I used to think Astral Vision wasn't worth it because Morrigan has to use Shadow Servant as a reversal or do Finishing Shower to end her combos, and then she loses Astral Vision - lol. Then again, I'm still not sure if it's worth it when she's alone, which was how I played her.
You'll have to forgive me if I'm extremely wary of your advice, since the last time you were "pretty sure" about something regarding one of my characters against another, it ended up losing me a game.
EDIT: Whoa, I just played against this really cool Joe team, and I really like it. Joe/Hawkeye with his vertical assist/Spider-Man. I don't like Spidey so I'll swap him with someone else with an OTG assist or something, but the keepaway is so fucking good I just made someone ragequit.
"Pretty sure" in my lingo means "I heard this somewhere once, give it a try".

Any expression of doubt on my end is always an indication that you should be wary, because I was wary enough to say I was not certain!
The QCB + S is just an angled down version of the regular launcher. Its supposed to be used for mid screen zoning. No way should that be his regular string, its going to be negative on block and most likely at very close range it's going to whiff because of his height. It's a zoning tool not a block string move. One of his Clothesline has to be safe to be usable as a string.
Cr.L is -5 on block. Cap's "frame traps" are special cancels where you try to punish his normals but he cancels then into Charging Star... it's like how the big bodies play. I don't like calling those frame traps, more like baits. Cap's block strings are garbage generally speaking.
Yeah, it's bad. We need to fix it.
I'm not a fan of being heavy handed on install supers whether they are swords, astral vision or sougenmu. Just my two cents from dealing with some stupid install supers like Cat heads in SG.
I'd cut Morrigan's meter gain in Astral vision by half instead. Missiles and TACs being tweaked already changes things up significantly.
The thing to remember about Astral Vision is that it already nerfs Morrigan's meter relative to her opponent because all specials/normals build normal meter for Morrigan, but
double meter for her opponent because they are getting hit twice. The clone doesn't build meter unless it's Soul Drain. So, if you remove meter gain entirely, that's further upsetting the meter balance in the game.
She shouldn't gain meter in Astral Vision at all! I don't think any install super should build meter imo
Every non-meter-gain install hyper persists on tagout. That would be...extremely dangerous in this game. Doubling the power on Dark Harmonizer, or giving her Soul Fists that hit from behind as an assist, while a dream I would love to see come true, would hurt the game overall, probably.
BTW during my sleep I thought we left Jill's Mad Beast hanging. Obviously it's shit as LVL3 but as a LVL1 with meter build on I and that timer.. I think we need some more research on it. The pressure and mix ups you get off it are insane so if she is on the offense she can make sure you don't press a button again. Let's not forget she has block infinites in XF during it and she can build meter off it. At 3 bars that wasn't a big problem but for 1 bar that's too much.
But how many install hypers help
and hurt you? The fact that she can't block is why I'm confident that it can be a level 1. That's a pretty big drawback.
And if Shuma-Gorath can unblockable someone and combo off of it in XF3, I don't see why Jill can't do a little infinite blockstring on our nerfed X-Factor values. Big whup. At least two other characters have XF3 infinite blockstrings.
I say reduce the timer on it and not allow her to gain meter in it but improve the start up from 10-0 to 4-0. This way she will be able to use it more like a Berserker Charge. The reason for the meter gain is that just like Wolverine she get combo starters and extended combos from it, her meterless damage does way up during it and she builds a good amount of meter during it. Allowing meter gain for that LVL3 was fair but on a LVL1... nah man I don't feel easy with it.
600 frames to...what? 300? Berserker Charge is 400 frames.
I think God's Beard had the idea of making it a lvl 2, I actually think that making it a level 1 and reducing or completely removing meter buildup during its usage is also a viable option. I mean, it is kind of ridiculous that you gain meter every time you dash in Mad Beast.
She gains meter from dashing in Mad Beast? How much?
Is there some sort of google doc with all the system changes and stuff?
Third post.
Tricking people into watching Skullgirls?
The fact that it builds a NORMAL amount of meter is a sign that Capcom completely underesimated the power of AV.
I still think it's fine, personally. It would also bother me thematically to nerf Astral Vision's meter gain. Morrigan gets powered up by the thrills of the fight and steals people's souls. No meter gain is like...sad.
Allow AV to persist on tag out and remove meter gain completely during it. Would make everyone happy. If not persist on tag out due to potential glitches, then improve its recovery and start up to match the other no meter gain hypers.
No Morrigan player cares about improving the startup and recovery. Devil Trigger and Sougenmu are fast because they cover mistakes you make. Morrigan doesn't need to cover any mistakes on the ground; she has no ground game.
Allowing AV to persist on tagout means double meter Dark Harmonizer, in case you hadn't realized. That's really scary.
I also plan on advocating for an assist change for her from Soul Fist to Soul Drain.