Dormammu buffs too please! :-O
Buff everyone.
...wah?Please nerf Vergil and give Dorm more buffs. Same for Magneto. Also: Give Strange flight mode. And nerf Zero/Viper. Also increase Hulk's damage and give Thor Magneto's vanilla airdash.
Capcom, plz leave Dante alone if you release a patch. He's fine the way he is. Thank you.
If you decide to change anything, please be buffs.
I thought you didn't want Dante to get nerfed?Also nerf the fuck out of Mr. 70% of the screen normals please.
I thought you didn't want Dante to get nerfed?
The only thing I'd really want nerfed about Dante is him being able to bold cancel on whiff.
His f.H feels just as long as Vergil's, and it's relatively safe on whiff! Nerf Dante!Dante is more like 30-40%.
With magic hitboxes on the reverse end of his sword.
>.> <.<
His f.H feels just as long as Vergil's, and it's relatively safe on whiff! Nerf Dante!
I don't think it's unfair to ask for Dante changes. His damage nerf is whatever. The real thing that upsets me is the knockback on his normals. If they reversed those back to Vanilla, damage nerfs stay, I think Dante would be back in business.I feel like asking for buffs as a Dante player is like asking for Ribs and Mashed Potatoes in front of starving children. It's only a matter of time before Smurf comes in here and explodes.
I can has Vanilla hitstun back pls? Minus Acid Rain because that was legitimately dumb. :lol
Also nerf the fuck out of Mr. 70% of the screen normals please.
I think new games coming out don't utilize systems from previous games nearly enough. And I don't just mean fighting games. We haven't seen a legit sequel to Secret of Mana since Legend of Mana. Essentially that type of game is dead, but there's always a clamoring for a remake of SoM or a version with online capabilities. Why hasn't any developer taken the formula and refined it further?I'm thinking that should I ever decide to make a fighter, I'm going to look at Vampire Saviour for a few ideas. Two of which I was playing with in an old concept of mine were "Dark Forces" that changed how specials (and certain special based assists) worked in real time.
This sounds like Unlimited Versions of characters in BB or Ragna's Blood Kain state, though they are completely broken in BB, it would be interesting if the concept was modified and refined for competitive play.Ex: The player triggers it with point character a la X-Factor for some meter and their specials would get different variations or extra effects based on the "theme" of the character. For example, let's say generic fire dude does it, his fire might get stronger or he might get moves that knockdown harder or explode for wall bounces where before they were lesser things to deal with. Similarly, should the moves you chose for assists on your second and anchor have a "modifier" attribute, aspects of how their assists work would also change to the primary theme going on in the point character's Dark Force.
That sounds interesting, though I'm not really a fan of clashing myself unless its like Soul Calibur or Budokai. TBH I miss unique team setups like from XvSF where doing a team super with Ryu + Ken = Double Shinkuu when Ken doesn't have access to that normally. The type of system you mention at the end sounds not unlike Valkyrie Profile or Tales of or even Super Robot Taisen OG.The other idea I was thinking about was a Dark Force clash mechanic where another player could either dispel, equalize, or overpower the other's presence activation with their own. This is all on top of a few ideas I had regarding emphasizing team combinations by making specific THC that were actual Team setups like one person doing something that aids another's final strike. Think like some teamwork in anime or the like.![]()
It's very time consuming, that's for sure.I should really get around to building my game concepts some more.
I just don't think anyone should be immune to getting punished on a whiffed normal.Are you trying to make me work harder in this game?![]()
If anyone is a fan of Cthulhu, or is a comrade of mine, assist me!
You are either with me, or against me. All hail Cthulhu!We should tally up the good choices nd RT them to him.
As for your secondary comment I see where you're coming from.
I'd be fine with that, I suppose, though I'd prefer if they just removed his ability to block on the prejump frames. I like being able to maintain offense even if I whiff a normal after a pushblock. :xThe only thing I'd really want nerfed about Dante is him being able to bold cancel on whiff.
