No no those two are the lag team champions
That's our secret weapon. Have you seen him pull off those MODOK and Dante combos in that lag?
So which of us from PSN are going to try and hold back the XBL Invaders? I played Sasa already, and he's damn good. Still couldn't believe I got the wins that I did.
Animal Pack is up on PSN via search. New costumes for Wolverine, Felicia, Rocket Raccoon, and Ammy.
can't be that good, can't win against laggy cloud/seph.
Will add you, I need training partners. I choke too often in lobbies.psn folks add me
can't be that good, can't win against laggy cloud/seph.
Will add you, I need training partners. I choke too often in lobbies.
Man I keep choking against cloud, it makes me super sad and salty.
Will add you, I need training partners. I choke too often in lobbies.
Man I keep choking against cloud, it makes me super sad and salty.
PSN, I'm down for creating a lobby tonight if anybody's interested
(invaders will be destroyed)
PSN can definitely fend off XBL folks. We have Q/Jetman/Panda/Degen/Beef etc.
i am... legitimately bothered that he put you on that list.THIS XBL PLAYER IS USING THIS WEIRD SPIDER-LIKE CHARACTER AND KILLING US ALL
i am... legitimately honored that you just put me on that list
While Sasa is killing everyone he seems to be dropping a few things. Maybe he's going through the same thing Biz did when he played in that HBR.
It's just me being me, quarter circles are srs business for me online![]()
PSN can definitely fend off XBL folks. We have Q/Jetman/Panda/Degen/Beef etc.
ggs Killasasa, your Spiderman and your team is legit. And get in that HBR.
I'd love for this not to be the end of UMvC3 and not just the costumes, but a few new characters. Stages don't matter and the new costumes are great but it's all the same characters. Any DLC besides that? Terrence
Seth Killian: Hey, unfortunately there are still no plans for UMVC3 DLC beyond the costumes.
Is Magneto going to be getting a replacement alt. for UMvC3, or is he going without a costume? LordProsper
Seth Killian: At this time there hasn't been a chance to replace the removed costume with another yet. May be revisited in the future, but for now, he goes without.
I blame myself. I know I make it look easyI apologize for my fraudulent Hawkeye play - literally warmed up 5 mins before joining the lobby.
got happy birthday'd 3 times in 5 matches thanks to mistiming shield skills by 0.1 ms
And Beef, I can't beat you for some reason. Just feels really awkward and I magically stop blocking when we play.
I blame myself. I know I make it look easy
I apologize for my fraudulent Hawkeye play - literally warmed up 5 mins before joining the lobby.
got happy birthday'd 3 times in 5 matches thanks to mistiming shield skills by 0.1 ms
And Beef, I can't beat you for some reason. Just feels really awkward and I magically stop blocking when we play.
So much for the dlc idea, and lol at no magneto alt.
Capcom really doesnt care about Marvel.
I'm so bad at this game.