Does anyone provide premodded units? Also, what's the difference in RGBs (sync, etc.)?
I just sold my last one, but I will have some more in a week or so. Composite video as sync is what the later RGB models have. Its the most common sync youll find. Earlier models have c-sync which is only a sync signal. It's good for displays that are very picky with their sync. If youre interested just message me on here and we'll work it out.
My father-in-law did me a solid and decided to mail us a huge care package of all my wife's old video games, mostly Genesis and NES stuff. I'm going to hook them up to my 720p Vizio LCD. I'd like to hook the Genesis M1 over RGB but I'm a bit fuzzy as to how to do this and whether the cost in cables is worth it. If I'm reading this thread correctly I'd need the SCART cable, then a SCART -> Component box, and finally a 3.5mm jack to RCA for the audio from the headphone jack to the TV. Am I doing it right? Is that the cheapest option getting RGB out of the genesis, or is there some way to get SCART to VGA since my TV has an input for that as well?
That setup should work, however before you buy that equipment you might want to check if your TV can accept a 240p signal. My Panasonic plasma didn't, just got a black screen with that setup above (only difference was I used a breakout SCART for audio instead of direct from the system). But it did work on a CRT.
I don't think it does actually. I remember some Neo Geo games on VC would only display half the screen unless I did the button combo to switch to 480i/p. If that's the case waht are my options? RF?
Eek, is that really what the Framemeister does to the N64? I didn't think it looked too bad til I clicked on the images to see full size.
That's not going to work, unless that cable has a sync separator built in (doubt it).
First, VGA requires H/V Sync; SCART/JP21 uses combined (composite) sync.
Second, most TVs can't display 240p signals properly. If they can, they will use their (laggy) scaler to upscale it to 480p; enjoy playing games underwater.
You'd need to verify your display supports 240p signals; if it does, you'll need a Sync Strike (or some other sync separator) at the minimum. If the TV does not support 240p, you'll need a Sync Strike and a Chinese CGA to VGA scaler.
It's not the Frame Meister; N64 needs a amp for RGB mods.
Sonic games' colors really pop in RGB
Sonic games' colors really pop in RGB
Even svid looks bad though
I havent had my 64 plugged into an LCD for ages, but I thought the framemeister would look better than raw. Maybe it does though?
Yeah, I guess I should have also qualified my previous statement with "N64 looks like shit in general". Seriously, it does. Its low-resolution textures look particularly bad on modern displays when upscaled from an RGB source.
The uspcaling of already progressive ED or HD signals (e.g. 480p through component or 720p from a XBox360 through HDMI) looks nice. It will take a few minutes to fine-tune the H/V scaling options, but eventually it will look just the way it's supposed to look. I'm not the biggest fan of processing HD formats. A few years back many TVs really sucked at upscaling 480p or 720p to their native panel resolution, but most modern TV sets do a quite acceptable job on scaling progressive signals. I don't think I would route my XBox360's signal through the Framemeister unless I'm a HDMI-input short.
What you looking to do with your 2nd unit, also have you considered another model? i recall reading on here that there was one a bit better with 32 bit content, for example
I mainly think about the prized D-Terminal in the back. I like one for my PS2 and then another unit for my two Wiis (since I'm constantly playing VC with it). Then use one for my Saturn and Duo and the other for my SFC and eventual MD. Just seems more convenient. I also just want a back-up unit in my gameroom. Seems more ideal for me than getting selectors.
interesting...why so much over component and not RGB, though? and i forget but i think you said 2 wii's mostly for virtual console selection no?
Any PC Engine (or TG16) owners here? I just acquired a refurb, RGB+region modded PCE Duo-R from eBay seller Doujindance. Really nice piece of kit, that guy does a great job.
Any PC Engine (or TG16) owners here? I just acquired a refurb, RGB+region modded PCE Duo-R from eBay seller Doujindance. Really nice piece of kit, that guy does a great job.
Any PC Engine (or TG16) owners here? I just acquired a refurb, RGB+region modded PCE Duo-R from eBay seller Doujindance. Really nice piece of kit, that guy does a great job.
You buy that 2-3 days ago with the avenue 6? If so i was literally going to buy it when i got home but it was already gone : /
Nope, bought two weeks ago, came with the stock 2 button controller.
Just curious about how long it took to arrive from him. Assuming youre in the states.
Glitchy frames hehe:
So is there anyone out there who sells NES or Famicom units with viletim's NESRGB board pre-installed?
Through I guess there aren't enough of them out there yet.
man glitchy frames aside, that looks good!
Bear in mind that the USA NTSC Wii console firmware does NOT support RGB through SCART. Luckily, I have a PAL one which does
huh, didn't know that. i was using component over wii but that's still disappointing.
Component over Wii is plenty fine. Not missing much with RGB. You likely have issues with the way Wii outputs video, I'd imagine...RGB is not going to change that.
Goddamn. The Wii SNES Virtual Console pumped through RGB scart to a crt looks damn near identical to how my Super Famicom looked. It's fucking impressive.
Bear in mind that the USA NTSC Wii console firmware does NOT support RGB through SCART. Luckily, I have a PAL one which does.
And yes, I have the VC games patched for 60hz goodness. It's amazing.