What makes Viper so good? Is it her movement or ability to go for high/low mix-ups? Can't one just chicken block until she does something unsafe or push-block to get her off of you?
*Ability to make just about any of her actions safe or relatively safe (her safety level is on par with Dante and Zero). Only her hypers and some EX moves are truly unsafe.
*Can confirm into full combo from both air throws and ground throws.
*Seismo pressure covers large portion of the screen, chaining them makes moving on the ground very hard for a lot of characters. Optic Blast shuts down assist calls and has high durability.
*Up/down dash allows her to do near unreactable high low mix ups.
*Her Burn kick hits over head, crosses up and causes soft knockdown. Another great tool at her disposal.
*Triple jump and Burn Kick feints in the air allows her to stall for time or convert SJ confirms into full damage combo.
*Her Focus Attack has infinite hyper armor, can absorb anything in the game. Can be dash cancelled -> EX move for safety. FA allows her to do TRUE unblockable set ups, an attribute that only a couple of other characters are capable of doing. FA nullifies various mix ups in the game and allows her to counter easily.
*EX Seismo is one of the most powerful tools in the game. Huge hit box in front of her, huge amount of invincibility, converts into FULL BnB and is completely safe. It's completely overpowered. Her other invincible hypers/EX moves usually have some problems with them like safety but not EX Seismo. Jump cancelling makes it not only safe but + on block. No flash before the move makes it impossible to react to.
*High special and normal move scaling values meaning she hits like a truck in almost all situations.
*Thunder Knuckle has projectile nullifying capability and can be cancelled/feinted allowing her to punish otherwise unpunishable projectiles or moves. While it requires execution and impeccable reads to use it, it's a very powerful tool in her arsenal. TK also allows her nullify advance guards.
*One of the most fearsome corner pressure game in Marvel.
It's easier to ask for what her weaknesses are.