Eh, I don't mind the knockback on his grounded normals that much. It's the pushback on his air normals that bothers me, but not something that I consider to be a huge game changer, just an inconvenience at best.I don't think it's unfair to ask for Dante changes. His damage nerf is whatever. The real thing that upsets me is the knockback on his normals. If they reversed those back to Vanilla, damage nerfs stay, I think Dante would be back in business.
Well, he normally can't execute specials for the first 16 frames after bold canceling a whiff. So, I'd be okay with that, too. It just pisses me off that Dante is basically immune to Chaotic Flame.I'd be fine with that, I suppose, though I'd prefer if they just removed his ability to block on the prejump frames. I like being able to maintain offense even if I whiff a normal after a pushblock. :x
Eh, I don't mind the knockback on his grounded normals that much. It's the pushback on his air normals that bothers me, but not something that I consider to be a huge game changer, just an inconvenience at best.
Now if Dante got his vanilla s.L back, that'd be pretty big for him.
If anyone is a fan of Cthulhu, or is a comrade of mine, assist me!
I just don't think anyone should be immune to getting punished on a whiffed normal.
Anyone for a throwback?
I'll believe it when I see it.
nerf all characters except my characters. nerf hsien ko and phoenix wright the most!
AE was intentional and they did a lot right with AE 2012, which is what this should be.does anybody else not want Capcom to get even close to this game? SF4: AE was a complete fucking mess after a pretty good update with ssf4. I have absolutely zero faith in Capcom not completely fucking this up.
Berieve it.I'll believe it when I see it.
So what does Seth have foreknowledge of a UMvC3 v2013 or something? The same nerfs FChamp was talking about to Zero, Doom, etc.?
Still don't believe any of it.
AE was intentional and they did a lot right with AE 2012, which is what this should be.
I'm not even playing at this point so I wouldn't mind an update if it meant a roster expansion, a UI change and the addition of some more stages. I'd feel bad for the folks who play the game if Capcom fudges it up, but something is better than nothing in my case. Mahvel was all I had for the longest time. Now all I have left are two "dead" games and Accent Core+...does anybody else not want Capcom to get even close to this game? SF4: AE was a complete fucking mess after a pretty good update with ssf4. I have absolutely zero faith in Capcom not completely fucking this up.
Phoenix isn't going to get over powered however I don't discount the possibility that some other top tier becomes OP. I am looking at Viper right now because if Zero nerfs are coming she is going to be the best character in the game. Or they could nerf them both and buff Vergil by letting him cancel whiffed normals.
Also I doubt this would be an expansion, a balance patch at most. What I want them to do is at least put the full intro in the game...
If nobody wants to play I'll just keep working on my Firebrand TAC infinite.
I would buy a new disc Marvel if it has the content. Marginal patch changes especially just balance changes are better off as a patch.If they do a balance patch, I hope it's mostly minor stuff so that they don't have the possibility of fucking it up.
A lot of people crucified Capcom for releasing disc-based expansions, complaining about having to purchase another disc when they already bought the game. What do you guys think? I honestly don't mind buying another disc, because that makes things extremely convenient. Like with SSFIV: AE, all anyone has to do, including tournament organizers, is download the 2012 patch, and they're completely up to date. (Marvel's even easier.) And all characters are available from the get-go. This is also helpful for my local Battle League.
Much better alternative to buying DLC.
@God's Beard: I think that was the most lag I've ever experienced in this game online lol. :x
does anybody else not want Capcom to get even close to this game? SF4: AE was a complete fucking mess after a pretty good update with ssf4. I have absolutely zero faith in Capcom not completely fucking this up.
I don't play SFIV, but every single person I talk to says AE was a big fix from SSFIV.does anybody else not want Capcom to get even close to this game? SF4: AE was a complete fucking mess after a pretty good update with ssf4. I have absolutely zero faith in Capcom not completely fucking this up.
Yeah, but I want to PLAY the game.Can't play at work man =(, Karst said his Marvel day would be Fridays though.
Getting online now. Looking for an opponent that wants 50+ matches so I can play with team combinations.
What do you plan to do with it?I got an hour and a half ^_^
The screen froze for 3 seconds at a time through various points in our matches. How is that fun? -_-That's fucked up, I was having fun :-(
I stuck with my Phoenix team on point because I thought we were gonna duel it out...