I present to you Exhibit A: Pandora
Pandora is A LOT more useful after the 2013 patch. Still hard as fuck to setup it, but they made it better, so it's not a valid example
I present to you Exhibit A: Pandora
So by not playing and giving up positional advantage I give her some meter, free chip and free assist calls.If you just sit on the ground and block, Morrigan can't even build 1/3 of a meter by spamming Soul Fist x Fly, Soul Fist x Unfly.
That's the point.And we didn't really address one Frank West problem: how goddamn hard he is to kill once you get him. With an AA assist, huge normals, boosted health, an invincible hyper, and his roll, it's really hard to hurt Frank West.
Pandora is A LOT more useful after the 2013 patch. Still hard as fuck to setup it, but they made it better, so it's not a valid example
And not only that but if you sit on the ground and block Morrigan is going to get in and open you up with Missiles. This is what ChrisG does to people who like to block on the ground, he rushes them down and opens them up. And no way can anyone contest this with Missiles locking them down.
I still haven't seen a proposed Missile change that rectifies the problem with AV + Missiles. Having half the missiles disappear if you land a hit on Doom is not even close to being sufficient especially when you are sitting in the corner blocking Soul Fists and Missiles.Missiles are not going to stay the same.
How the hell is Fatal Claw just barely breaking 100K now? Wolverine getting 440K meterless damage is exceptional considering his mix up/reset game.You've weakened Fatal Claw on a character that needed 2 bars to kill a 900k health character. Now his meterless combos are doing 440k. Fatal Claw fully mashed at max scaling is barely breaking 100k now.
Hey Viscant,
I read your post on Broken Tier, and I am not thrilled with some of your suggestions. Others really do please me, because they're very much in line with my own thinking. On NeoGAF, we are working on a community patch list that requires consensus from 4 committee members who are all avid fans of the game before becoming finalized. If you ever felt like getting a NeoGAF account and joining in, I know we'd all love to have your say in there as well. Here is a link to our current changelist, which is not finalized but is sort of in a wet cement stage right now:
We're going through the characters in groups of 4.
Here is what I specifically disagree with you about in your post (anything else I am in agreement on, so I'll skip praising you for each point):
*TACs: leaving them random but unusable. TACs are a new mechanic in the game, and they are a good idea. New ways of making different teams viable, and new levels of strategy, are a great thing. They are poorly implemented now, but I don't think crippling the mechanic is the right answer.
*Incoming mix-ups: their real problem is the ambiguous crossunder characters are subjected to. A good example: I was playing locals at a new place (I recently moved to CO) last week, and I fought a Spider-man player. On incoming, he would Spider Sting. Sometimes it hit right, sometimes it hit left. In practice, I have absolutely no way of telling which way this will hit, and it's not enjoyable. There's no skill involved in blocking it, I just have to guess. Incoming mix-ups are good, but something has to be done about these 50/50 setups where neither player actually knows what the mix-up will be (see: Haggar). Air dashing just means I eat Web Throw instead.
*Net Play: You should have advocated for more netcode improvements!
*Vergil: he also needs a nerf on Devil Trigger in X-Factor. Install hypers should not stack multiplicatively with X-Factor buffs in general.
*Astral Vision: the opponent already gets double meter from blocking Morrigan and the clone, and without Hidden Missiles it's really not that strong of a hyper. I think the meter gain nerf is playing too hard to the current meta.
*Frank West: I'm actually just curious about your thoughts on GAF's recommended changes compared to yours.
*Iron Man: he is not fun to play in his current form. People like to zone with big normals while chipping opponents out. No one likes to zone while doing nothing at all because you get pushblocked out and have no speed for a pressure game. See: Ghost Rider. People only use Iron Man for the assist or out of character loyalty. No one enjoys him.
*C. Viper: it is not okay that you can chain EX attacks together for one long meter-expensive gamble.
