Professor Beef
It's confirmed that Chavelo requested to ban himself for a month.
It's kind of useless IMO.I didn't think GAF could be that addicting where you would have to ban yourself...
I didn't think GAF could be that addicting where you would have to ban yourself...
It's kind of useless IMO.
If your that addicted, it's likely you know how to clear your cookies/switch browsers and simply browse.
That makes the pain of not being able to post even worse though.
It's really no joke, GAF really is anti-productivity personified.GAF can be a real timesink. I found myself playing more videogames during my two-week ban.
Yes, I finally made a top posters list for a thread! *techno dance*. Also, my posting in that thread was about 12.5% of my entire posting history.
On the "to do " list as of now![]()
I have seen more than a few users do it. Not all that uncommon.I didn't think GAF could be that addicting where you would have to ban yourself...
Let's go!I don't expect you to listen, but I must say something to a couple of these.
I care about gameplay more than anything in a game. Gameplay where you push a button and some flashy semi-QTE happens just doesn't appeal to me. You might as well go all the way to watching an interactive film at that point. I'd rather bounce on goombas all day than suffer through one fight in Arkham Asylum.Assassin's Creed
That's a real shame. What threw you off about the series? If it was AC1, that's totally understandable. That was when they were first starting out and the game series and engine were working on getting established. This led to some janky design decisions and monotony in the missions. However, each assassination was extremely interesting because it essentially laid a puzzle out for you, and you had to solve it. With your knife in their throat. However, you really don't need to play AC1. I would absolutely suggest you play AC2, though. It fixes almost every single problem that AC1 even thought about having. (Also you can get it really cheap these days.) And it sums up AC1 in the intro through narration and gameplay clips, so I think it's really unfortunate that you've chosen to skip this one.
You mean Arkham Asylum and Arkham City? Do you just dislike Batman as a character? Because these are widely regarded to be the two best Batman games ever created, and in my opinion, truly capture the essence of the series. I would be very interested in hearing further comments from you about why you dislike this and Assassin's Creed.
Hmm? I thought I said that I was impressed with the demo in my post. It was actually pretty enjoyable, just not the kind of game that I felt the need to play through. I can respect this as a game.Ratchet and Clank
I love the Ratchet and Clank series, but if you didn't like it enough, then that's fair, because I'm sure the demo told you enough about the game. I can't imagine the game being very different from the demo.
I just think the combat is button-mashy crap. It's an interactive film for kids that want to be "hardcore".God of War
Despite having played through 1, 2, 3, and Chains of Olympus, I can totally understand this. Kratos is a dick, and what you see is what you get.
If the game is fun, I'm fine with something like this. I might try one eventually.Kingdom Hearts
Don't bother with this one. I enjoy Kingdom Hearts, but the ending of each game creates FAR more questions than it answers.
I'll eventually play a Tales game. Hopefully I can tell whether the main character is a guy or a girl.Tales games
Haven't tried many except for Tales of Symphonia, which I thought was amazing. Its visuals were very Anime-esque, but it told a quite deep story with very interesting characters. And the voice acting was a lot better than the genre usually has.
Naturally!Devil May Cry
You don't have to hear me say it, but DMC3 is one of my favorite games of all time. But if you don't like the style, there's not much that can be done. You really have to hang your hat at the door with this one or you're not going to be able to appreciate it.
I saw gameplay and thought "I'm glad I dodged that bullet".Onimusha
Actually better than you might think. In particular, I thought Onimusha 3 was a wonderful game. It's like Resident Evil meets Devil May Cry. But since you've already expressed your disinterest for both of those game series, then I think we're done here, lol.
Amazing game.Final Fantasy 6 (A quarter of the way through?)
My sister always does this...good game.Final Fantasy 7 (Got to the final dungeon, then stopped. Dunno why.)
Pure trash.Final Fantasy 8 (Got about halfway through, gonna start over.)
Mediocre, not particularly memorable.Final Fantasy 9
The only Final Fantasy I got too bored to finish, and had to force myself to go back. So terrible, but not so terrible it makes you ashamed to be playing it like 8.Final Fantasy 12 (Balthier was the only reason I played this as much as I did the first time. But it's mainline, it's gotta be played.)
I'm "eh" about trying this one. I've never seen anything that makes me think "I am missing something by not playing this".MGS is a love or hate franchise to be honest. I rarely prescribe to cutscene heavy games but something about MGS always pulls me in. It's probably the characters and attention to detail. Game play and controls is always something that MGS struggles with but it's a fun series. MGS1 is probably dated now but if you want to play one MGS game that still holds up you should try MGS3 HD version and then decide if you want to try out the franchise. I truly believe every gamer should at least play through a MGS game once, it's a unique gaming experience to say the least.
