So that is what that line of Ellet dialogue means. I never knew.
Looking at the credits, they only needed 4 developers for the port? I guess that's not surprising considering most of the work would just be programming and most of the code doesn't need to be touched, but that makes me think the success of this port will lead to more PC ports of various games, rather than more VC related stuff.
I'd love to see a VC4, or upgraded versions of VC2/3, but those would be really high budget projects compared to the VC1 port (they could do direct ports of VC2/3, but I doubt that's likely and I doubt many people would want that anyway).
By the way, anyone know what happened to the patch? There's been radio silence since the initial release in December and the first update in January. I think the DLC and various ancillary sections (like the newspaper stories) still need to be translated, is that still in the works or should we assume what we have is the final product?
I recall reading that the VC3 project was plagued by internal drama and strife and that the team at least partially broke up after the patch was released. I am possibly confusing it with Type-0, however.
Not yet, I think. I have yet to play the DLCs. First I want to have all A's on the story and all royal weapons.Do you have the anti tank sniper rifle? It's p hilarious on that stage.
I never looked at it that way, but that's pretty neat.Yeah, I think the way the game is framed is a stroke of genius. You're essentially experiencing the Gallian Front through her eyes. Which 'explains' everything from why you can e.g. visit the HQ out of order during NG+, why paying her to write about Squad 7 unlocks character episodes, and how units unlock their hidden potential when she interviews them, etc. since all that directly affects what's written in the book. A stylized retelling and not 100% exactly how the actual events played out.
Alicia can proc double movement? ... welp. best character in the game.
Yeah, I think the way the game is framed is a stroke of genius. You're essentially experiencing the Gallian Front through her eyes. Which 'explains' everything from why you can e.g. visit the HQ out of order during NG+, why paying her to write about Squad 7 unlocks character episodes, and how units unlock their hidden potential when she interviews them, etc. since all that directly affects what's written in the book. A stylized retelling and not 100% exactly how the actual events played out. (... on the other hand, that opens up the headcanon that the anime was actually what happened. Oh God)
It's about as flexible a mechanic for suspension of disbelief re: narrative as the early Assassin's Creed games, where doing something out of character would 'desync' you from what the genetic memories actually remembered.
This is also why she pushes the personal life of the squad. The people don't to hear more about the victory but that they have it. Welkin has a girlfriend is a better story than Welkin shot a dozen man with his tank canon into pieces and ordered his scouts to run through enemy machineguns with a wink and the words "O R D E R! Please have caution.". And they had.
Eh, Ellet ain't that bad. There are always two new stories in the paper. One about squad 7 and one general one that often goes into how the war is at other fronts and what's generally influenced by it. She just seem to have a nose for heroes, so she sticks and tries to push squad 7 in the public opinion to raise morals. After all, when this random band of militia people can win battles like crazy, why shouldn't the regular military and other militia squads? (We know why, but that isn't how propaganda works).
This is also why she pushes the personal life of the squad. The people don't to hear more about the victory but that they have it. Welkin has a girlfriend is a better story than Welkin shot a dozen man with his tank canon into pieces and ordered his scouts to run through enemy machineguns with a wink and the words "O R D E R! Please have caution.". And they had.
Oh my GOD you guys, I never realised that buying those stories from Ellet actually added MORE story chapters. Holy shiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
Oh my GOD you guys, I never realised that buying those stories from Ellet actually added MORE story chapters. Holy shiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
You didn't trust Ms. Ellet? Shame on you.
Support the arts! Support freedom!
SMH. Hop to it, soldier!
The game is set in fictional 1935, and is clearly inspired by the winter war between Finland and Russia. The WW2 style propaganda news stories are perfectly suited to that setting.Yeah, but it feels a lot like a romaticized 1940s/50s version of how war correspondents act, all "what a scoop!" and "tell us about your favourite things to do on shore leave, war hero!" and whatnot.
Oh....! I never thought of that. Yes, that'll do. Thanks!I'm... pretty sure (and don't quote me on this, actually have to test it) that saving/reloading before visiting Cordelia gives you different rewards. And even if not, why wouldn't you just save before completing the mission? I think that's one justified usage of mid-game saves regardless of your stance on it.
have just 2 maps left on my no-leveling or upgrading anything run.
just about everything kills you in one attack.
You end up spending your time hiding from and then swarming the enemy all at once - and relying on your tanks a lot for busting through into places.
The PC version is much harder than the PS3 version just in that as you surprise an enemy, they start shooting you a lot (and killing me in my case) before the game lets you attack them. In the PS3 version, I seem to remember enemies not being so quick on the trigger and would only get a couple bullets in before you started your attacking.
have just 2 maps left on my no-leveling or upgrading anything run.
just about everything kills you in one attack.
You end up spending your time hiding from and then swarming the enemy all at once - and relying on your tanks a lot for busting through into places.
The PC version is much harder than the PS3 version just in that as you surprise an enemy, they start shooting you a lot (and killing me in my case) before the game lets you attack them. In the PS3 version, I seem to remember enemies not being so quick on the trigger and would only get a couple bullets in before you started your attacking.
So I'm pretty sure Susie's Challenge is bullshit. I killed every single thing on the map and patrolled every single area of high grass like multiple times.
After all that nothing. And since there was nothing to kill me, I had to force 20 turns to go past, go to brief, and then go back to book view. I even went online to a guide to make sure I killed everyone and I did.
Is anyone else having issues with Susie's challenge?
Interception fire is tied to fps, so if you turned the game to 30 fps, you'll get back to what the PS3 version was like.
Man, that actually sounds amazing and sounds more of the level that a militia should have against trained soldiers.i've been dealing with it so far. It's annoying, but I have to play that much better since I can't run up to anyone and attack them unless I'm directly behind them.
Main ways I've managed without upgrades/leveling:
- attack enemy units using your scouts from far away, but it will take 2-3 AP to kill them
- enemies who are crouching are pretty much invincible, need to destroy their cover
- sneak up behind enemies with shocktroopers to take them out with one hit
- snipers are worthless at higher levels without leveling/upgrading
- use tanks to break into hot zones, then let the enemy's turn slaughter their troops when they try to move.
- your tanks will get killed in 2-3 hits so engineers nearby are crucial
Go all the way to the map exit, there is one guy hiding behind a boulder right next to the stripped barrier thing
Oh god, the official board on Sega's website for this game, so hilarious.
Some guy declaring this (and every other modern JRPG) to be not RPGs because it doesn't follow the DnD ruleset and doesn't have a custom protagonist.
I think I've seen it all now. VC (As well as every other major JRPG of the past 20 years) is not an RPG because it is not a DnD clone.
Oh god, the official board on Sega's website for this game, so hilarious.
Some guy declaring this (and every other modern JRPG) to be not RPGs because it doesn't follow the DnD ruleset and doesn't have a custom protagonist.
I think I've seen it all now. VC (As well as every other major JRPG of the past 20 years) is not an RPG because it is not a DnD clone.
well i think durante argued that jagged alliance 2 wasn't an rpg so i guess he also believes that VC isn't one either, we should just go yell at him
that's what you get for dissing JA2 duranto ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Huh, wow, I don't remember Chapter 12 being so easy.
Well if you don't mind me, it is time to begin writing an Jane & Wendy yuri fanfic.