Professor Beef
Other tier whores? Implying that ChrisG is a tier whore?
Of course! Morrigan and Doom were being used by EVERYONE before he started using them as a troll team at Big Two, didn't you know?
Other tier whores? Implying that ChrisG is a tier whore?
oh fixed. i don't think chris g has ever been a tier whore.Other tier whores? Implying that ChrisG is a tier whore?
Ah, all is well then. Indeed, ChrisG is one of the few players out there who is constantly experimenting with underused characters to see what they can do.oh fixed. i don't think chris g has ever been a tier whore.
Aspiring tier whores have posters of NerdJosh at the character select screen picking various top tier teams throughout Marvel's life.Now NerdJosh...THERE'S a tier whore.
Oh man, does that mean you're on my team when it comes to the camera expanding now? :-Oi don't know what's more annoying about fighting morrigan. the fact that she is so safe on everything she does or the camera in the game. you can't accurately dodge bullet hell because the camera stays up there with her and you are left just guessing in which spot to stand. taskmaster can use spidy swing to avoid some of her projectiles in the air but hawkeye and haggar are out of luck.
i've been on the camera hating bandwagon for a long time now. i originally starting hating it when i would get crossed up foot dives by wolverine in vanilla.Oh man, does that mean you're on my team when it comes to the camera expanding now? :-O
Morrigan is safe, but she takes a hell of a lot of work to be that safe. It's not like Dante where you just push two buttons together and everything is magically safe.
Fantastic. First let's get Cthulhu in for Darkstalkers 4, and then we can begin on that campaign.i've been on the camera hating bandwagon for a long time now. i originally starting hating it when i would get crossed up foot dives by wolverine in vanilla.
Oh man, does that mean you're on my team when it comes to the camera expanding now? :-O
Morrigan is safe, but she takes a hell of a lot of work to be that safe. It's not like Dante where you just push two buttons together and everything is magically safe.
You mean Air Play over and over again? Because that's what most Dante players do, and it's safe as hell. Dante is vulnerable for 16 frames after bold canceling a total whiff, but really you'd just cancel it into Reverb Shock instead of bold canceling unless you have a hyper coming your way. Then you have things like Devil Trigger to cover you if you're extremely stupid. Basically, Dante has 3 whole tiers of "safety" he can fall behind when he does something stupid. Most characters don't even get 1.You know, Dante players use specials too. God forbid we pick the wrong ones to put out against a lot of the cast. Also, that magic "BAIL OUT" button only works if the other person isn't aware of the idea that until we hit the top of our jump arc, we're open game.![]()
What do you mean everyone calls assists on tech roll? That's super unsafe.Also, I do believe I've been on team change the camera since I first got hit with a cross up Sentsuizan. On that same note, I never realized it before someone mentioned it in the thread right now, but now my mind is blown. EVERYONE calls assists on tech roll. I seriously can't believe I never noticed how busted that is.
You mean Air Play over and over again? Because that's what most Dante players do, and it's safe as hell. Dante is vulnerable for 16 frames after bold canceling a total whiff, but really you'd just cancel it into Reverb Shock instead of bold canceling unless you have a hyper coming your way. Then you have things like Devil Trigger to cover you if you're extremely stupid. Basically, Dante has 3 whole tiers of "safety" he can fall behind when he does something stupid. Most characters don't even get 1.
Dante takes a lot of skill to play, but let's not pretend that it's hard to make him safe.
What do you mean everyone calls assists on tech roll? That's super unsafe.
I've been trying to do that since vanilla, and I've never gotten it to work for me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. D:Speaking of Dante and combo videos, Darksim and RayRay present Ultimate Dante.
I'm just flabbergasted right now.
See? Nerf Dante. Now that he can build 2.2 bars per combo, it won't be long until we see the 3 bars per combo reappear...Speaking of Dante and combo videos, Darksim and RayRay present Ultimate Dante.
I'm just flabbergasted right now.
I've been trying to do that since vanilla, and I've never gotten it to work for me. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. D:
See? Nerf Dante. Now that he can build 2.2 bars per combo, it won't be long until we see the 3 bars per combo reappear...
I'm joking.
Speaking of Dante and combo videos, Darksim and RayRay present Ultimate Dante.
I'm just flabbergasted right now.
MvC3 is WWE and Morrigan/Doom is when John Cena showed up. Hype killer.i like seeing chris g beating tier whores with his team but i can't stand morrigan.
I'm late, but I agree 1000%We already know what changes I want. Rising Dragon and Wall of K'un Lun without the pre-requisite of Rekkas.
How could he not work with two of the best assists in the game?Trying to get this thing down makes me wonder, you can't super jump cancel Volcano like you can Seismo?
Edit because thread is slow: Does Spencer work with Dante/Strider at all?