Generally awful character designs and boring movesets. Janky hitboxes that look like all the characters are attached to puppet strings while a little kid jerks them around as they get hit.Tekken is awesome but Tekken 1/2 were rather stiff and just not that fun. Things turned around greatly with Tekken 3. TTT was fun, Tekken 4 is garbage, Tekken 5 is great and then it went down again with Tekken 6. Now it's back up to TTT1/Tekken 5 level with TTT2 and probably a great Tekken to get into. There is also a fighting character in Tekken someone can pick up IMO... so many of them.
I just thought the combat was awful. I also hate the "choices" that get made in WRPGs, and the blank-slate character I always have to play.ME1 was boring the first couple hours but it picks up. ME2 is more approachable and fun because it has better game play but falls short in the exploration/RPG department. Haven't played ME3 yet, I will do that when it's cheaper. I think it's a solid sci-fi series, worth trying.
I have the RE1make. I'll play it eventually to see what's what.The PS1 game? That's really dated now and REmake on the GCN has replaced it almost entirely and is one of the best games made in the survival genre. RE2 is fun, RE3 is sort of meh, RE:CV is alright, RE4 is one of the best games every made, RE5 is fun but flawed and RE6 is just...flawed. Honestly speaking everyone should at least trying REmake and RE4 to see which type of RE they prefer.
Combat lacks substance, looks like a QTE fest.If you are talking about Arkham Asylum/City then I would have say these 2 are some of my favorite games this generation. Easily the two best Batman/comic book games ever made. Combat is fun.
I eventually shall!This is a great game you should definitely try it. Bioshock 2 while a good game was a disappointment after the first one.
I played the demo for 3 and was impressed with how terrible it all was. The definition of style over substance.Looking past the over the top violence, the sex mini games, the raging protagonist... this is a very fun action series. Combat is serviceable enough and the presentation is always top notch. One of the most consistent series made in gaming IMO.
One day I'll play them all.DMC1 and DMC3 are classical action game status now. DMC2 is garbage. DMC4 is great but flawed in the level design which causes a lot of hate to be spewed about it.
I wish Capcom would understand that franchises aren't dead because we don't buy them. It means they need to figure their crap out.Onimusha games are ok at best, like a cross between DMC and RE games. Oni3 is probably the most well produced Onimusha game but it neither delivers in the action department nor in the puzzle solving/adventure department. They aren't generic but they aren't a top shelf game series. Dawn of Dreams was a big disappointment and they haven't made an Oni game after that.
Why do people love it so much?Huge difference between the two, Onimusha is more fantasy with actual solid game play and Shenmue is more like GTA with mediocre game play. Shenmue is ass, it gave birth to QTEs so it gets extra hate from me.
That's generally how I feel about them, minus having tried it.I tried it and they are a huge time sink. Both GW1 and GW2 came when I was preoccupied with other games. They look like decent games though.
The real problem is that movie games aren't memorable, just like most modern movies. I can't think of any movies released in the last few years that I'd say "you have to see this!" Ghostbusters, on the other hand...Uncharted series is not going to age well. Like at all.
I'll get to Dark Souls eventually. LOVED Demon's Souls.The other game I've been playing is Dark Souls. That game is unexpectedly (to me) godlike. The core mechanics presented could be used in a lot of other games. It actually reminds me a bit of a fighting game in terms of taking the basic combat with enemies to a higher level than most games (mash on X).
What's wrong with it?Some people like to eat hot dogs like corn on the cob, but that don't make it right.
I have REmake. I'll see how things go after there. I played the Revelaitions demo and thought it was enjoyable.RE1 did not age well. You can try REmake if you want. RE4 for the most part isn't much of a horror game, but barring you can accept this you might realize it's probably the best game of last gen.
I'll play it when I can get the MPT.Go play Metroid Prime. Now. This is also a contender for best game of last gen. It's incredible.
Why?You can dislike Half-Life, if you want. I never really went that nuts over it, but it is an incredibly well designed game that deserves the praise it gets.
Why?I don't know how to start someone on Metal Gear, go listen to Dahbomb or whatever. At least give it a try.
I played DMC1 and thought the game was poorly designed because I could just gun everything to death. Frankly, I just didn't get the game at the young age I played it at. I plan on giving it another shot with a more mature mindset.What really kills me is how you never played a DMC game. If you're going to Vergil everyone in UMvC3 at least go experience the origin of getting Vergil'ed. I can't even conceive how someone could not like this game.
