it appears that the system/price/release date info/etc says PSP adhoc mode compatible

it appears that the system/price/release date info/etc says PSP adhoc mode compatible
Right, sorry about that.Hcoregamer00 said:So that brings me to my follow up question, where can I buy it in the USA?
-Play-Asia is a no go so far
-Kinokuniya is great, but I rather buy online than to drive 40 miles away and special order it.
ShinoguTakeruKoeru said:Right, sorry about that.
There's a couple import sites that stock these kinda artbooks and are based in the U.S. as far as I can gather. One I can say works pretty good is akadot. They don't have it listed but they do special orders without the need for a down payment.
Lain said:You know what is cool about a PSP VC game? It doesn't have to have trophies!
Lain said:You know what is cool about a PSP VC game? It doesn't have to have trophies!
In comparison to the character sketches and art in the limited edition artbook (if you can call it that), the new character's costume design is a sight for sore eyes.Hcoregamer00 said:On VC2:
-I just saw the scans, unlike some of you I am not appalled by it.
-Sure the "Valkyria" character looks like crap, especially when she is a follow up to the awesome General Selvaria.
-As long as it has VC gameplay, I will be very happy. It would also be nice to see some cameos from the original cast.
-The anime style is definitely because of the success of the anime. The sad part is that this artstyle will probably find more acceptance than the great artstyle of the original Valkyria Chronicles.
Kagari said:lolz.
Still curious as to what Sega is going to do with that Canvas engine they spent millions on.
Darkpen said:
What Kinokuniya do you go to? The one time I ever special-ordered something from them I had to put money down.Hcoregamer00 said:I could also do that in Kinokuniya
Well, I am not complaining as long as the damn thing gets released. How I get it doesn't matter because I will find a way to get it.
Hcoregamer00 said:Sakura Taisen 6?
BlueWord said:I'm looking forward to this; despite the art style, more Valkyria can only be a good thing, regardless of platform.
However, as I stated in the famitsu thread, I'm a little disappointed it didn't get a full-fledged, high-budget sequel. I guess the first game just didn't sell well enough... or perhaps the psp userbase is bigger?
Kagari said:I'm curious if they'll start making VC into more of a series now with a new version every year or two like Sega is now doing with Ryu ga Gotoku, and if this new PSP one is only the first of new things to come.
I have to agree with you, the moment I saw the scans I immediately thought of "Mana Khemia".Darkpen said:I was REALLY hoping they'd do something super interesting with the sequel, but I fear that this will be more along the lines of a mercenary acadamy highschool drama sort of thing, based on the outfits....
Hcoregamer00 said:Ugh, I hope not.
The last thing I want is to have Valkyria Chronicles have the "Tales Syndrome."
Hcoregamer00 said:The last thing I want is to have Valkyria Chronicles have the "Tales Syndrome."
Kagari said:I trust Sega not to go overboard :lol
The same company that gives us shit sonic after shit sonic.
Milking Valkyria Chronicles and having "tales syndrome" would actually be a better scenario to what they could be doing. You know something is wrong when "tales syndrome" is one of the better things the company is capable of doing when it comes to milking and killing a franchise.
BlazingDarkness said:some quick translation from rykomatsu
Fuck yes.Enron
SHIN MEGANE TENSEI! *drooooooooooooooooool*
Enron said:Seriously? Dear fucking God. Fuck this shit.
VC2 ruined
U K Narayan said:Should have made it for PS2.
Hcoregamer00 said:Yeah, it is pretty interesting they chose that scenario instead of other possibilities:
-The great Valkyria war, where they take over the world and crush the Darksen
-The first gallian war, which made general Gunther a legend.
-The rise and consolidation of the Empire
Instead of using such a possibility, they come up with this silly scenario.
Oh silly SEGA, talk about potential wasted.
GameBoy Color.Kagari said:Noooo.
Yeah, it's Digimon 02 again. Cheapens the first iteration and just phones it in.Enron said:Yeah, I was really REALLY hoping for a prequel. Instead, we get a tack-on that cheapens the first game's events and a plot that makes this sound like a shitty Gust game. Fuck this shit. SO MUCH RAGEEEE
Enron said:Yeah, I was really REALLY hoping for a prequel. Instead, we get a tack-on that cheapens the first game's events and a plot that makes this sound like a shitty Gust game(oops, i mean a Gust game, they are all shitty). Fuck this shit. SO MUCH RAGEEEE
I was hoping they'd take us way further down the timeline and play as Isara, and touch on real-world war themes and issues like Japan's involvement in the middleeast, mixed with America during the Vietnam War, a new, jungle environment, technological advancements, and advancements in gameplay.Enron said:Yeah, I was really REALLY hoping for a prequel. Instead, we get a tack-on that cheapens the first game's events and a plot that makes this sound like a shitty Gust game(oops, i mean a Gust game, they are all shitty). Fuck this shit. SO MUCH RAGEEEE
Hcoregamer00 said:It just proves one thing, with scenario writing like this, videogames will never grow up beyond silly tripe. There could really be a chance to move beyond and turn Valkyria into a full fledged breathing world with a deep history and cosmology.
Oh wait, that is what Valkyria Chronicles was like because the glossary and the history explored the game world in so much detail. It is just a tad depressing that they don't expand it further and explore how and why the history of the world developed the way it did. Reading a few lines is a glossary is great, but to experience it in a game with characters you can relate with and connect to creates an entirely new experience that is far better.
Darkpen said:I don't know whether to be assured or not, but it looks like the new producer at least has some cred with working on Skies of Arcadia, though Moby Games only credits him to that and some Bleach game, so :S
Enron said:Well, I don't think of videogames as high art or anything, I just want a premise that doesn't insult my intelligence, kick it in the balls, poke its eyes out, and then rape it with a stick. Which this does.
Classic_Gs said:I just read the news and saw the scans, and while I am a little disappointed VC 2 will be on PSP, I am very happy that a sequel is even being made. The art is ok, I do not mind it, although the Valkyria is a bit much. I hope a lot of the old cast is still around.
Hcoregamer00 said:I am sorry, that describes 97% of all videogames.
Enron said:Yeah, but it sucks hard when it's a sequel to a game that doesn't.
Hcoregamer00 said:I am sorry, that describes 97% of all videogames.
You can select missions from the briefing room, find out details, then go into the mission. The game basically is a repetition of this
Paracelsus said:So basically they manager to "MonsterHunter" an action-SRPG?
Fuck this shit.
I have a PSP and this news makes me want to die. Sigh.Hcoregamer00 said:Geez, so much negativity in this thread.
epmode said:I have a PSP and this news makes me want to die. Sigh.
I don't see how you got that from what you quoted.Paracelsus said:So basically they manager to "MonsterHunter" an action-SRPG?
Fuck this shit.
ICallItFutile said:I don't know how the first one sold
I don't see how you got that from what you quoted.
For me, that's a really big jump, given that there are other portable SRPGs with ad-hoc mode....Paracelsus said:Adhoc + quest based.
jump_button said:Ill feel better if it was a spin off from Valkyria Chronicles and not Valkyria Chronicles 2
jump_button said:Ill feel better if it was a spin off from Valkyria Chronicles and not Valkyria Chronicles 2
BlueWord said:This is basically how I feel. I'm hyped, sure, but I really hope that this next game isn't a representation of where the series is headed; namely, animu character designs and cat-girls.
TSA said:Oh man, you haters get out of this thread. I just want the release date for this bad boy....