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U K Narayan said:I think that's Catherine O'Hara. She's pretty ace.
I used her twice and she kept doing a poor job hitting the target that I had to bench her.
U K Narayan said:I think that's Catherine O'Hara. She's pretty ace.
El_TigroX said:I used her twice and she kept doing a poor job hitting the target that I had to bench her.I know that everyone is the same, but for some reason, she wasn't doing the job.
Heh...for me, Catherine was the one who ended up with Extra Shot. I think Marina ended up with the nest one instead.Baha said:I think that depends on how good your rifles are. I got Catherine shortly after I upgraded my sniper rifles for increased accuracy and she's only missed 1 out of 8 shots since I've used her. I like Marina better since her Extra Shot potential tends to be useful.
Hcoregamer00 said:What is your strategy people? I am stuck like a pigeon in tar.
archnemesis said:I used Oscar (my only sniper) to kill all shocktroopers/scouts protecting the southern tank. Then it was easy for Largo to run around it and fire a couple of rounds in the radiator. A smoke grenade on Largo prevents him from being killed by the reinforcements the following turn. Next I spawn camped the enemy with the Edelweiss with an engineer behind it for repairs and sent the rest of my forces north. It wasn't easy but at least I got an A.
I cheated.Hcoregamer00 said:Wow, sounds easy enough.
Of course, sounding easy and being easy are two very different beasts.
U K Narayan said:I think that's Catherine O'Hara. She's pretty ace.
Farnack said:I cheated.
After the first run through, I just stuck Largo where the tank was gonna spawn. Then I moved the Edelweiss in position to shoot the north tank constantly.
No, Alicia is. 8Pdrtomoe123 said:Rosie is a fucking BEAST.
Farnack said:No, Alicia is. 8P
I beat that Mulberry beach level in one turn with Alicia. XD
I ran through like those 10 machine guns and 4 tanks with a super buffed Alicia, blew up the flag area with mortar command, then finished off the guards and capped the flag.
El_TigroX said:Man, I can't figure it out... mission 8 is kicking my ass...stupid spotlights and mortars keep killing me.GOD DAMN YOU TY THE IMMORTAL!!!!
ixix said:So, Lancers. Anybody find them useful?
ixix said:When you first enter the clearing where Ty the Immortal is, there's a long stretch of grass to your right. Have Welkin enter first, and immediately start crawling through the grass. You can pick off the generic enemy by shooting from the grass without alerting Ty. Once you do that, crawl to the end of the grass and double back to get behind Ty. Chuck a grenade at him and he'll turn around, conveniently presenting his back to the clearing entrance, but won't counterattack. Get Welkin out of his line of sight and end his turn. Then take control of Alicia, enter the clearing with Ty's back toward you, walk right up behind him and enter aiming mode. He should have started turning toward Alicia as she got closer, so just stick your gun in his face and open fire. With the grenade damage four or five rounds should be enough to do him in.
The gun you get for killing him can make an upcoming mission laughably easy, by the way.
rykomatsu said:Very...i used Elesis Moore almost every mission. Double damage to tanks definitely helps in certain situations and the additional shot can be a lifesaver when trying to clear everything out of a given location. Usually use them in lieu of a grenade as well. They can also take quite a pounding so I use them as a human shield at times too if i can't get my troops out of harms way before their movement bar goes to 0
El_TigroX said:Thanks for the tip... I employed a slightly different strategy... hide and throw grenades until he is dead... worked!
ixix said:So do you just attack the front of the tank with the Lancers? I just think that relying both on an ability to activate and relying on the ensuing shot to hit is a bit of a tall order. And if you're close enough to guarantee a hit, you're close enough to go whole-hog with a rushdown and a radiator shot. And Shock Troopers can do those! Scouts can too if you use an Order to boost their attack power!
I begin to suspect that perhaps I am simply too blinded by my love of attacking glowing weak points to properly consider this matter.
Well efficacy is what separates a good plan from a bad plan, which would make your plan a good one indeed.
rykomatsu said:My lancers do pretty well from afar. I've only done a point blank radiator shot maybe 2~3 times. Ensuing shot procs quite a bit, and when I use a lancer, I usually use him/her for all expendable shots so there:s a pretty good chance that I'll get an additional shot during the 3 CP use.
dralla said:So, what does everyone think of the story and characters? no spoilers or else.
Hcoregamer00 said:The storyline is not amazing, but the storytelling is very unique. The presentation of the storyline is very compelling because it does not overdo it when it comes to cutscenes, in fact the game should have had more.
The characters are amazing on every level, the main cast in incredibly well developed. The 50+ characters you can recruit all have unique personality traits that are developed through the glossary, in-game dialogue, and the interaction with other characters. It is amazing that they can retain the unique sense of identity with such a massive cast.
TheExodu5 said:Even if the storyline ends up being a classic struggle to defeat the large empire, it will still be the most compelling narrative in an RPG in years. I'm extremely surprised by how well done the dialog and character interaction are done. It's been a long time in an RPG since I've went out of my way to further character interaction.
Oh, and the opening preface was amazing.
I was pleasantly surprised by the demo. I really did not expect the game to be THIS good. I'm finishing up Chapter 4 now. The game hasn't left the high note it started on, and I hope it never does.
Oh, and I have to express my thanks that the leveling system is so streamlined. I was really afraid of having to micromanage everyone and hand out experience individually, or actually have to balance my used characters during battle. Their implementation is perfect.
Alidar said:The antagonists are related, or are just cut from the same mold? Or is that a spoiler?
And I'm definitely playing SoAL in the near future. Looking forward to it.
duckroll said:http://news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/120/120894/
Valkyria will be getting an anime series in Spring 2009. The animation will be by A-1 Pictures, the studio founded by Sony that worked on Persona Trinity Soul and Birdy Decode.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!duckroll said:http://news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/120/120894/
Valkyria will be getting an anime series in Spring 2009. The animation will be by A-1 Pictures, the studio founded by Sony that worked on Persona Trinity Soul and Birdy Decode.
duckroll said:
duckroll said:http://news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/120/120894/
Valkyria will be getting an anime series in Spring 2009. The animation will be by A-1 Pictures, the studio founded by Sony that worked on Persona Trinity Soul and Birdy Decode.
duckroll said:
I don't know. Considering A-1's apparently mediocre track record, I'll be cautiously optimistic.jsrv said:Here's hoping it'll be good.I only saw trailers for Birdy and Persona, but they both looked really nice, I hope they can keep the feel of the canvas engine with the animated series
duckroll said:A-1 Pictures has no real track record. There's no core team at A-1 Pictures at all. It totally depends on the staff lined up for it, and there's no announcement on that front yet.
Ah.duckroll said:A-1 Pictures has no real track record. There's no core team at A-1 Pictures at all. It totally depends on the staff lined up for it, and there's no announcement on that front yet.
Ferrio said:Okay what's the deal with ch 8 and the sneaking mission
There's a damn shocktrooper and scout camping around a corner. WHenever welkin or alicia try to run/crawl sneak past I just get blown away.
Oh and it's boring as hell too.
Hcoregamer00 said:There is a reason why it is called sneaking.
You avoid those SOB's to beat the level.
Ferrio said:You know it might actually be a sneaking mission if there was more than one path.
Hcoregamer00 said:This isn't MGS4, it is a strategy RPG.
I was shocked that Mission 8 even did it as well as it did.
Avoid the shocktrooper and mortar fire and the mission is cake.
If it makes you feel better, a later mission does it FAR better.
Ferrio said:I can't avoid them! Look here's my situation.
If I go out there, I die... it's the ONLY path.