Speaking of Dante and combo videos, Darksim and RayRay present Ultimate Dante.
I'm just flabbergasted right now.
How could he not work with two of the best assists in the game?
Sorry about the lag, AJ, I'm not sure what was going on there. Wish we could get a chance to play for real.
Give a list of characters you like, and we'll tell you who to use.Haven't touched this game since the summer and I think the reason I can't get into it is because of my characters and their combos. So I'm thinking about trying out new characters. Can you guys recommend characters that are easier to use for beginners? I would like to use characters with easier combos, or combos that aren't so long and are less likely to have characters falling out. I'm thinking about trying Sent, I liking watch good Sentinels like Infrit play.
Give a list of characters you like, and we'll tell you who to use.
This is the character.
He's the Hulk but older so I assume stronger and maybe an extra point of armor on Gamma Charge.
Note the helmets along his loin cloth belt. I'm assuming he just stole all of those powers. One of them is everyone's favorite (and especially Karticles') Nova!
Yeah, I don't even know what was up since I haven't encountered lag like that ever playing the few GAF & SRK heads I have, and my internet as ass tier as Sixfortyfive can attest to.
Sucks though, I really wanted to play you.
Good, so Sentinel, Nova, and an easy character with an air dash...Skrull comes to mind. Trish is probably the next easiest airdash character.I like characters with mobility options, so in this game it would have to be air dashes. Right now the characters that come to mind are Sentinel and Nova.
Trying to get this thing down makes me wonder, you can't super jump cancel Volcano like you can Seismo?
Edit because thread is slow: Does Spencer work with Dante/Strider at all?
Good, so Sentinel, Nova, and an easy character with an air dash...Skrull comes to mind. Trish is probably the next easiest airdash character.
Nova now best character in the game.
GGs Zissou. The connection is really bad, and for some reason we keep getting that sync up error I've been seeing a lot of lately. I think it's best if we call it quits. Thanks for trying it out with me, though.
Where in Asia are you, again?Thanks for the giving the connection a shot, Karst. It was sort of playable sometimes, but got really bad sporadically. I was pretty helpless against your Dorm- had no idea what to do against infinite meter. The lag didn't help, of course.
I wonder if any GAF folks are in my geographic vicinity. I've got to imagine at least a few marvel players are somewhere in asia. Anybody?
Where in Asia are you, again?
One of the reasons you felt so helpless against the infinite meter is having Doom on your team. Strider and Dante deal with it pretty well. That's why I had to run around trying to build meter to slowly chip Dante down with Chaotic Flames that one match, haha.
Why not record online stuff? I heard Japan has amazing infrastructure. Or...where do people like Kusoru go to play?I'm in Japan. I know doom doesn't do well against dorm, but I can't really blame team construction for my losses- I was just being solidly outplayed all around. I got kind of mentally guard-broken and started doing a fair amount of stupid stuff too as the matches went on, lol.
I think more than anything, the laws of physics dictated an across-the-globe connection will never really be suitable for a game like marvel. The unfortunate thing about not being able to play sets with GAFers is that I can't get advice on my play. My best bet would probably be finding a way to record my matches so people could critique my stuff.
Why not record online stuff? I heard Japan has amazing infrastructure. Or...where do people like Kusoru go to play?
I think we'll eventually have good global connections and netcode. This is the first real online game generation. 2D fighters can have great connections online. Capcom is just cheap.
In 20 years we'll get a re-release of MvC3 with better netcode, and fools like us will buy it for the nostalgia value.
Honestly, I don't think I can enjoy fighting games that aren't Marvel. I love the team building mechanics, and I goddamn love tridashing. It's just so fun to swoop in for the kill. I will keep my eye out for Darkstalkers 4, though I'm skeptical of its quality since Ono is behind the game.I should record some online matches- though I don't have a capture card so I'd have to take off screen video with my digital camera, but it'd probably still be acceptable quality.
I know capcom's netcode is pretty crap in the grand scheme of fighting games. It's unfortunate that I can't get in to any arcsys games- with how much everybody talks up the online play, I'm sure it'd be a much smoother experience. I just get get interested in them at all. If marvel wasn't around, I'd probably play KOF, but the netcode is supposedly pretty spotty there too.
Yes, because airdash jH and air play isn't 75% percent of Jedah's game plan.And they changed his moveset...
Mine's a poster of Alioune :3Aspiring tier whores have posters of NerdJosh at the character select screen picking various top tier teams throughout Marvel's life.
Best fighting game camera ever.i've been on the camera hating bandwagon for a long time now
Fantastic. First let's get Cthulhu in for Darkstalkers 4
I will keep my eye out for Darkstalkers 4, though I'm skeptical of its quality since Ono is behind the game.