A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
That's not recent. That's before SCR. It's Ancient. That's why Rayray made that statement.
I'll never trust srk again.
(I keep on saying this though I keep on going to their stupid site)
That's not recent. That's before SCR. It's Ancient. That's why Rayray made that statement.
I heard the mayor of Earth bodied folks like crazy at a tourney the other night. Anyone got links to the footage?
so does anyone else think that hawkeye is the stupidest looking character in this game? his outfit is a giant H.
so does anyone else think that hawkeye is the stupidest looking character in this game? his outfit is a giant H.
Stupid as hell. He looks like he came straight out of The Wizard of Oz.so does anyone else think that hawkeye is the stupidest looking character in this game? his outfit is a giant H.
Trying to be MvC2 will be the death of any game. Also, Mike would probably rage at the idea that Skullgirls is like BB.I wouldn't push it either, because I don't agree. But I do fully agree that we would never see something in the vein of MvC2 again, simply because it wouldn't run with casuals. SG takes a lot of cues from MvC2, DHCs, Assists, Crossover counters (Alpha counters), but that's not enough to me to say it resembles MvC2 more than MvC3. In fact I would say it resembles BB or GG more than Marvel if anything, this isn't a bad thing of course. Although there's still alot of time before we see, since most of us haven't gotten our hands on it, but based on videos, that's my assessment.
Just to clarify, I'm not even hating on SG, I'm very much looking forward to it. There's still some things SG would need to be able to take the moniker of "successor" to Marvel 2, and it's not just because of the namesake. SG is looking great, from system direction to music to the aesthetics, but it's missing something from the formula.
fixed.Stupidest-looking goes to Iron Fist.
hey you take herpes shuma and like it!I'll take a ballerina over a stupid generic tentacle monster that nobody cares about or asked for.
I heard the mayor of Earth bodied folks like crazy at a tourney the other night. Anyone got links to the footage?
8 days until I can go back to my animu avatars? yay
I'll play.Alright who is going to play?
I'm gonna play the crap out of this game and KOF on Wednesday with some luck.Wish i could
Wow so I went into that lobby, and whoever was already there is RIDICULOUSLY good. I got touch of deathed off of the very first hit in the round, lost my character and could do nothing. If that's who hangs out in the gaf lobbies I'm just gonna skip that, I thought it would be more casual players not omgwtf kill your character on the first hit of the match types.
It was frantic, he aint half bad tho most of the times he is a fraud.Wow so I went into that lobby, and whoever was already there is RIDICULOUSLY good. I got touch of deathed off of the very first hit in the round, lost my character and could do nothing. If that's who hangs out in the gaf lobbies I'm just gonna skip that, I thought it would be more casual players not omgwtf kill your character on the first hit of the match types.
First posting here:
How did Dante get 2 groundbounce in that one combo @ 7:25:
Frantic did that to you?Wow so I went into that lobby, and whoever was already there is RIDICULOUSLY good. I got touch of deathed off of the very first hit in the round, lost my character and could do nothing. If that's who hangs out in the gaf lobbies I'm just gonna skip that, I thought it would be more casual players not omgwtf kill your character on the first hit of the match types.
Sky Dance resets the ground bounce limit. If you can combo after the final hit, you'll be given another ground bounce in your combo.First posting here:
How did Dante get 2 groundbounce in that one combo @ 7:25:
Awesome matches, Killa.
Raw level 3, baiting the level 3, too many stories lol. I want m0000ar.
Voting for Hawkeye, Iron Fist or Shuma as stupidest looking?
It's intentional. There are some other moves that reset the ground bounce(Nova's Centurion Rush M does the same, and Deadpool's Katana-Rama assist does too). Not sure why they're like that, though.So is that a bug or intentional? lol
Hsien-Ko looks kind fugly in 3D too. Maybe it is just the terrible colors...Voting for Hawkeye, Iron Fist or Shuma as stupidest looking?
You now know how I feel about Shuma since I never forgot about Modok.
Taskmaster combo video: Weapon Expert.
I'm not the biggest Tasky fan, but:
-The Alt Costume is dope
-Those combos are dope.
GG's, those were awesome matches. Those full screen hit confirms with Zero made me tear up T_T You're a hunter with those Nova throws too, always hurts so much.
And yeah, that bait was funHad a Combofiend OOOOOOOOOO moment there, hahaha.
PS I </3 Zero. Did better against him than I thought I would, but then your Nova and Wesker caused new problems for me. Those characters are supposed to be easy to read, but you weren't having that D:
Taskmaster combo video: Weapon Expert.
I'm not the biggest Tasky fan, but:
-The Alt Costume is dope
-Those combos are dope.
What if Capcom made him dark and edgy? They could give him dreadlocks and make all his tentacles Bionic.
I heard the mayor of Earth bodied folks like crazy at a tourney the other night. Anyone got links to the footage?
Video of the Pipage. http://youtu.be/eT1NHtBG9Ik
Yeah, that was me. Honestly, Kadey's lobby tends to have a mixture of good players and more casual play. I tend to go all out in the lobby, though, so sorry about that.Wow so I went into that lobby, and whoever was already there is RIDICULOUSLY good. I got touch of deathed off of the very first hit in the round, lost my character and could do nothing. If that's who hangs out in the gaf lobbies I'm just gonna skip that, I thought it would be more casual players not omgwtf kill your character on the first hit of the match types.
It takes a fraud to know a fraud.It was frantic, he aint half bad tho most of the times he is a fraud.
Honestly, I crumble under really good corner pressure. It's why I hate drones, because if I get stuck in the corner when they're out, my defense breaks fast.He is good, but it's not an in impossible fight. Just up your defense and kill Strider or Dante before they get going.
Spider-Man's airthrow range is one of the best. I once had a Spider-Man throw Deadpool out of his overhead when he was above and behind me. It's pretty crazy.Bizazedo said:But the fact that Spiderman was throwing me like NOVA in the air was something I was not mentally prepared for lol.
"Haggar's bodied whole empires. So what chance did you have?"
i'm still sad i haven't been able to do 800k damage without hyper with haggar."Yo Chuck! USE PIPE!"
At this point I lost it and laughed till I couldn't breath. Holy crap that was awesome. All of Empire Arcadia bodied by the Mayor. Kick into Pipe cancel into another Kick FOREVER. No scale no worries. Pure damage over and over from Haggar is so painful that it may as well be infinite just like they said. God that was beautiful. Magneto had to work forever to kill him. Haggar had to simply land a hit.
Also I'm noticing something out of Chris G. He seems determined to showcase as much of the cast as he can in hopes of the meta growing. He low tier heroes (unsung heroes?) a lot now with cast. Before he was just that awesome guy who played and also happened to play Ryu, but now its Morrigan, Hsien Ko, Chun Li, Ryu, Firebrand, Ghost Rider was tried a few times, Tron, and just anyone he feels like messing around with if he has matches to burn in a tourney. I really dig that.