speedpop said:Don't know whether I should stick around in this thread or not. Game comes out in 2 days for us in Australia and I don't want to spoil anything in case I get too excited about playing this finally.
sonicmj1 said:Considering this is the official thread, I'm kinda surprised that nobody has mentioned the recent Eurogamer review.
8/10 for the lazy among you. They liked a lot of things about the game, but were pretty annoyed by some occasionally glitchy AI and the dodgy handling of splash damage for explosives, among other things.
HK-47 said:Just a question, not trying to start anything, but has anything been mentioned about this coming to 360?
HK-47 said:Awww man. =(
Guess I'll have to wait to play it.
speedpop said:Yeah don't think I'll step into the thread till the 4th Nov just in case I blurt something out. People can say "just spoiler tag that bitch!" but it's not the same.. some people are inclined to read spoilers regardless of knowing not to.
McBradders said:Yet us Euros are free to pepperspray the thread as we see fit :3
RpgN said:It looks like the store that is having a pricedrop
Paracelsus said:thehut? If so, damn. -.-
speedpop said:I can't help but see the GAF Impressions picture scroll by and have the Succeeded Wish Orchestra version song (the one that plays during the intro in the demo) from the game play in my head. It's nice to have a thread where everyone is positive about a game's demo and anticipate the eventual release of the full game.
Hcoregamer00 said:I disagree with that assertion that it is a marriage between western and asian game development influences.
If anything, it is an evolution of a traditional subgenre of Japanese RPG's called Strategy RPG's. The game has all the hallmarks of a strategy RPG, but it adds new twists and polishes the gameplay to perfection.
Instead of a grid based system, it breaks free of that shell and uses a more dynamic movement system that takes into account the type of weapon being carried and the specialty of the soldier. Instead of having static characters moving on this grid based system, there is dynamic cross fire as you move from one location to another, ratcheting up the intensity. Instead of taking place in medieval worlds, the setting takes place in a vicious war of conquest in a modern setting.
Hcoregamer00 said:Sure, but spoiler tag that it or else there will be hell to pay.
Just look at the Castlevania thread as an example, someone got an "early" copy and inadvertently started spoiling the damn game.
.....and no, saying Selvaria is Evil is not a spoiler.
Diablos said:I said I was gonna buy this on day one, but I was late paying a bill and now I don't know when I'll get it. Plus, I should really beat Tales first.
Not to mention, I'm gonna have to decide between this and Last Remnant. I'll buy them both, but which one should I play first? Hmm.
Billen said:I have played the demo, and while I agree to some extent I still wonder from where they got the idea to use free movement, fire upon movement and so on.
All this put aside, however, since I couldn't really care less as long as I get to play the game soon.![]()
One of the inconsistencies that perhaps other JRPG fans won't notice is that even with the story's distinctly 1940's fantastical European setting, many characters still bear all of the hallmarks of contemporary anime. For a gang of roughnecks and soldiers, many of them seem easily embarrassed, constantly formal, and incapable of showing their true feelings. Because of this, even semi-interesting characters like Welkin and Isara will feel familiar and predictable. Even an anime nerd such as myself can admit how rare it is for Japanese writers to convincingly create non-Japanese personalities. It's a flaw, but not a huge one.
Diablos said:I said I was gonna buy this on day one, but I was late paying a bill and now I don't know when I'll get it. Plus, I should really beat Tales first.
Not to mention, I'm gonna have to decide between this and Last Remnant. I'll buy them both, but which one should I play first? Hmm.
Diablos said:I said I was gonna buy this on day one, but I was late paying a bill and now I don't know when I'll get it. Plus, I should really beat Tales first.
Not to mention, I'm gonna have to decide between this and Last Remnant. I'll buy them both, but which one should I play first? Hmm.
Between this, the release date stuff earlier, and some people asking for impressions I think no one actually reads the OP :lolgogogow said:The demo was pretty good, thinking of buying this game.