*Spencer: I don't see how he's a fading character. Free approaches with frame advantage, and the overhead doesn't need to stay relevant because he has command grabs that lead to big damage.
*Chris: he doesn't need a horizontal air shot any more than Wesker does. A change like this will just make him more similar to Deadpool. Deadpool has the versatility, Chris has the power. I think that's good the way it is.
One of my projects with the patch notes is giving every character 3 good assists. I would like to see the notion of "support" and "point" characters go away. The notion of a "point" character leads to team decay, because a few point characters will always shine above the rest (Wolverine over X-23 and Felicia, for example). If you make every character viable in every position, team creativity will flourish, because Wolverine and X-23 can both have a place on a team, etc. They're now in complimentary positions, not competitive ones.
Thanks for writing the post, and thanks for reading my response.
I was just giving one example of how little it builds. Astral Vision only builds a lot of meter if you start getting hit by the Soul Fists or get comboed.So by not playing and giving up positional advantage I give her some meter, free chip and free assist calls.
So what happens if I try to play? I give her more meter and free chip or worse get hit by a fireball.
And not only that but if you sit on the ground and block Morrigan is going to get in and open you up with Missiles. This is what ChrisG does to people who like to block on the ground, he rushes them down and opens them up. And no way can anyone contest this with Missiles locking them down.
That's the point.
That's perfectly acceptable as long as it doesn't lead to wonky shit like double missiles coming out from both sides. That's potential for glitches and stuff. Just have AV remain active and only one Morrigan throws out the SS/Missiles hyper.Like Finishing Shower and Shadow Servant no longer making AV end.
But the clone is mirroring her actions. -_-That's perfectly acceptable as long as it doesn't lead to wonky shit like double missiles coming out from both sides. That's potential for glitches and stuff. Just have AV remain active and only one Morrigan throws out the SS/Missiles hyper.
Hey man let her have it for all I care. I am just saying it might lead to glitchy stuff. There's probably a reason why it's not allowed in the game.I don't see how mirrored supers would cause glitches any more than other mirrored movements.
I must be losing my mind.It isn't a universal damage nerf it's a universal hit point increase by 20%.
Damage Changes:
*All damage decreased by 20% across the board.
*Chip damage increased by 5% (to 35%).
*Damage scaling now applies to assists.
362,500 * 0.35 * 0.8 = 101,500 at max scaling. Wolvie doesn't really hit max scaling but you're also nerfing the base damage a bit so it trades out about the same. I just did one of Justin Wong's basic combos with Akuma assist to help the OTG and it did about 480k meterless and 620k with Fatal Claw doing about 140k.How the hell is Fatal Claw just barely breaking 100K now? Wolverine getting 440K meterless damage is exceptional considering his mix up/reset game.
And you're also knocking 20% off her. I have my doubts that extra relaunches and moving flight mode slightly further into her combos will even keep her damage at the same level.Given the amount of buffs we have given Storm in the neutral, her damage is also fair. In fact her damage had always been fair it's the other characters that had way more damage.
That's a terribly un thought-out comment. He'll still only get 3 jump loops(that do no damage), it's just gonna drop them low enough to hit with his stumpy standing normals so he can launch more often.A character with self unblockables, instant overheads, top support capabilities having that low damage is perfectly acceptable. Plus buffing his j.S improves his aerial hit confirmations as well so that is also a sort of net damage buff on him. No one ever complained about RR having to perform resets on Thor before, he still is able to kill Thor in reasonable amount of time.
Why didn't you mention your 20% damage nerf you love so much? He did mention netcode in there. "FIX IT."An e-mail I sent to Viscant:
Are you setting up the Fatal Claw properly? Because when set up properly it does huge damage even at max scaling.362,500 * 0.35 * 0.8 = 101,500 at max scaling. Wolvie doesn't really hit max scaling but you're also nerfing the base damage a bit so it trades out about the same. I just did one of Justin Wong's basic combos with Akuma assist to help the OTG and it did about 480k meterless and 620k with Fatal Claw doing about 140k.
