Well, you have no one to blame but yourself! Ever since the demo people tried their utmost to make this game's awesomeness (in multiple areas) known.AniHawk said:I really hate that I came into this thread when the conversation was dead.
Durante said:Well, you have no one to blame but yourself! Ever since the demo people tried their utmost to make this game's awesomeness (in multiple areas) known.
Lain said:Am I the only one that simply loves Irene Ellet?
I found her English VA to be simply lovable!
Teknoman said:Damn...I didnt think Selvaria would be that strong...
Either way, finally beat Chapter 7 as well...took me 3 tries and alot of scout-medic running.
Hannes cleaned up the reinforcements nicely though.
That's quite clever... I'll try this!AniHawk said:I parked the Edelweiss right where Selvaria comes down.
1. It makes slushies out of the charging enemy combatants.
2. It acts like a shield from Selvaria for anyone who needs medical treatment.
3. It's still in striking distance of the Batomys.
lastinline said:Forgot to come and post what I accomplished today in the game, even though it isn't much.
Since yesterday, I have been on Chapter 10, and trying to pass the battle where you have to detonate the bridge so that the train collapses and goes bye bye. Yesterday I couldn't do it, and today it took me hours to finally be able to beat the section. When you beat a battle in this game, it's so relieving, especially when you are someone like me who sucks at the battles in this game. Seeing that train go in the water was so satisfying, haha. Took me 8 turns as well, which shocked me. It was almost easy whenever you realize they have an elevator right by the starting base, and you can go on the other side and activate it. It makes you feel so dumb when you move your camera around and notice a thing like that. Probably would have been done with the battle way earlier if I had noticed the obvious elevator there, haha.
Then, after the train goes into the water, the story continues, and it just gets sad. The Imperials set a place on fire where a lot of the Darcsens were staying at. Then, when they showed the little doll, that little girl had, that was just really sad. Rosie is finally, finally, starting to realize that the Darcsens aren't really bad people at all. I think Largo is already accepting of it, and it's just going to take more time for Rosie to come to terms with it. Like she said, she can't change over night. She is getting there, slowly but surely. Now that Mr. Zaka joined Squad 7, things will start to change. Especially if he keeps being nice to the rest in Squad 7. Also, it was very nice that Is gave Largo and Rosie those little dolls. She's so kind.
AniHawk said:Valkyria Chronicles 2 is frustrating, but not because it's again on a system I don't own, but because it looks so much more generic and less charming than VC. It looks like it's cashing in on the anime instead of the first game. The main game stuff looks normal, but the anime cutscenes look way out of place.
adversesolutions said:Art book releases Wednesday in Japan, don't forget!
Reluctant-Hero said:Any links for importing? I tried searching Amazon.jp but couldn't kind it.
iammeiam said:Here.
The problem I'm having is that their only shipping option to the US costs almost as much as the artbook itself.
Durante said:Well, you have no one to blame but yourself! Ever since the demo people tried their utmost to make this game's awesomeness (in multiple areas) known.
I kinda disagree, I beat most of the missions on my first try, and nearly all of them were A, so I haven't been overly cautious. There's a couple of exceptions, of course (such as the battle before the last one). The only mission I felt was trial and error was the one in forest with Welkin and Alicia. Because you can't really use any interesting tactics.r - b - x said:the game is definitely a lot of trial and error.
Unknown Soldier said:Wait, what? The entirety of VC is like an anime come to life. They have kept the distinctive watercolor-drawn motif in the anime anyways.
Awesome.radiantdreamer said:Valkyria Chronicles makes the top 25 PS3 games (of the forever).
radiantdreamer said:Valkyria Chronicles makes the top 25 PS3 games (of the forever).
lastinline said:Well, I passed Chapter 11 today...
