Spencer related reset to kill so youll have to earn that next touch.
4a) Any touch on the anchor leads to x-factor into relaunch into team super, you win. 4 touch match.
If meter is not plentiful:
Youre probably going to want to x-factor the 2nd character off the next touch so you can go up 3 on 1. Unless the anchor character is threatening (Phoenix, Vergil) then youre going to want to save it and either snap in the problem or just make the 2nd character a 2 touch kill so you can hold onto your x-factor and play for XF3.
Hum. I knew all of that. I thought there was something more that made it more "WTF" than most of DmC. This seems right in line with that game to me. Making everything more XTREEEEEME.Mundus was the main villain in DMC1. Originally he was referred to as Lucifer/Satan but Capcom had to change his name. He was the ruler of the demon world and Sparda was his top general. Sparda rebelled against him and defeated him to become the legend that he is today. Aside from both being demons there was no connection between the two, Mundus was just this ultimate evil that traumatized Dante and his family so it was his goal in life to defeat him (as was Vergil's among other motives).
In DmC, Mundus and Sparda are said to be brothers. That means that Dante and Vergil are going to kill their uncle/family.
In addition, it doesn't sound like Sparda did anything legendary in the DmC canon. Mundus is talking a lot of smack about Sparda and how he beat him/downed him when in the original canon it was the opposite. Also seems like Sparda was actually defeated/killed in battle when in the original canon his death/disappearance is a mystery to retain his legendary status.
Typical match structure.The way Viscant thinks about match structure is interesting. I've seen him make similar comments about it on SRK, but not as detailed or with as many examples. It really highlights how/why certain teams do and do not work. How would you all explain typical match structure for your teams?
How is Molecular Shield a 2-part assist? It's just dp.M.I wish characters in general had better assists than the ones they've been given. Dante should have Acid Rain over Crystal. There should also be more 2 part assists like Doom Rocks, so Vergil should have s.S xx Upper Slash chain as an assist. And I don't want to get started on Hitstun decay for assists.
There was a combo I learned when I was messing with that team. Did about 900k with only one assist, iirc.
It was: cr.MH, TK M, s.H, TK M, s.MH, Seismo L, super jump, adf, j.HS, s.H, Seismo L, super jump, adf, j.HS, s.MHS, j.MMH, double jump, j.MMHS. From there you can do either Jam Session + Seismo x2, Burning Kick, or Varja + Seismo L, TK H, Seismo L.
I'm sure there's a way to fit both assists in there, and get even more damage, but I suck with Viper.
Also going to mess around with the Dante combo when I get the chance, just to see if there's any way to fit more damage in there.
I just learned that in the new DmC game the main villain (Mundus) is the brother of the legendary dark knight Sparda....
Typical match structure.
1) Am I able to get my opponent to block Round Trip once? If so, I win!
Zoning teams don't have the kind of structure Viscant is talking about, because meter gets spent on punishing your opponent's mistakes, not on ending combos to guarantee kills.
He meant that there are two components to the actual move, the part where the rocks are circling around the character as a shield and the part where they fly out as projectiles.How is Molecular Shield a 2-part assist? It's just dp.M.
It's still just one input, though. It's not of the same nature as Acid Rain.He meant that there are two components to the actual move, the part where the rocks are circling around the character as a shield and the part where they fly out as projectiles.
Call Dormammu and have him say...Repulsar Blast + Spread as an assist would be hot.
Mostly style points. I don't think it actually ever won a match for him or anything. It's a reasonable assist for Doom simply because of the self-OTG off of 2D1C, though.You know Fchamp got a lot out mileage out of that Liberation assist this weekend.
Shuma-Gorath can also TAC glitch.
Firebrand/Dormammu/Amaterasu is only a so-so team. Firebrand/Skrull/Sentinel is superior in every way.
It's an odd structure to have Morrigan/Doom/Hawkeye in S tier, and then Morrigan/Doom/--- in A tier.
No perversion. I am as pure as can be without going full Viscant.I made my post begging for more MvC3 content.
Drawing women is hard. I appreciate you not denying the perversion claim, though.
Viper + Strider, Dante + Strider, Magneto + Sentinel, IM + Sentinel, Doom + Ammy, Firebrand + Ammy, Firebrand + IM (gotta give a shout out to my team) in BFFs.
Clean like Combofiend should also include MSS and Infrit's team.
Team Scrubs should be included:
I think a MODOK/Doom/Strider is a top team as is any "BFF" team that has Vergil on anchor. Like for example Magneto/Doom/Vergil is a top team. Nova/Dante/Strider is 100% legit.
I don't think BFFs have a place in this list. It's a different kind of listing. BFF lists vs. team tier lists.Added the BFFs, what would you call the MODOK team?
Pure lies.No perversion. I am as pure as can be without going full Viscant.
How is Molecular Shield a 2-part assist? It's just dp.M.
Yeah, better assists in general are needed. Acid Rain would be absurd.
