Metal Gear (just never felt like it; saw some MGS1, looked boring)
MGS is a love or hate franchise to be honest. I rarely prescribe to cutscene heavy games but something about MGS always pulls me in. It's probably the characters and attention to detail. Game play and controls is always something that MGS struggles with but it's a fun series. MGS1 is probably dated now but if you want to play one MGS game that still holds up you should try MGS3 HD version and then decide if you want to try out the franchise. I truly believe every gamer should at least play through a MGS game once, it's a unique gaming experience to say the least.
Tekken (I knew it sucked from watching it at the arcade)
Tekken is awesome but Tekken 1/2 were rather stiff and just not that fun. Things turned around greatly with Tekken 3. TTT was fun, Tekken 4 is garbage, Tekken 5 is great and then it went down again with Tekken 6. Now it's back up to TTT1/Tekken 5 level with TTT2 and probably a great Tekken to get into. There is also a fighting character in Tekken someone can pick up IMO... so many of them.
Grand Theft Auto (they are in poor taste)
To be quite honest the only GTA I liked was GTA3 because it was a unique experience. The other games were just building on top of GTA3 and it has started swaying away from what made GTA3 so fun. It has become too much of a reality simulator now where as GTA3 was just a fun, sandbox type game. I guess this is more a case of the industry changing and GTA tuning its style to match customer appeal.
Uncharted (they seem boring)
The forerunner of the interactive action movie/game genre. I played one of the Uncharted all the way and decided it's not a series for me. They are decent rentals but there is no depth to them. In fact you are probably better off just watching a walkthrough than playing the game IMO.
Mass Effect (played the first one for an hour, determined that it sucked)
ME1 was boring the first couple hours but it picks up. ME2 is more approachable and fun because it has better game play but falls short in the exploration/RPG department. Haven't played ME3 yet, I will do that when it's cheaper. I think it's a solid sci-fi series, worth trying.
Resident Evil (I have RE1 still wrapped)
The PS1 game? That's really dated now and REmake on the GCN has replaced it almost entirely and is one of the best games made in the survival genre. RE2 is fun, RE3 is sort of meh, RE:CV is alright, RE4 is one of the best games every made, RE5 is fun but flawed and RE6 is just...flawed. Honestly speaking everyone should at least trying REmake and RE4 to see which type of RE they prefer.
Metroid Prime (tried MP1 and MP3 and got bored with both within an hour)
MP1 and MP2 are excellent games IMO.
Crash Bandicoot (these games suck, 1 hour at most before dropping)
Most of them suck now I would imagine, first one was fun.
First one sucked, 2nd one is better but IMO this is a series I never really enjoyed much. If you ever want to get back into the series you should try 2 though, it's definitely better than the first one considerably.
If you are talking about Arkham Asylum/City then I would have say these 2 are some of my favorite games this generation. Easily the two best Batman/comic book games ever made. Combat is fun.
Yeah I played the first couple of Tomb Raider, not my cup of tea either. Most of the Tomb Raiders by now are mediocre games and the older ones are dated. The new one is looking like an Uncharted clone.
This is a great game you should definitely try it. Bioshock 2 while a good game was a disappointment after the first one.
Ratchet and Clank (tried a PS3 demo, was impressed but not motivated to buy)
Fun games, you can rarely go wrong with R&C.
The great one in this series is SC3: Chaos Theory. Every other one is worse and some are rather mediocre. SC doesn't have the charm of MGS in the story/characters but at least SC3 is a very solid stealth game.
Looking past the over the top violence, the sex mini games, the raging protagonist... this is a very fun action series. Combat is serviceable enough and the presentation is always top notch. One of the most consistent series made in gaming IMO.
Rayman (never heard of it until recently, grouped it with other crappy Mario rip-offs)
The first few 2D Rayman games are stellar and a couple of the 3D Rayman games are great. It's a platformer but it's not a Mario rip off unless you also qualify Sonic and other mascot games to be Mario rip offs too. The first few Raymans are challenging games and remind me of the old school difficulty that is lost in modern games. The newer Rayman games I have no interest in though.
Kingdom Hearts (disinterested, but no hate for the series)
Never played it myself doesn't seem to be my cup of tea.
Half-life (tried playing HL2 once, thought it sucked)
It's a slow burner but the game has impeccable design. It's a very well made game especially for it's time, definitely one that should be experienced.
Tales games (look like generic anime crap)
Devil May Cry (tried it, thought it sucked, I'll give it another shot some day)
DMC1 and DMC3 are classical action game status now. DMC2 is garbage. DMC4 is great but flawed in the level design which causes a lot of hate to be spewed about it.
Onimusha (looked like generic crap, never touched it)
Onimusha games are ok at best, like a cross between DMC and RE games. Oni3 is probably the most well produced Onimusha game but it neither delivers in the action department nor in the puzzle solving/adventure department. They aren't generic but they aren't a top shelf game series. Dawn of Dreams was a big disappointment and they haven't made an Oni game after that.
Shenmue (confused this with Onimusha for the longest time; still don't know the difference)
Huge difference between the two, Onimusha is more fantasy with actual solid game play and Shenmue is more like GTA with mediocre game play. Shenmue is ass, it gave birth to QTEs so it gets extra hate from me.
Max Payne (looks like a game GTA fans would like)
Haven't played 3 yet but the first 2 were solid shooters. It's not a GTA game because it's not really open world, it's just a straight on 3rd person shooter. It started the whole bullet time fad in shooting games and it has a unique style of story telling. The first 2 are probably dated now in terms of mechanics but the style is still stellar.
Animal Crossing (these games are huge pieces of crap IMO)
I agree.
Guild Wars (just never tried it)
I tried it and they are a huge time sink. Both GW1 and GW2 came when I was preoccupied with other games. They look like decent games though.