El_TigroX said:I desperately want 1) a second VC (even though I'm only on chapter 7), and 2) an anime series. I think there are so many places you can go with these characters.
As a lot of you guys have said... the characters are simply phenomenal.
Die Squirrel Die said:There's a tab called Decorations, but it doesn't show up until after chp.9. So far I've earnt medals for defeating an elite officer, defeating more than 250 enemies, being wounded in the line of duty, earning victory without a single casualty and earning victory with exceptional speed. There seems to be 20 medals overall, unless there's more pages of them I can't access.
Die Squirrel Die said:There's a tab called Decorations, but it doesn't show up until after chp.9. So far I've earnt medals for defeating an elite officer, defeating more than 250 enemies, being wounded in the line of duty, earning victory without a single casualty and earning victory with exceptional speed. There seems to be 20 medals overall, unless there's more pages of them I can't access.
Sometimes you get new armaments.Baha said:Cool. Do they unlock anything in the game or are they there for bragging rights?
El_TigroX said:Has anyone had a character permanently die? I haven't yet... I refuse to let any of my soldiers die... what happens when they die?
:lol :lol :lolHcoregamer00 said:I lost three on mission 7 whenI learned my lesson from that point onwards and planned more strategically.Selvaria came out of nowhere and slaughtered my troops.
zoku88 said:Sometimes you get new armaments.
zoku88 said::lol :lol :lol
I almost lost Largo on that one. I had to send a scout all the way to the beginning of the mapand move the scout behind rocks and pillars so that Selvaria's shots would miss. It's actually kind of funny. Selvaria was shooting at poor Dallis a lot but Dallis kept on dodging XD. Does Selvaria ever target the tank btw? I was afraid of her owning Welkin.
Metroidvania said:Question related to Chapter 7.....
Are Sylveria's troops supposed to move towards you?
I suspected something was coming, but she and her troops never moved towards me, never attacked, nothing....hence the quick A-rank.
Did the game glitch on me?
Metroidvania said:Question related to Chapter 7.....
Are Sylveria's troops supposed to move towards you?
I suspected something was coming, but she and her troops never moved towards me, never attacked, nothing....hence the quick A-rank.
Did the game glitch on me?
So,Hcoregamer00 said:Ahem
Apparently so, when I replayed it many times Selvaria's troops would go to you and she would slaughter everyone. That is why you hightailed in and ran towards base camp.
zoku88 said:So,
I happened to be in a really good position. I slaughtered most of her troops (ceptt for one shocktrooper. Of course, she slaughter almost everyone else. Such long range. I started fearing that shooting sound she makes.
Shinz Kicker said:GAF,
My favorite rpg of all time is FFT (300+) followed my western rpg stuff. I havent touched a jrpg since FFIX. This game looks interesting. Do your best ( or worst) to sell me on this game. I kind of want it but there is a lot to sift through atm (L4D and LBP).
Shinz Kicker said:GAF,
My favorite rpg of all time is FFT (300+) followed my western rpg stuff. I havent touched a jrpg since FFIX. This game looks interesting. Do your best ( or worst) to sell me on this game. I kind of want it but there is a lot to sift through atm (L4D and LBP).
Baha said:Have you played the demo on the PSN? That will sell you on the game better than anything we can say here imo.
Perhaps we should tag spoilers better.speedpop said:Why did I just uncover that spoiler!? *sob*
Oh well. My own fault.
MrDenny said:Is the demo available for free on the US PSN without buying qore?
MrDenny said:Is the demo available for free on the US PSN without buying qore?
speedpop said:Why did I just uncover that spoiler!? *sob*
Oh well. My own fault.
Ferrio said:In the mission briefing I was just it sounded like you could teleport troops between bases? Is this possible?
Ferrio said:In the mission briefing I was just it sounded like you could teleport troops between bases? Is this possible?
imperium said:Anyone have any luck picking it up at Circuit City? My attempt was met by blank stares as no one had a clue WTF I was talking about. I had to show them their own add and they still had no idea where the game was. The game doesn't even come up on Circuit City's web site.
Fortunately I drove the quarter mile to Best Buy and they price matched the $44.99 without question. It was night and day in terms of customers and the general feel between the two stores. CC was quite and there appeared to be as many employees as customers. BB had a Santana concert playing on their TV's as you entered the store and the mood was much more festive.
I'm on chapter 12 and my highest level is 9 >.>Farnack said:Oh man, the joys of grinding skirmishes and raping the chapter mode.
I'm like chapter 9 with everyone at elite and scouts at level 18. :lol
Aeris dies.
Ferrio said:In the mission briefing I was just it sounded like you could teleport troops between bases? Is this possible?
zoku88 said:I'm on chapter 12 and my highest level is 9 >.>
Lol, you must like Disgaea :lol I can tell you like grinding
Oh, I have an anti-grinding stance in most RPGs. If I die, it's because I wasn't thinking good enough ^^. Therefore, I try and try againrykomatsu said:There's a VERY easy grind that was in the JPN version...not sure about the US version....
SnakeXs said:Aside from the "it will bomba ill get it when its 30 bucks" riff raff, I realized that I haven't seen 1 single negative poster in here. Admittedly I haven't looked very hard/been around for the JP launch, but still.
Most impressive.
El_TigroX said:I desperately want 1) a second VC
Details! Just in case...rykomatsu said:There's a VERY easy grind that was in the JPN version...not sure about the US version....
JEKKI said:question!!
when you kill an enemy and walk next to the body it's like it disappears or like you pick it up or something???
what does that do???
JEKKI said:question!!
when you kill an enemy and walk next to the body it's like it disappears or like you pick it up or something???
what does that do???
zoku88 said:Oh, I have an anti-grinding stance in most RPGs. If I die, it's because I wasn't thinking good enough ^^. Therefore, I try and try againVery rarely do I ever grind, except in Etrian right now >.>
well I jus beat chapter 3 and at the end it said I got a weapon!SnakeXs said:It just gets them out of the way, since they can do that to you as well, and permanently kill your troop by doing so.
Alsothere's some "ace" enemies in just about every level that usually have a full name, and they seem to drop special weapons.
Die Squirrel Die said:I know what you mean, I lost a sniper in the north trench, so ran my engineer back to recover the body. I didn't even look to see where she was shooting, all I could hear was the noise. By the time I managed to get the engineer behind the safety of the tank I noticed that his health was almost entirely gone, one more hit and he would have bit the dust as well.