So in the new version that's 384k meterless, and some unknown number under 496k with one fatal claw. Wolverine is already one of the few top tier characters that relies on resets
You aren't losing your mind, that is not stated correctly in the changelog as are quite a few other things. If this was actually a 20% damage nerf there would also be a meter nerf as well and we don't want that. So there is a 20% health buff so people can still rely on the damage number of their previous combos (a 1 million damage combo will still do 1 milllion damage).I must be losing my mind.
Are you setting up the Fatal Claw properly? Because when set up properly it does huge damage even at max scaling.
This is the combo that Justin does. That seems like you aren't setting it up properly if you are getting 620K when it in fact easily breaks 700K.
Also hyper combo scaling does not apply for mashable hypers (at least the damage that is mashable).
You're doing the math wrong.
Unmashed Fatal Claw does 40k x 13. 40 * .8 = 32. 32k x 13. 32 * .35 = 11.2k. Ergo, 11.2k x 13, which comes out to 142k.
Mashed Fatal claw does 48k x 12 + 40k x 1. 48 * .8 = 38.4k. 38.4 * .35 = 13.44. Ergo, 13.44k x 12 = 161.28 + 11.2 x1 which = 172.48.
You can't take the total damage value off a clean hit, because the move automatically starts to scale down so it comes out wrong. You have the take the unscaled damage of the first hit, then do the math, then apply it to the total amount of hits.
Regardless, the point is you're changing the whole game on an arbitrary number because you personally think damage is too high across the board. When in fact you're making characters that already suck need more hits to kill their opponent.Wolverine players also start off their combos with Dive Kick as well. Starting off a Wolverine combo with st.L is acceptable in terms of considering his average damage.
In any case Fatal Claw still does a shit ton of damage if it's off a throw, off of cr.Ls or whatever the hell. Maybe you aren't mashing properly or something.
Characters who suck are getting buffed accordingly. Characters who do too much damage on a particular moves/area are getting nerfed. I don't see the issue here. You are getting worried because now Wolverine has to land one additional hit to kill someone?Regardless, the point is you're changing the whole game on an arbitrary number because you personally think damage is too high across the board when in fact you're making characters that already suck need more hits to kill their opponent.
Characters who suck are getting buffed accordingly.
Did you ignore what Karsticles just said about all the meter going to her opponents and not her? You are also going way overboard with half health being gone because of one Astral vision. What kind of person subjects themselves to eight fireballs worth of chip? Can they not move their character at all or are they sitting in the corner like a little "bitch" as Karsticles said?Having the ability for your point character to lock down a team with eight safe fireballs doing chip for almost 1/2 your health, with overhead missle cover (which builds meter when hit), spiral kick AND build meter too so you can do it all over again?
Don't forget that her combos while AV build a ton of meter too.
Thats bull. Removing meter gain in AV retains her but there is the tension of her ability to build enough meter to start the minefield again.
Almost as ridiculous as Shuma's 3 dashes per jump.
Crazy stuffThe thing to remember about Astral Vision is that it already nerfs Morrigan's meter relative to her opponent because all specials/normals build normal meter for Morrigan, but double meter for her opponent because they are getting hit twice. The clone doesn't build meter unless it's Soul Drain. So, if you remove meter gain entirely, that's further upsetting the meter balance in the game.
It was more about balancing while not trying to fight people's expectations of how a character should play. A lot of people would love to take a pipe to Morrigan or even Doom just out of salt instead of actually thinking it through. That video was sort of related to that. Personally, I want folks to see it so they can understand the "why" behind my changes for Hsien-Ko when her turn comes up.Tricking people into watching Skullgirls?
That is more of a theme thing. You brought up a lot of gameplay related reasons for why she should gain meter while in AV.I still think it's fine, personally. It would also bother me thematically to nerf Astral Vision's meter gain. Morrigan gets powered up by the thrills of the fight and steals people's souls. No meter gain is like...sad.