How about RE1/MP1/DMC1? I don't play games in the middle of the series - I care about the characters and story development.In summation: Play RE4/MP1/DMC3 and you will no longer be a terrible person.
Hahahaha.wait what, people are randomly getting banned now? Chavelo doesn't seem the type to get banned and someone must've dissed Zelda HARD to make Anth0ny act up.
what's going on
someone link me to the ban bait so I can avoid it
oh god I'm afraid to post at all
they won't take me back I wont let them!!!
The only benefit to getting banned from GAF is you don't have to suffer the urge to respond to people in the OT forum.I have seen more than a few users do it. Not all that uncommon.
You can still lurk gaf if you are banned so whatever.
Was Shenmue the birthplace of QTEs, or did it just popularize them?
It was the first big title game to have it but RE4 and GoW popularize it. I am sure some shitty unknown game probably had it first but it's usually accredited to Shenmue.Was Shenmue the birthplace of QTEs, or did it just popularize them?
I don't want to say much about MGS because usually it usually involves numerous spoilers and a MGS game spoiled is basically a death sentence for enjoyment. But I have to give an example of what I am talking about:I've never seen anything that makes me think "I am missing something by not playing this".
No because there were no QTEs back when I was playing SMB3 on the NES. It's basically a scripted event in the game that the player has to progress through by pressing various on screen prompts. Like the boulder chase in RE4 or following the button inputs in GoW during a finishing kill.Aren't videogames just QTEs?
No.Aren't videogames just QTEs?
I haven't played Shenmue but I would wager that it wasn't a game play heavy type game. It's not a VF so it could work with QTE.How did the same man who created virtua fighter unleash such a terrible thing on gaming?
Yes there are of course people like this because they simply are not exposed to enough games. If you have played just one game with a QTE in it you wouldn't mind it... but the more you play it the more sick you get of it. I can't imagine anyone enjoying this though:Also, I've met people who actually claim to ENJOY QTEs- wtf?
WOW. And I thought the QuickLook for this game was bad.Yes there are of course people like this because they simply are not exposed to enough games. If you have played just one game with a QTE in it you wouldn't mind it... but the more you play it the more sick you get of it. I can't imagine anyone enjoying this though:
They existed before-hand. The Die Hard arcade game had them here and there.Was Shenmue the birthplace of QTEs, or did it just popularize them?
Wow, that RE6 video is impressively bad.
Does Wesker return?
Was Shenmue the birthplace of QTEs, or did it just popularize them?
Nothing about Shenmue is popular. :3
Someone at my local area plays Zero/Vergil/Morrigan. While I don't think it's a particularly strong team, it's essentially 3 of the most hated characters right now on one team.
No one really hates Morrigan without Hidden Missiles, though.I'd say Dragon's Lair counts. The entire game was QTEs.
What team do you guys think would maximize hate mail? I think this one would be up there. All 3 characters are pretty hated.
I like how the partner in the last clip just stands there watching as Leon is pushed into a fan blade and grinded into bits.
I've become a lot more aggressive with Dante recently, mainly because Dante can pressure people for days. I will still lame people out depending on the matchup, but those are usually projectileless characters. It also depends on the player style, too. If they're aggressive, I'll play more zoning/patient and then go into pressure when they block something. If they're more zoning/keepaway, I'll play more aggressive from the start.AzureJericho said:Great matches Frantic. Your Dante is a lot more aggro than I remembered it ws last free live weekend. :lol
GGs, Azure. Really, the only thing I can really critique is your defense, which in this game is something that comes with a lot of experience... and getting opened up is inevitable in the game, but you get hit by things you really shouldn't. I would suggest holding down back as much as possible if I'm on the ground, and react to anything overhead. I caught you walking back a few times after you pushblock, and I could just dash up into a low.
I'm trying to think of some other things, but... oh, your X-Factors. You made a lot of bad X-Factors(namely burning it to kill a character with Viper after a EX Thunder Knuckle) when it's better to just save it in those situations. If you've got two characters, that's one thing, but I don't like burning it against the first character. I'd also look into easier X-Factor combos with all your characters, especially HB combos. Feels like you were going for difficult combos when you could just ease it up and get the same results.
Refining your incoming mixups would be good, too. I don't like using the Million Carats mixups off anything but a snapback, especially if I have Acid Rain mixups available.