Didn't see the death of Isara coming at all.Definitely made me sad, cause she was so kind and she didn't deserve to go out like that. Rosie was talking to her too, and apologizing and stuff, then a stupid Imperial came from out of nowhere and shot Isara. Then, when Rosie sang by Isara's grave, that was just... man. This game really makes you feel for the characters, and I guess that's one of the many reasons why I like this game. Then, later Faldio goes to the place in the desert, and then he puts two and two together and realizes that Alicia might be a Valkyrur. Man, that scene when she opened that circular door just went right over my head. I found it kind of strange that she had opened the door, but I didn't pay any mind to it, cause I just thought it was a door defect or something, haha.
Come on now, GTA IV rocked. :lolGTA IV getting rated so much higher than VC is some kind of bullshit. Actually, it's every kind of bullshit.
The Frankman said:Come on now, GTA IV rocked. :lol
The Frankman said:Encounter in The Desert - Chapter 7
surprisingly not hard, easy A. Scout and Shocktrooper used the 3rd trench and pushed north via east. THANK GOD for the freak sandstorm, Luckily Freesia just had enough health to grenade/shoot the ShockTrooper in the base
lastinline said:Got to Chapter 14 today, my total game hours so far is over 16 hours.
It was pretty interesting to know that Selveria had no real home, just like Alicia. That makes sense as to why they both are Valkyrurs. Hmm, though, I'm finding something weird about the way Alicia acted. She didn't act like Selveria at all when she has the blue flames around her. Like, instead of acting on her own, she was acting like she was controlled by someone else. Which leads me to believe that Isara might be the main cause of her change, and that would mean that Alicia isn't a real Valkyrur at all. Cause when I thought about it, it makes sense. Isara was shot, just like Alicia was. Selveria was shown stabbing herself, and that made her show her true power. Also, the Darcsens are supposedly good at using Ragnite, so that could be another reason why it could be Isara. But, things aren't as they seem sometimes.
However, it could definitely be Varrot who was controlling Alicia during battle. She likes Squad 7 a lot, and she didn't want them to get into any harm at all. So, it would make sense that she was the one who sniped Alicia, and then brought her the weapon and shield which brought her power. Though, just is all speculation on my part, I have no clue as to what's going on, and I'm pissed at myself for even trying to guess who sniped Alicia. All I know is that it looked like a female, but who knows, it could have been a skinny man as well. One thing I know for sure is that I can't wait till the story unravels more. Hehe, I'm so glad I bought this game, because even though I get frustrated at the battles, I'm having a really good time playing this game.
Unknown Soldier said:Finished Chapter 11.
Fucking game designers killed Isara. I should have seen that coming, they always kill the sweet innocent kawaii character for maximum emotional impact. Fuckers. :*(
AniHawk said:I think it actually makes sense that they killed her first among the rest of her squad since she was a Darcsen. Yeah, she was the enemy, but I also think it was racially motivated.
Anyway, the moment she gave Rosie the doll, she might as well have had a target on her back.
lastinline said:Got to Chapter 15, with over 18 game hours played...
Well, this game totally caught me off guard. I was expecting the person who sniped Alicia to be Isara risen from the grave, or Varrot, but nope, it was Faldio. I didn't think it was him at all, especially since the skinny legs threw me off. He was taking a big chance sniping Alicia, because it couldn't have worked, and she just could have bled to death. Though, I mean, after her opening that circular door, it was apparent that something was strange with her. Alicia is indeed a Valkyrur, and she wasn't being controlled by anyone. Man, I was way off in my prediction. I'm glad I was way off, though, it wouldn't have been cool if I had predicted it right, then things would have been way predictable.
Don't use those...AniHawk said:GTA IV getting rated so much higher than VC is some kind of bullshit. Actually, it's every kind of bullshit.
I think I finished it in 22h on the clock or so (probably ~25 real) without skirmishes. Spent much more time after that to unlock and play everything, though, and fight for best completion times. I must be far over 100h now.AniHawk said:I'd say it's at least 30 hours long, but I spent a lot of time in skirmishes and doing all the extra levels. Story mode's probably 20-25 hours if you rush through it?