Top 10 for UMvC3:
1. Dormammu (2891 matches)
2. Morrigan (2713 matches)
3. Firebrand (1272 matches)
4. Vergil (536 matches)
5. Dr. Strange (475 matches)
6. Super-Skrull (353 matches)
7. Dr. Doom (326 matches)
8. Hsien-ko (254 matches)
9. Akuma (198 matches)
10. Sentinel (153 matches)
Do I win anything for having Hsien-ko in my Top 10 used?
Bottom 10:
41. Viewtiful Joe - 2
41. Crimson Viper - 2
41. Phoenix Wright - 2
41. Thor - 2 (funny since I played him a good amount in Vanilla)
41. X-23 - 2 (dunno)
41. Iron Fist - 2 (random select fights with Slasher I think)
47. Zero - 1 (ran out of time before picking Strider once)
47. MODOK - 1 (tried him with Morrigan/Dormammu and hated it)
49. Chris - 0
49. Captain America - 0
49. She-Hulk - 0
If I had to make a team from this...Thor/Chris/X-23. Pretty much guarantees 5 bars for X-23, and Chris is the only good horizontal assist there for Thor.
Question for everyone in the thread: When you dabble with new things team composition wise, how long does it take for you to get comfortable with them? Right now, I'm realizing pretty strongly that my shell is pretty much ingrained in me and trying to do things without that core has me not getting anywhere with it. It's strange. And it sucks too because there are a ton of combinations and characters I'd like to try and learn, but during the learning process I say fuck it and go pick my bros in Dante and Strider.
It depends on what position the new character is in. At least a week of play if the new character is on point. My Morrigan is still just so-so because she anchors. Using her on point backed by Strider is helping a lot, though.
Bonus question: What's everyone's core duo (if you have one)?
Why, Dormammu+Morrigan, of course!
I think technically this is already accounted for with Hienkyaku being a special, but good God, a full canon incarnation of Zero is right up there with Sparda himself for bullshit potential. Morrigan would also be the scariest Capcom female since she's like the HBIC of the underworld IIRC.
Morrigan is planet buster status. Oddly enough, she's the only Darkstalker in the game that isn't worse than her Darkstalkers incarnation.
Honestly, if She-hulk hadn't been removed from the game
That's a cold way to refer to a woman you dumped.