i imagine you could save a meter to kill vergil. i don't really practice optimized combos with him, i still do his vanilla bnb
cr.LM st.H -> Mighty Swing -> j.MH -> Mighty Swing -> j.MHS -> Shield Skills xx (x-factor), st.MH -> Shield Skills -> s.S -> j.MHS -> Legion Arrow
That actually does help, because it looks like an easy place to put in an X-Factor, and I notice a couple more hits squeezed in there.
That's extremely similar to the normal combo I do. However, usually I start with cr.M because the hitbox on that thing is ENORMOUS, and take out the stuff sandwiched between the two Shield Skills and only do one of them. I guess if I did the one you suggested, it'd be a lot more likely to kill Vergil, I need to see how much damage it does.
Man, going back to Marvel after playing Street Fighter is going to be so weird. I remember when I first started playing Street Fighter, (after playing Marvel for a while,) and I was like, how am I supposed to get around, I can't move!
You need to learn some Taskmaster combos, because he can chain hypers as long as he wants. You shouldn't need to burn X-Factor to kill Vergil.
But it's haaaaaaaard. Seriously, I've tried it and the frame seems tight.