Nail meets headNo Morrigan player cares about improving the startup and recovery. Devil Trigger and Sougenmu are fast because they cover mistakes you make. Morrigan doesn't need to cover any mistakes on the ground; she has no ground game.
Nemesis just got a hyper combo scaling buff. Ghost Rider got 15% damage on block from normals (HUGE for him). Storm got her Lighting Storm damage buffed along with her combo potential increased, dramatically I might add. Jill getting 1 bar Mad Beast also ups her damage potential especially since people think it should build meter while active.Since we started this thing, I didn't see a single character change that said, "hey, this guy gets 20% less damage so we need to do such and such". Because we're all making changes in context of a game we understand, not one where 90% of the characters in the game need resets suddenly.
Quoted for emphasis.As far as RR goes, I don't know much about the character and thus I didn't comment much on him. Could he use a damage buff? Sure, go ahead and give him one. It was your responsibility to bring it up and it wasn't brought up.
As far as RR goes, I don't know much about the character and thus I didn't comment much on him. Could he use a damage buff? Sure, go ahead and give him one. It was your responsibility to bring it up and it wasn't brought up.
Those characters were nerfed or will get nerfed.Characters that can kill with a reset without needing meter got way stronger.
Who has guaranteed resets? Trish unblockable set up is not a guaranteed reset.Characters like guaranteed resets become front and center because now almost nobody except them has extra meter for neutral game and incoming mixups.
Who has guaranteed resets? Trish unblockable set up is not a guaranteed reset.
Yes, we really haven't dealt with any of the low damage characters yet, like Felicia. Also, since Emerald Cannon now causes a forced wall bounce, she should be able to link multiple hypers together for more damage.I just looked at all the characters we have done thus far and the two characters that strike me as "these could use more damage" were She Hulk and RR.
She Hulk's damage was still actually improved in that now she has forced wall bounce on her hyper so if you used up the wall bounce before she would now get full damage off combos. The pushback on Torpedo has also been decreased so she now has access to Runner cancel relaunches from mid screen. It doesn't fully cover the 20% health buff but with all the other substantial buffs she got along with other characters getting nerfed in damage directly, she is sort of in a good position now.
I wouldn't mind reducing Frank West's minumum normal scaling to 15%.Also these were the characters who got a damage nerf (as they should've gotten one): Shuma, Viper, Wolverine, Zero, Frank West (on block), Chris
No way he's fine. With the health buff his damage is fine because he would actually have to DHC to kill now off of a regular combo. Plus the chip nerf is more than enough.I wouldn't mind reducing Frank West's minumum normal scaling to 15%.
Isn't that the point of the whole thing? Nitpicking to make a better game? I haven't heard one reason universal damage nerf is less arbitrary than fixing characters individually.Why are you such a bitch?
So a 1 bar reset that requires a low hitting assist on the team.
Meh. I would much rather prefer a team which is harder to approach and land a hit on which can do meterless resets that are powerful along with stronger neutral assists. But that's just me.
Low gun shot is.Trish with Doom beam is an easy to approach and has a weak neutral assist?
Because we are doing both?I haven't heard one reason universal damage nerf is less arbitrary than fixing characters individually.
Low gun shot is.
So redundancy is your answer?Because we are doing both?
Oh, I missed She-Hulk day?![]()
It's not like we threw the changes in a vault and destroyed the key. Comment away.Oh, I missed She-Hulk day?![]()
As far as RR goes, I don't know much about the character and thus I didn't comment much on him. Could he use a damage buff? Sure, go ahead and give him one. It was your responsibility to bring it up and it wasn't brought up.
