rykomatsu said:btw,
for those of you interested and have a PSN-J account, Edy Nelson (for refernce sake, Edy > * in VC) will be a guest for one of the hours of Mainichi Issyo / Toro Station Marathon this coming weekend.
It should be Saturday @ 1pm PST for one hour.
Hellion said:The skirmish mode is really helpful in mastering this game...I had forgotten engineers could rebuild sandbags =/
Dyne said:Oh my god, really?
They really ARE the ultimate class!
Shadow780 said:nah....Scout's the most useful one I think.
U K Narayan said:Claudia is my favorite engineer.
What can I say? She's freaking cute!
sonicmj1 said:What should I do?
radiantdreamer said:nvm. As soon as I posted it and noticed some stars, I knew something was wrong.
Die Squirrel Die said:Chp.13 question.How quickly can Selvaria get to your base after she appears? Also Verrot said something about using tank guns to slow her down, will anti-tank rounds affect her this time. I rushed taking down the mortar base on the 2nd turn and only had a couple of CP left, and the eidelweiss got hit by a gatling bunker. I think I'll take it a bit slower, take out both gatling bunkers, and try to conserve CP for when she shows up.
jorma said:I started the level just like you did, i took the mortar base in the second turn. After that i used Alicia, Rosie, Largo (and the mortar order once) to clean out the objective. Rosie and Largo went in the front while i took Alicia round the back afair. If you took the mortar base by round 2 you should be able to win the scenario in round 4 = A/S rank (as far as i remember=) (
They have like half the HP, though.Dyne said:They do have extra footing, but Engineers (seem to) have the same firepower. Depends on styles of play, I guess.
Dave1988 said:How does one get the thrid (and final?) entry in the recruits' biographies? At first I thought that you needed to have that unit in the last fight but then I remembered that I had one with me while fighting the last boss and the bio didn't get updated.
Also, in N+ you don't get your full roster right off the bat. I'm assuming that they'll arrive later on which means I'll have to kill off Oscar once again to get Emile -__-
EDIT: Scratch the last part. You don't have to kill off Oscar permamently to get Emile.
Dave1988 said:Scratch the last part. You don't have to kill off Oscar permamently to get Emile.
Mejilan said:Yeehaw. Amazon finally got this to me, along with Resistance 2 CE.
I've already installed it!![]()
Kagari said:Hmm.
Hcoregamer00 said:The game is amazing, but if I do have anything to complain about, it is on Selvaria's character development.
rykomatsu said:The great villan always was and always will be Maximillian. Think it was pretty from the PVs and from relatively early on in the story thatNot that that makes it right, but yeah...I can see where you're coming from. TBH, I think even Edy had a little bit more to her than Selvaria has had overall...then again, she's been the most popular character from the game in Japan from the get-go.Selvaria was just a puppet, no more, no less...
Note that Edy "runs" the JPN Valkyria blog too![]()
rykomatsu said:The great villan always was and always will be Maximillian. Think it was pretty from the PVs and from relatively early on in the story thatNot that that makes it right, but yeah...I can see where you're coming from. TBH, I think even Edy had a little bit more to her than Selvaria has had overall...then again, she's been the most popular character from the game in Japan from the get-go.Selvaria was just a puppet, no more, no less...
Note that Edy "runs" the JPN Valkyria blog too![]()
I haven't opened my copy yet, but I looked through the top and I can see the manual. I would return your copy and get your money back and go pick it up somewhere else, it sounds like that one has been tampered with.QuantumSingularity said:To any Canadians in this thread:
Did you get a manual with this game? I just picked it up from EB an hour ago and my copy didn't come with a manual; not even a French one! I went back to EB to ask about it, but they couldn't check another copy because the only copies they had were for other preorders. The game was shrink-wrapped, but that's really not a guarantee of anything.
Gunloc said:I haven't opened my copy yet, but I looked through the top and I can see the manual. I would return your copy and get your money back and go pick it up somewhere else, it sounds like that one has been tampered with.
Funny enough, playing in Japanese voicing, I was actually able to know some of the words which wasn't translated literally for the English subtitles. 8DDave1988 said:Kewl. Too bad I don't understand a lick of Japanese.
Farnack said:Funny enough, playing in Japanese voicing, I was actually able to know some of the words which wasn't translated literally for the English subtitles. 8D
They're very different.
rykomatsu said:The great villan always was and always will be Maximillian. Think it was pretty from the PVs and from relatively early on in the story thatNot that that makes it right, but yeah...I can see where you're coming from. TBH, I think even Edy had a little bit more to her than Selvaria has had overall...then again, she's been the most popular character from the game in Japan from the get-go.Selvaria was just a puppet, no more, no less...
