Alucrid said:Quick question, is the DLC worth paying for?
indeed.Giolon said:Selvaria, yes!
Marina has lines, your argument is invalid.Edy, meh (I hate that bitch).
plus you get some cool weapons and some meh ones [i never use effect guns].EX Hard Mode - how much did you enjoy the Hard Mode skirmishes? If the answer is "a lot" then go for that DLC too.
Giolon said:Edy, meh (I hate that bitch).
I was told the same thing, but struggle to get into the game by the 2nd page.FlightOfHeaven said:Congrats, you're going to have a blast.
Shikashi said:I was told the same thing, but struggle to get into the game by the 2nd page.
Yeah, but I dislike the gameplay. Putting more hours into it is not going to help. I think I bought the game more to support it than because I liked it.r.gun said:I picked up the game recently (haven't popped it in yet, though) but a friend of mine told me that it takes about 4 hours to really start getting good.
Selvaria one definitively has a great value.Alucrid said:Quick question, is the DLC worth paying for?
Scouts seems the most powerful class at the end, to me. Even if grenades can't kill a guy in a base, it can knock it out of base, which is the same as killing it, given that it'll allow you to capture the base (which is often the objective).Dyno said:Also the Scout Elite's rifle grenades were one shot kills to almost every standing troop.
With good troops, Hard is in fact really easy when you've spend hours with the game. Hard Ex brings interesting twists (no tank which has its consequences, even if I don't like the randomness of capabilities)zurra said:the selvaria and edy DLCs are definitely worth it (especially selvaria), hard EX mode if you're a masochist... or actually finished all the hard mode skirmishes and want an even more ridiculous challenge.
I've gotten A on most missions past 8 (hadn't understood that it was a time requirement before that) on my first playthrough, and that was without playing a single skirmish to level-up. I think it's rather a matter of understanding how using the troops to blitz-clear the objectives. Besides, the more A you get, the more the game become easy because of upgrades...FlightOfHeaven said:Congrats, you're going to have a blast.
Oh, and the point of Game+? Easy A rankings.
Well, more like "possible." Some of the levels would be exceedingly hard to get A on in your first run through.
That's how it should have been.FlightOfHeaven said:Understood. I had not realized that grade depended entirely only speed. I thought it was speed, damage taken, damage dealt, ect.
I discovered it by accident on a forum (and since there's a lot of "capture the base" or "kill X" missions, it makes things greatly easier)FlightOfHeaven said:Understood. I had not realized that grade depended entirely only speed. I thought it was speed, damage taken, damage dealt, ect.
I agree. I love the Advance Wars scoring system : 1/3 for speed, 1/3 for offense (damage dealt computed in % of enemies down), 1/3 for defence (damage received computed in % of allies down, which allows taking damage for a strategic advantage). Valkyria would have benefitted of another dimension should such a system be used.epmode said:That's how it should have been.
IMO, it does take a little getting used to. And the game doesn't really start until chapter 3 (I think that's the first proper squad mission anyway), so keep that in mind.Shikashi said:Yeah, but I dislike the gameplay. Putting more hours into it is not going to help. I think I bought the game more to support it than because I liked it.
I don't regret it anyway, at least I did my part.
I'll agree there, Chapter 7 was awesome.radiantdreamer said:I remember Chapter 7 was so exciting, the music was incredible, the atmosphere so tense, I was physically shaking.
I've never been so immersed into a game so emotionally for a long long time.
El-Suave said:Yay, more VC merchandise:
-Winnie- said:I found the Shamrock really useful, though. It's excellent for destroying tanks, since it has a lot of AP and its small and easy to maneuver behind other tanks and hit their heatsinks.
Paracelsus said:I hope I can find the shirt on a site which doesn't charge 19 usd for shipping a fucking t-shirt with 14 days airmail (that's how much the only retailer with shirts available charges). >.>
Azuran said:I just bought this game today and I really can't wait to play it. For some reason, I couldn't find it anywhere in Canada but as soon as I went to Buffalo, all the stores had the game on stock (and it was a lot cheaper too).
God bless America.
radiantdreamer said:You talking about hobbysearch?
ivedoneyourmom said:Hcoregamer00: There's a 紀伊國屋 where you live, that must mean you are either in Oregon, California, Washington or New York!
Is this artbook any different than the preorder artbook I got for the game last year?
Hcoregamer00 said:Hey guys, I went to Kinokuniya on Thursday to pick up some import manga. As I just finished purchasing my manga, I also inquired about the Valkyria Chronicles official artbook.
The person working over there mentioned that it was first in their distribution database on May 2009, for release in July 2009. Then as it got closer to July 2009, the Official Artbook was removed from the database and its future is unknown. I asked her if I was the only person who was interested in preordering this artbook, she pointed to a stack of 10 preorders. She said that it was the most preorders for an artbook in recent memory.
She will call me in around 3 weeks to give me an update on the Artbook's Status.
Snaku said:Hope it's still coming. =/
ivedoneyourmom said:Hcoregamer00, thanks sounds sweet, I'll visit my local 紀伊國屋 and see if they'll be getting it. Everyone should give Valkyria Chronicles as much money as they can.
I did have a PS3 at one point, but I sold it due to it sounding louder than a train, and then I waited for the Slim. I'm getting a Slim within a month, so no better time to ask!ivedoneyourmom said:HUELEN10: I'd say maybe about 20 hours, if you're not going and replaying levels, and you don't fail on a mission, and you don't play any of the extra levels or DLC. But it's totally worth it! Awesome to hear you bought the game and don't even have a PS3 yet.
HUELEN10 said:I did have a PS3 at one point, but I sold it due to it sounding louder than a train, and then I waited for the Slim. I'm getting a Slim within a month, so no better time to ask!
20 hours bare-bones sounds fine, I thought it was 40 so this is awesome news for me. Regardless, I am so picking up the DLC for it. Definitely moving this up in the backlog, can't wait to play it!![]()
CO_Andy said:Don't i feel like an ignoramus; just noticed the Japanese anime adopted the North American title instead of the Japanese one (Valkyrie of the Battlefield). Kinda neat! (forgot whether the PSP sequel adopts this or not)
Any of you Valkyria fans who hasn't catch the anime should. It follows the original's plot fairly closely and provides some exposition that wasn't in the game (like Rosie's past). I was in bitter tears in a fairly recent episode. Go watch it!
CO_Andy said:Don't i feel like an ignoramus; just noticed the Japanese anime adopted the North American title instead of the Japanese one (Valkyrie of the Battlefield). Kinda neat! (forgot whether the PSP sequel adopts this or not)
Any of you Valkyria fans who hasn't catch the anime should. It follows the original's plot fairly closely and provides some exposition that wasn't in the game (like Rosie's past). I was in bitter tears in a fairly recent episode. Go watch it!
Hcoregamer00 said:Hey guys, I went to Kinokuniya on Thursday to pick up some import manga. As I just finished purchasing my manga, I also inquired about the Valkyria Chronicles official artbook.
The person working over there mentioned that it was first in their distribution database on May 2009, for release in July 2009. Then as it got closer to July 2009, the Official Artbook was removed from the database and its future is unknown. I asked her if I was the only person who was interested in preordering this artbook, she pointed to a stack of 10 preorders. She said that it was the most preorders for an artbook in recent memory.
She will call me in around 3 weeks to give me an update on the Artbook's Status.
dojokun said:I also would like to get my hands on the art book.
Also, does anyone know why this game is a PS3 exclusive?
Seriously, it's not made by a Sony 1st or 2nd party. It's like an MGS4 wtf exclusive.radiantdreamer said:Because 360 owners are only interested in FPS games.
Oh wait.