And that's perfectly fine. But some teams are also better with two amazing assists and that's how it is. Some people prefer having those two assists over a guaranteed reset set up. Reducing the impact of TACs already improves the potency of reset characters so obviously that team was going to be better off but you can't tell me that team is going to run the game where everyone will pick that team. How many Trish unblockable teams were at EVO? Exactly.So is whirlwind and that assist was on the second place team at EVO. Not every team needs two amazing neutral assists. But low shot unlocks Trish.
And I said improving scaling was not the issue after which I didn't get a reply. You would have to improve the base damage of RR's normals by around 15% across the board.So it only matters if GB brings it up? Because I did. At least twice >_>
IIRC, your words were "he could use a damage buff", which is awfully non-committal, and you didn't follow that up with any evidence or argument about why that's the case. It looks to me like his bnb does over 600K for one bar, and I'd need an argument as to why it should be higher than that.So it only matters if GB brings it up? Because I did. At least twice >_>
It's not like we threw the changes in a vault and destroyed the key. Comment away.
Well, I'm still entirely open to changes - make the argument that he should do more than the ~620K he does for one bar off of a c.L right now.I said "better base damage/scaling" as in whatever works best of those two.
I think the j.H hitbox got nerfed in Ultimate, so we just wanted to bring it closer to its Vanilla status, where it was really strong.Actually, you guys covered practically everything that I had issues with. The only real concerns I have involve frame data, but I don't have my guide handy. Was there a particular reason why people felt she needed a better j.H?
I agree, I should have said something when it mattered.I'm talking about how you sit on your grievances and then bring them up long after we're done talking about them. It's so goddamn annoying. Everyone was in agreement on the damage nerf, and you were quiet.
You aren't for a universal damage nerf?
I think the j.H hitbox got nerfed in Ultimate, so we just wanted to bring it closer to its Vanilla status, where it was really strong.
Sit down.I also said I would grudgingly agree to a damage nerf, which I took back the moment Capcom said they were listening.
Who said I wasn't taking the changes seriously? I've added a ton of legitimate input on a variety of characters. You guys added things in on your own lists that were my ideas from months ago, like extra airdashes for Storm. Of course I care about balancing the game.Sit down.
Why were you even doing this if you weren't taking it seriously to begin with? More bitch stuff.
I don't understand why 620K for one bar is too little for a character with excellent mobility, a self-crossups, a teleport, massive screen coverange, and self-unblockables with an assist. I don't know why 620K is too little for any character, really, but we're talking about RR. I'm not in support of a damage increase on him until I hear actual reasons why he needs more damage. Firebrand barely does 500K with his normal bnb, and I don't plan on asking for more damage for him.So new proposed change on Rocket Raccoon is improved based damage of all his basic normals by 15% and improving his scaling on special attacks from 15% to 20%.
If people are fine with this then this will go into the changelog. Otherwise speak on how this would be too broken or something.
Honestly speaking the reason why I was hesitant on RR getting a damage buff is because A) TACs being nerfed meant that reset/mix up characters are more valuable and useful and B) nerfing the damage of other high damage characters indirectly buffs RR. His damage appears more normalized in comparison.
All of your reasons have been countered, though, and then you drop the conversation, only to mysteriously re-appear with the same position later. Pathos and ethos don't matter in these discussions, only logos. And "it could anger people" is not an argument of ethos; ethos presumes that the opinion is actually had by someone, and that the person is an authority/expert to lend the opinion credibility. Pathos is about inciting feelings within others; I don't see where you have done that.As for the damage thing, I'm not just parroting the same thing over and over.
I've tried to explain as many ways as I can think why damage nerf is a bad idea. I've brought up how it could piss off players by changing the pace of the game. I brought up that it's an unlikely and arbitrary change. I've tried to come up with some concrete examples of how you're unintentionally shifting the balance with such a change.
That's pathos, ethos and today, logos. I don't know any other ways to present my argument. You can't fault me for trying to bring up a new way to look at something. I brought it up because it was a new way of illustrating the problem that I thought might help make my case.
But apparently that only deserves name calling from you.