My main Xbox is back after leaving it at a friend's for about a month. Available for games again, but I'll be rusty as hell.
I think he throws out the FotF right before doing the hyper, so the fireball just barely connects in time to let him link a second one. You definitely can't link SoVs together normally.Wow didn't even know you can link SoVs like that. The more you know...
Self-mumble: why couldn't they make this Morrigan's alternate outfit?
Just...add it to the to-do list for MvC4, and we'll be good, mkay? I suppose I can count on Ono to do something like that for Darkstalkers 4, at least. He puts out so many costumes...[/QUOTE]
Same reason why Lilith wasn't the mirror in Astral Vision, Shadow Blade and Darkness Illusion I guess. Whatever that reason may be. Hell, I still want Marilyn Monroe Felicia. I need some classy alts so I can put together a "Team Dapper". :lol
Naw, use her classic outfit please. Thank you for asking - I'm excited to see it. What's the paid commission of?Want me to use that outfit for your emblem? I just got a composition approved for a paid commission, so after I finish the final for that you're up.
I'm all about Showgirl Felicia. I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to hope for Ono to give me a good set of outfits for Morrigan. I'm terrified to think of the overly muscular body he might give her.Same reason why Lilith wasn't the mirror in Astral Vision, Shadow Blade and Darkness Illusion I guess. Whatever that reason may be. Hell, I still want Marilyn Monroe Felicia. I need some classy alts so I can put together a "Team Dapper". :lol
Naw, use her classic outfit please. Thank you for asking - I'm excited to see it. What's the paid commission of?
Combo Masters, it's your time to shine:
Find a way to land Soul Drain by DHCing from Dormammu to Morrigan. >_>I thought about a 3 raw tag combo, but I think I'll stick with 2 and some fancy links.
My main Xbox is back after leaving it at a friend's for about a month. Available for games again, but I'll be rusty as hell.
Find a way to land Soul Drain by DHCing from Dormammu to Morrigan. >_>
Try it and find out how much it doesn't work.Slightly out of the corner Dark Matter xx Stalking Flare DHC Astral Vision, super jump forward Soul Drain?
Raw tag off of Meteor Shower would be too slow (Frank West can just barely take a picture after recovering from the tag).Can you raw tag off of Meteor shower and do it? What if you use purification assist?
Except for landing Soul Drain off of a Dormammu -> Morrigan DHC. -_-That's something I love about this game- almost anything is possible, you just have to figure out how to do it.
That's a horrible team!What about a Dormammu/Storm/Morrigan DHC ^_^
That's a horrible team!
LOLOH you want cool combos AND a good team? Some people just can't be pleased.
She's all about the Ice Storm. Elemental Rage is also way nicer than people give it credit for, but you need a character with an install hyper to DHC into. It basically lets you punish anything on the ground at any time and get a character kill from it. I would love to see a Storm player use her like that on point.Storm is kind of like magneto, but can't protect assists nearly as well, can't build meter as well, can't zone as well, can't convert off of throws as well, and can't usually kill you when she hits you. Hail storm is nice though.
Pewpew lightning from the sky! She should just have Dante's charged Air Play as her normal Lightning Sphere, and it should be usable on the ground. Typhoon should recover super fast and cause a ceiling bounce. Whirlwind should come out faster and she should get the H version as her assist. Damn she sounds scary!Storms specials definitely need a buff. I had some good ideas for her. Stuff like chargeable Lightning Sphere like Air Guitar and Typhoon can be used fast or charged (current Typhoon would be charged version with full vertical coverage and more lockdown/chip). Charged version of Typhoon L will be available as an assist, it will work like a pseudo Jam Session.
This brings me back to an old thought I had. What characters' fighting game archetypes would you change to better fit their character?
Magneto I would get rid of EMD and Magnetic Blast, buff the hell out of Hyper Grav and Attraction/Repulsion to make him a more mid screen annoying character.
Storm and Thor I'd give EMD, Storm would get charge moves like Dormammu that affect Weather and Thor would get Round Trip.
She should be able to raw tag into anyone for a full combo. *gasp*!Storm's throws should encase them in ice so she has all the time in the world to do an air combo.
Joe needs more emphasis on controlling time.
And Dante.
She should be able to raw tag into anyone for a full combo. *gasp*!
I'm confident that this board would do an amazing job of balancing UMvC3X.
Not Koryu, just spiffing some characters up a bit. Everyone should be interesting to play. No one should have to be Captain America or Hawkeye.I enjoy Marvel enough that I'd do folks amazing justice. At the same time, who wouldn't want to unleash Koryu Marvel on people and let them fight it out?
Joe with real time control would be fucking sweet. Maybe it's just the large amount of Bayonetta I've been playing/watching on the side speaking there, but I'd be down for it. Storm should get Lightning that can be jump canceled. Bolts that can be spammed Seismo style from the heavens? Yes please. :lol
Good DHC synergy. If you cancel Inferno before the last hit, it leads to a hard knockdown. Theoretically (as in, I've never tried this) you can do Inferno -> Luminous Body, and then OTG with Firebrand into a full combo which leads to endless unblockables (sick!). Dark Fire DHCs well into Inferno, of there any synergy for firebrand/skrull besides tenderizer giving unblockable setups?
Not Koryu, just spiffing some characters up a bit. Everyone should be interesting to play. No one should have to be Captain America or Hawkeye.
I love the idea of Seismo Bolts. ZAP ZAP ZAP ZAP!
You can call assists in a SJ after blocking/pushblocking in the air. Knew about the hit of course, but I didn't think that blocking would make sense.
That's dumb.
Since you're here, Sasa, can you help me with connecting jMS after a super jump dive kick M with X-23?
Whatever it takes for her to play like this,this,this,or maybe this.This brings me back to an old thought I had. What characters' fighting game archetypes would you change to better fit their character?
Magneto I would get rid of EMD and Magnetic Blast, buff the hell out of Hyper Grav and Attraction/Repulsion to make him a more mid screen annoying character.
Storm and Thor I'd give EMD, Storm would get charge moves like Dormammu that affect Weather and Thor would get Round Trip.
Good DHC synergy. If you cancel Inferno before the last hit, it leads to a hard knockdown. Theoretically (as in, I've never tried this) you can do Inferno -> Luminous Body, and then OTG with Firebrand into a full combo which leads to endless unblockables (sick!). Dark Fire DHCs well into Inferno, of course.
All of Firebrand's assists are total butt, as you know. You can probably get a little more damage by calling an assist before Meteor Smash into Inferno, or calling an assist before doing jump, air dash, j.S (Charge) for the cross-up.
RR is so good.holy crap go to 21:00 and watch the Rocket/Ammy/Strider player and his freaking ridiculous mixups:
Will do!Trying to come up with some combos with Chris/Dante/Strider for that combo video challenge. Would like MvC3GAF to critique when I get it down.
Wat?You can call assists in a SJ after blocking/pushblocking in the air. Knew about the hit of course, but I didn't think that blocking would make sense.
That's dumb.