Can't really think of much else right now. I'm too tired and hungry. Sorry. X_X
I've become a lot more aggressive with Dante recently, mainly because Dante can pressure people for days. I will still lame people out depending on the matchup, but those are usually projectileless characters. It also depends on the player style, too. If they're aggressive, I'll play more zoning/patient and then go into pressure when they block something. If they're more zoning/keepaway, I'll play more aggressive from the start.
I figured it was missed inputs, but I figured I'd tell ya anyways.A lot of those X-Factors at the beginning were supposed to be getting rid of problems. I knew I couldn't let your Dante stick around, Spencers are cancer to me, and everyone knows how much I hate me some Vergil. The biggest problem I was having was with dropped inputs really. So many times I would go for my Seismo L and get a s.L in exchange. Then there's all the dropped Box Dash j.Hs...
I don't know if you noticed it, but I have an incoming mixup that's really dirty off Acid Rain mid-screen. It's basically this:I really should go more simple especially since Acid Rain never stopped being cool to me. I was just kinda thinking about how much I wanted to get that mixup down tonight and went all in.
If you blocked the MH and I teleport, I'll end up behind you. If you pushblocked the MH, and I teleport, I'll end up in front of you. At least, I think that's what you're talking about?On another note, care to explain to me what that one mixup with the MH-Teleport is all about? No matter how many times I tried to understand it in the moment, my mind fried and just took a guess based on how many things were going left versus right and if Strider was around.
I don't know how that happened, but I laughed at it. Wasn't even salty. I turned up my offense with Wesker after that, though.Speaking of, I have to say, my brother is the luckiest person on Earth confirmed. How did that Volcano launch your point Dante and the assist Strider OTG when he was in between both of you only to magically get a Prop Shredder that lifted both your characters into the air for Hammer - Volcano again - Million Dollars for the first match?
On those rare occasions when I have the wrong character on point, raw tagging at the start has never failed me.Haha, I never thought of raw tagging at the beginning of the match. Just trying to understand everything that can happen during the opening gambit is crazy.
Haha, I never thought of raw tagging at the beginning of the match. Just trying to understand everything that can happen during the opening gambit is crazy.
They aren't invincible, they just have large-ish hitboxes. If you're facing Hulk, he'll smash you just fine when you try that tactic.I think I'm going to raw tag at the beginning of any online match where my opponent walks toward me at the beginning of the round for a while and see how much mileage I can get off of it. Raw tags being invincible and an overhead is really dumb sometimes. At least you can't (normally) combo off of them.
Hmm... I would suggest going for slightly longer combos, then going for reset. When you throw out projectiles, approach behind them more often. Pressure with staggered cr.Ls, go for Wall Clings > Dive Kick > Excalibur L every once in a while to keep people on their toes. Throw out a Formation before using a Gram to zone. Throwing Formation A1 > the heavy sword dash isn't a bad way to approach, either.Edit: Sorry to be a bother, but what about my Strider Frantic?
They aren't invincible, they just have large-ish hitboxes. If you're facing Hulk, he'll smash you just fine when you try that tactic.
It's a neat gimmick, but the problem is you lose a character if your opponent blocks.
They definitely don't have invincibility until they hit, at least. I've traded with plenty of raw tags in the past.I thought they were briefly invincible? Hulk gets to press buttons because armor can eat the single hit, no?
They definitely don't have invincibility until they hit, at least. I've traded with plenty of raw tags in the past.
I'm pretty sure it can be airthrown, but it's really hard to do it from my experience. Even when I play other Striders and watch for it, I've never been able to airthrow him. Throw in an assist and it's safer as well as harder to block.Honestly, I knew I was stealing that Wall Cling mixup on block, that shit was busteeeed looking. I didn't even know Strider had so much advantage on block to do wall cling - ladder kick - Excalibur on the opposite side.
Haha, that's some salt. I blew up a lot of Helm Breakers when I played him. Sure loved them Helm Breakers.As for my brother, he straight up got to the point where he was fighting me saying "FUCK THAT SHIT, I WANT A WIN" when I asked him for the controller back. Even more hilarious was at the end when he got his Dark Vergil comeback, he says out loud "I just realized that I only got two wins from him while you got 4 or so."
Are you implying they may have invincibility after they hit?They definitely don't have invincibility until they hit, at least. I've traded with plenty of raw tags in the past.
Are you implying they may have invincibility after they hit?
I thought they didn't have invincibility at all and you could get snuffed by an assist or something.
Are you implying they may have invincibility after they hit?
I thought they didn't have invincibility at all and you could get snuffed by an assist or something.
I'll make myself more clear:I think he was implying that they may have invincibility before the hit, but from the hit onwards they definitely aren't invincible.