So, I finally got around to picking up a PVM.
Thought I wouldn't need one, as I have cabs at hand, but having a nice monitor as a test rig would be cool, also my framemeister plays up with capcom boards. I also want to rotate my Cute monitor back to landscape because I just don't play it as much with shmups.
A month or so ago, someone was selling a couple of PVMs that weren't that far away, and they surprisingly hadn't sold, so I thought what the heck, I'll pop up, see if they are any cop and maybe pick one up. so, I drove up last weekend, saw the monitors running and picked up one, -a 1454QM (I think).
Only thing was, that I had no BNC cables, so I thought that I wouldn't able to use it till a lead I ordered on sunday turned up. In fact the lead I ordered didn't turn up until today. However, later on last week I realised that it had sVHS in and my JPN Cube has sVHS, so I was able to try that and it looked pretty nice.
I've now tested the PVM with a few boards and a couple of consoles and have had no issues so far, the picture is amazing - despite the fact that I will have to calibrate and adjust the geometry a bit.
Anyway, If I were to say one thing to retro gamers, that would be - BUY A 14" PVM NOW! -
The reasons for this are;
1) The 14" takes up very little space and granted you can't use it like a regular telly and sit on the couch 6 foot away or whatever, you need to sit close to it - but that is probably the best IMO. So your awesome retro set up will take up much less space than the big widescreen CRT that you may be using.
[takes up little space]
2) The 14" will also kick the arse of any consumer CRT that you have laying around for sure! Also, relatively speaking, the picture on the 14" will at least look as good, if not better than a 20" PVM.
[beats consumer CRT's and most 20" PVMs]
3) Don't get me wrong the best CRT monitor you can get NO QUESTION will be a BVM, those things will outperform anything else out there, the PVM's included, but they can be quite hard to find, and expensive, also the 14" PVM will nearly look as good, so, unless you are really hyper-fussy about having the best - or see a BVM for cheap the PVM will do fine.
[will perform almost as well as the more expensive BVM]
4) XRGB Framemeister - OK, here it is, I was really impressed by the picture that I got from the FM, but I (still) have synch issues on some arcade boards, in addition the scan line effect could look a bit off in some circumstances. It's difficult to put my finger on exactly what is off with the FM, but after playing quite a bit on my cabs, there is something about the slightly curved glass screen on a CRT that somehow adds something.
[Much, much cheaper and less problematic than a FM, will look better too]
Anyway, enough of that, lets see some pics!
Some MVS games via my supergun;