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Uncharted 2 confirmed

g35twinturbo said:
I think hes pointing out, that those two features would throw off the game drastically in terms of original playability. Coop is nice and all but I don't think it suites Uncharted much.

Besides, how would you be able to do the platforming in Co-op aside from having to follow some jackass online and yelling at him for taking too long? :(


bendak said:
Co-op would be really nice but hell... I'll take what I can get :lol
They've got their systems all working, gameplay, concept, etc just new story and some refining. I have faith they can work in co-op or something like that.


Tieno said:
Online co-op alone would be awesome for Uncharted, let alone mp.

Why don't you want good things? Quit being so conservative.

Drake is a lone hero. Who will be your co-op partner? Sully? Elena?
Zombie Eddie Raja


Xisiqomelir said:
Drake is a lone hero. Who will be your co-op partner? Sully? Elena?
Zombie Eddie Raja
Sure, they can all work or bring in a new character and work the story around it. Master Chief was a lone hero too. If they can do it by crafting it into the story that's an added bonus, but for me it doesn't need to make sense in the story as I don't really pay attention to that when playing co-op anyway.


NeoZylom said:
Look at the link I just post, it's the real interview from LCI with a man who is behind Uncharted ;)

I know, I even read the original original one (in french) to be free from any babelfish voodootranslating.

It doesn't sound like a confirmation at all. At least, not more than what Evan Wells already said. Uncharted has been thought as a franchise from the start. Nothing to see here, really.
Tieno said:
It doesn't need to make sense in the story as I don't really pay attention to that when playing co-op anyway.



Suckin' dicks since '66
Hehe I got a few more here

Uncharted: City of the Sky
Uncharted: People of the Mist
Uncharted: Tome of Secrets

Uncharted: Frozen Throne! :D


Uncharted: Drake becomes a Thug (U:DbaT) - thugging cars in New York, he is also a bald space marine.

Should rise sales, cuz thats all that matterz!



I like this teaser released by Sony awhile after Uncharted released. I wonder where the second one will take place!


andrewfee said:
Guess I won't bother picking up the first one now, I'll just wait for this.

Uncharted 2 won't be out until fall 09 at the earliest...

And it would be stupid to miss out on one of the best games of 2007 just to wait for the next game.
Forsete said:
Uncharted: Drake becomes a Thug (U:DbaT) - thugging cars in New York, he is also a bald space marine.

Should rise sales, cuz thats all that matterz!
Uncharted: Warrior Within and Amy Henning's departure from Naughty Dog confirmed. :(


Firewire said:

I like this teaser released by Sony awhile after Uncharted released. I wonder where the second one will take place!
The only thing we know for sure is that the fourth one will be a kart racer.
Great news! I am about 3 hours or so into Drakes and just loving it so far. Great blend of combat vs exploration, and the graphics. My god, the graphics.

Anyway, lets hope co-op makes it into the sequel, that would pretty much be the only thing I can think of to add.


NekoFever said:
The only thing we know for sure is that the fourth one will be a kart racer.

You know, I've been thinking about that. It would be so cool if they incorporated vast amounts of transportations: like the jeep, jet ski, helicopter, gliders, and... bicycles (what its good for two :D ).


Worships the porcelain goddess
I wouldn't mind a fun multiplayer element added to the game.

Something like...hmmm, I dunno, the online mode is set up by some rich ass dude who is using his treasures and riches to lure Treasure Hunters and Pirates out to fight for his amusement. There's treasures hidden throughout the maps and the different modes could amount to "Capture the Treasure" (CTF), Team Deathmatch, Free for All, etc etc.

You can pick which side you like, customize your look, clothes, etc etc. The better you do, the more options you get to customize yourself with, or abilities or something. I dunno.

Would be fun though. :D

Co-Op requires a character that works with Drake and is just as crazy as him. If it fits within the framework of the story, do it. If not, fuck it. Do not sacrifice story just to fit in Co-Op. Drake doesn't run with a squad of Hunters in the story you know.


Kintaro said:
I wouldn't mind a fun multiplayer element added to the game.

Something like...hmmm, I dunno, the online mode is set up by some rich ass dude who is using his treasures and riches to lure Treasure Hunters and Pirates out to fight for his amusement. There's treasures hidden throughout the maps and the different modes could amount to "Capture the Treasure" (CTF), Team Deathmatch, Free for All, etc etc.