Note that Edy "runs" the JPN Valkyria blog too![]()
I do agree with you that in the videogame medium of storytelling, having a sympathetic villain many not be the best. After all, why spend 10-60 hours in a game to find out that the villain you hated the entire time was actually not a bad person. One of the best examples of it is Tales of the Abyss that came out a while back, the villains are not necessarily evil. They are after the same ultimate goal as the protagonists, but they have a different interpretation on how they should reach this goal. It is quite disheartening to know that your cast of protagonists could easily have been the antagonists.
In a game, people like the idea of black and white characters. While I still stand by my assertion that there are shades of grey for the Triumviri (Not so evil - Gen. Jaeger, Evil with some humanity - Gen. Gregor, Absolutely evil that can garner some sympathy - Gen. Selvaria), but there is a character that is absolutely evil in Valkyria, and that is Maximillian. He is the classic videogame supervillian who has no redeeming qualities.
The Galcian/Ramirez relationship is eerily similar to the Selvaria/Maximillian relationship. Hell, it is the same thing but with a man and a woman. I guess the Skies of Arcadia team likes to keep this villain dynamic.
=X I never thought of it that way.Dice said:So this game is amazing, easily my GOTY. Man it just came out of nowhere to revolutionize the genre, and with such polish and in such a classy way, it's just so enjoyable.
And as an aside, Chapter 3 "Summons, part 4" had some... interesting and subtle undertones for an RPG...Alicia makes a comment about remembering how she was "busting her buns" in reference to the bakery and wants to get back to the ovens, then Welkin says he'd be first in line to "get some of that bread", and then she says she'll have it "ready and waiting" for him? That's like a James Bond conversation. :lol
Dice said:And as an aside, Chapter 3 "Summons, part 4" had some... interesting and subtle undertones for an RPG...Alicia makes a comment about remembering how she was "busting her buns" in reference to the bakery and wants to get back to the ovens, then Welkin says he'd be first in line to "get some of that bread", and then she says she'll have it "ready and waiting" for him? That's like a James Bond conversation. :lol
Yep. Normally I don't break to the cutesy stuff, but there are times when I just have to give in. :lolDyne said:Is that the one that goes "Allllllllriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhtttttttt ^___________^" when you select her? I agree.
Dice said:So this game is amazing, easily my GOTY. Man it just came out of nowhere to revolutionize the genre, and with such polish and in such a classy way, it's just so enjoyable.
And as an aside, Chapter 3 "Summons, part 4" had some... interesting and subtle undertones for an RPG...Alicia makes a comment about remembering how she was "busting her buns" in reference to the bakery and wants to get back to the ovens, then Welkin says he'd be first in line to "get some of that bread", and then she says she'll have it "ready and waiting" for him? That's like a James Bond conversation. :lol
Whew, at least I'm not the only one that noticed this. I didn't post about it because I thought that if no one else does it must be my overactive imagination :lolDice said:So this game is amazing, easily my GOTY. Man it just came out of nowhere to revolutionize the genre, and with such polish and in such a classy way, it's just so enjoyable.
And as an aside, Chapter 3 "Summons, part 4" had some... interesting and subtle undertones for an RPG...Alicia makes a comment about remembering how she was "busting her buns" in reference to the bakery and wants to get back to the ovens, then Welkin says he'd be first in line to "get some of that bread", and then she says she'll have it "ready and waiting" for him? That's like a James Bond conversation. :lol
I'm not quite as extreme, but I still have over 30 hours clocked in at the start of chapter 15. I'm also not particularly trying to prolong it, but I take my time and do all the side stuff.U K Narayan said:Anyway, I just beat Chapter 10 and I almost have 30 hours clocked in. I swear, I'm probably the only person on earth who won't be beating this game until I've gotten at least 40 hours worth of gameplay in. It isn't deliberate, either. I'm just taking my time.
U K Narayan said:Yep. Normally I don't break to the cutesy stuff, but there are times when I just have to give in. :lol
Anyway, I just beat Chapter 10 and I almost have 30 hours clocked in. I swear, I'm probably the only person on earth who won't be beating this game until I've gotten at least 40 hours worth of gameplay in. It isn't deliberate, either. I'm just taking my time.
I wish this game would last forever, though.
So far, this is my definite game of the year. More people need to buy this fucking game. If I don't get a sequel, simply because there weren't enough sales, I'm going to be livid.
Yeah, I had to switch to the dub because it bothers me. I was paying more attention to the translation than the story.Farnack said:Funny enough, playing in Japanese voicing, I was actually able to know some of the words which wasn't translated literally for the English subtitles. 8D
They're very different.
I just found my first one (to some surprise on my part, I didn't know/expect such things to be in the game) and I'd also like to know this.Tempy said:So how many ace tank parts are there?