Does this game have a dual audio option (JP/US voice)?
Volcynika said:Valkyria! Besides, maybe Last Remnant will follow Infinite Undiscovery and drop the price in a month.
While I agree with the general sentiment, the OP has 46 people who disagree with you regarding this particular demo. I think the older thread had 2 other posters that were less than impressed. That's a 93% approval rating! On a place that's as cynical/negative about demos as GAF usually is I consider that very impressive.zoukka said:Was so hyped about the impressions, but the demo was really just "ok" material.
Beware the NeoGAF hype. Always.
Gamer @ Heart said:I hope Sega has some realistic expectations for this game...
I hope to pick it up early next year for cheap.
That is a good thing...a very good thingshpankey said:damn you gaf, after this thread i downloaded the demo, now i have another must buy this year.
Way to go! 94% GAF demo approval rating!shpankey said:damn you gaf, after this thread i downloaded the demo, now i have another must buy this year. very damn cool. i loved it.
Kagari said:You'd get Last Remnant over this? You must like bad-looking RPGs![]()
Durante said:Btw, Games(tm) Magazine review:
Valkyria Chronicles [PS3] 9/10
"one of the most entertaining, most playable RPGs of the year"
Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery, Final Fantasy IV, Chocobo Dungeon, etc..el Diablo said:While i'm glad it got a good score i have to laugh because of the "most playable RPGs of the year". So that basically puts it up against itself and Disgaea 3 (i don't include Sonata since it's been out for 360 for awhile) :lol? Well if he's including 360 RPGs then i guess it makes but still.
Huh? It's not a PS3 exclusive magazine - there have been a great many RPGs released this year. (Wiki: "GamesTM is a UK-based multi-format computer and video games magazine, covering many video game platforms including PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 2, PC games, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS and Arcade machines.")el Diablo said:While i'm glad it got a good score i have to laugh because of the "most playable RPGs of the year". So that basically puts it up against itself and Disgaea 3 (i don't include Sonata since it's been out for 360 for awhile) :lol?
Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Fable 2 (in the same issue), TWEWY, FF7CC, DQ4...Sage00 said:Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery, Final Fantasy IV, Chocobo Dungeon, etc..
rykomatsu said:because good looking RPG's are automatically more fun to play, right?![]()
The Last Remnant. A multiplatform (PCPS360, 360 first) RPG by Square-Enix "for the World". Famous for its novel group-based battle system and infamous for its middling UE3 graphics.patsu said:What is TLR ?
Both have the same meaning.Dr. Acid Avatar said:The OP says this game is launching on 4/11/08 in the US, yet Gamestop has this listed as 11/04/08, which is accurate?
patsu said:What is TLR ?
Durante said:Huh? It's not a PS3 exclusive magazine - there have been a great many RPGs released this year. (Wiki: "GamesTM is a UK-based multi-format computer and video games magazine, covering many video game platforms including PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 2, PC games, Game Boy Advance, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS and Arcade machines.")
Edit: Beaten!
Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Fable 2 (in the same issue), TWEWY, FF7CC, DQ4...
Well, I won't stone you, I thought it was very underwhelming myself.el Diablo said:My RPG year has been mostly catalog PS2 titles so it's been a very very dry year for me, especially since (i'm sure i'll get stoned for this) i thought FFVIICC was garbage.
Durante said:I just wanted to point out that them calling it "most playable RPGs of the year" is not a meaningless acclaim since for a multiplatform publication there are actually quite a number of good or even great 2008 RPGs to take into consideration.
el Diablo said:On a side note, is it just me or are all the artbooks in really bad shape? Thumbed through mine for the first time today and it was in pretty bad shape. Looked like a 5 year old had read it and put it down.
Kagari said:D: That's not comforting...
Durante said:On a place that's as cynical/negative about demos as GAF usually is I consider that very impressive.
This was never announced for 360.bathala said:yup in the beginning then... it was cancelled. thank god i have both