What Dahbomb said, it didn't have to be 2 inputs for the action to be considered, although that may have come across by mistake since I listed Acid Rain.He meant that there are two components to the actual move, the part where the rocks are circling around the character as a shield and the part where they fly out as projectiles.
Akuma's Dive Kick only has one action though.It's still just one input, though. It's not of the same nature as Acid Rain.
A real 2-part input assist is Akuma's Demon Palm.
Hidden Missiles is technically a 6-part input assist.
That would be so damn sick, hard knockdown after ambiguous setup? Fuck yeah. I'd actually learn Iron Man.Repulsar Blast + Spread as an assist would be hot.
Shuma-Gorath can also TAC glitch.
Firebrand/Dormammu/Amaterasu is only a so-so team. Firebrand/Skrull/Sentinel is superior in every way.
It's an odd structure to have Morrigan/Doom/Hawkeye in S tier, and then Morrigan/Doom/--- in A tier.
-_-What Dahbomb said, it didn't have to be 2 inputs for the action to be considered, although that may have come across by mistake since I listed Acid Rain.
The assist is Demon Flip + Kick, not jump + Dive Kick. Even if it were the dive kick, it would still be two inputs.Akuma's Dive Kick only has one action though.
It's a fantastic Firebrand team, and he wins with Firebrand. It's a mediocre Dormammu team, and you'll notice that his Dormammu doesn't put in a lot of work once Firebrand is dead. Cold Star just isn't a great primary assist for him.If Firebrand/Dorm/Ammy is a so-so team, it just goes to show how well Zak Bennett plays.
Why didn't you ask me like 5 hours ago? -_-Anybody wanna jump on PSN for some matches?
PSN: ADChavelo
I don't know what I would call that, I don't think a team tier list needs names for each tier. I think this is just a really solid team from top to bottom. MODOK gets full screen control with Missiles which allows him to play various match ups and Vajra gives him the hard knockdown into full combo. He can safe DHC into Doom or even TAC into Doom. Doom and Vajra is legit enough and of course Dark Strider in the back.Added the BFFs, what would you call the MODOK team?
traitor! hey god's beard rate my team!Anybody wanna jump on PSN for some matches?
PSN: ADChavelo
I like Jam Session for MODOK more than Hidden Missiles. The reason being that at superjump height you can call Jam Session and catch people, and then drop into j.S for a full combo. Hidden Missiles won't do much for you at superjump height unless you can call the assist on top of your opponent. The value of Vajra still holds, though.I don't know what I would call that, I don't think a team tier list needs names for each tier. I think this is just a really solid team from top to bottom. MODOK gets full screen control with Missiles which allows him to play various match ups and Vajra gives him the hard knockdown into full combo. He can safe DHC into Doom or even TAC into Doom. Doom and Vajra is legit enough and of course Dark Strider in the back.
Anybody wanna jump on PSN for some matches?
PSN: ADChavelo
MODOK/Dante/Vajra... I like that.I like Jam Session for MODOK more than Hidden Missiles. The reason being that at superjump height you can call Jam Session and catch people, and then drop into j.S for a full combo. Hidden Missiles won't do much for you at superjump height unless you can call the assist on top of your opponent. The value of Vajra still holds, though.
I just learned that in the new DmC game the main villain (Mundus) is the brother of the legendary dark knight Sparda....
How?alright i now did 514,600 damage with hawkeye with no meter and not taking poison into consideration. i think this might be the limit.
dude i'm like the worst at explaining stuff. btw this is with my assists. don't know how to produce similar results with other assists obviously.How?
1) List the first input.dude i'm like the worst at explaining stuff. btw this is with my assists. don't know how to produce similar results with other assists obviously.
1) List the first input.
2) Put a comma.
3) List the second input.
4) Put a comma.
5) Etc.
Drawing women is hard bro. So much easier just to load 'em up with some silicon and call it a day. Drawing people in general is hard, one of my pet peeves. That's why I stick to drawing cars all day long.
Okay, I'll shut up now. Plus side is I just finished my last class yesterday. Diploma in 2 weeks. Time to do some concept art and try to land some experience towards a bigger studio.
All I can imagine is you getting handed your diploma, followed by you yelling out "SPIRIT OF THE DRAGON" and performing that hyper IRL.
I hope they have insurance.
Why didn't you ask me like 5 hours ago? -_-
I can play you later this week if you need practice.
Very cool looking.LOL!
I didn't go that far, but if it helps I did do a smoking flamey sort of fist as one of the pieces in my print portfolio several months back that rocked the Iron Fist colors.
Grats! I'd love to see some of your art sometime. If you have an online portfolio, do share it.Okay, I'll shut up now. Plus side is I just finished my last class yesterday. Diploma in 2 weeks. Time to do some concept art and try to land some experience towards a bigger studio.
How about we plan for Friday?I think I have you added on PSN, if not, just find me and send me an invite when you see me online or on GAF (6:00PM to 12:00PM MST). Won't be able to jump on tomorrow due to Hot Wings Tuesday (YES! YES! YES!) or my weekly gatherings on Thursdays, but any other days I should be free.
No number notations, unless you're a nerd.