You can pick which side you like, customize your look, clothes, etc etc. The better you do, the more options you get to customize yourself with, or abilities or something. I dunno.

Would be fun though. :D

I like my idea better. Yours reeks of DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball. :lol


Worships the porcelain goddess
Basch said:
I like my idea better. Yours reeks of DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball. :lol

Uh, sure. As long as Elena rocks the bikini, I'm ok with that. In reality, it reeks of Warhawk.


My idea for the Multiplayer part:

Basch said:
Multiplayer Idea
By the way, I had this idea for a multiplayer component in Uncharted. Now before anybody goes up in arms with me, I did not include that as a con for the game. I did not think it was necessary. Matter of fact, I thought Uncharted was a more complete package than most other games. Great bonuses. But I had this idea. It has been circulating in my head for the past couple of weeks. And now that I have played the game. I think it would work wonderfully with it.

The idea stems from the concept of treasure hunting. I thought what if we could take the dynamism from the Singleplayer component and transfer it over to Multiplayer. What would make it over in the translation? I came down to several key features. One, we would include many voice clippings from the actual actors/actresses. This would help accentuate the adventuring aspects of the Singleplayer component. It would also keep a human degree to the characters. Two, allow all main characters to be available; possibly each with unique advantages as well. This will give the player the chance to be the bad a$$ Gabriel, cunning Navarro, or the resourceful Elena Fisher. Lastly, I would incorporate the familiar set pieces from the Story and include new maps filled with the same quality platforming that give the player an unlimited amount of possibilities for combat.

Okay, now that we got the idea, how is it supposed to work? Well, as of now you can have an all against all deathmatch, so to speak, where the goal is to find the treasure. But beware, there could be many traps laying in wait for you. Matter of fact, you can set them yourselves. Want to cut access to an area that was covered by bridge? Hack away at it. Ever wanted to use those spring spikes grafted to the trees? Get building. Want to cover pits with foilage to cloak its malice? Scatter branches,leaves, and bamboo appropriately. I feel there could be a lot done here.

But if that wasn't enough for you, how does a team deathmatch sound where you and your team will be tasked with either infiltrating a harbor warehouse to steal goodies or protect them. Vehicle wars may run rampant in this stage as I plan for it to be quite extensive. Steal the treasure yet? Well that's only the beginning. You will need to drag the lump of fortune to a ship so that it may transport it to a safe location. But the journey will be rather perilous as the harbor has access to dozens of small speedy boats that can easily catch up to the slow wave breaker. They will be able to board and sabotage the ship as well. If the ship gives, you will have to make the journey by foot. Feel like the harbor has been overrun? Send a scout. He/she will go to a secret lair to fly them an airplane that can relocate the treasure if need be. Many strategic locations will be placed throughout the map.

Promising? Its an idea. Thought I would work on it some more. Develop it a bit, and then start cracking down and pumping this baby out through the UnrealED offered by Unreal Tournament III: the editor. It may take a while. But I have resolve. Wanted to know if I should follow through with it. Is it a good idea? What do you guys think? Suggestions?


hyperbolically metafictive
rock -- let's hope naughty dog's separation from mouthy anthropomorphic animals is permanent

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Snah said:
Well, if not Co-Op, then definitely a multiplayer mode.

is that the only way a game can have replayability to you?

..anyways, i hope the adventure is longer the second time around, maybe braching paths, and make the platforming more chanllenging, i guess more "traditional"....ect.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Uncharted II - Renegade

The Heroic duo from the last game stumbles upon a cursed device that throws them far into the future, into a police-state like world. You find out you actually were from that time, but for some reason didn't know that when you were back in the past. New and exciting free-roaming world of non-linear gameplay, steal every vehicle you see for fast travel between mission points. Drake states that he's glad his adventures are over in an interview with the cast.

Or is it?

Cue Uncharted 3.


Elbrain said:
Hehe I got a few more here

Uncharted: City of the Sky
Uncharted: People of the Mist
Uncharted: Tome of Secrets

Uncharted: Frozen Throne! :D

Uncharted: Some Guy Got to the Treasure First So I Guess I'll Shoot Him
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