At this point, I'd just be happy with some response to a possible VC2 & 3 on PC. (Even though I just play them on my Emulator at the moment)
emulators don't have steam cheevos!
They could just leave it be and declare the Gallia Trilogy for finished an go to make an imperial game that could lead into a Trilogy. Like after the gallian war a big part of the imperial resources were crushed, including of course Max and the Drei Stern, so it now suffers trouble at it's war with the Federation. We could have the view of an imperial squad that is stationed at a rather uneventful part of the front that get's hot while the story progresses.
Wouldn't it be great if it were a punishment squad for those who failed the invasion of gallia. Just imagine to play with Ty and Nonnenkof![]()
Heh, you know, it's easy to see the Empire as the baddies since they're the ones invading Europa for resources, but the truth is there's stinkers on all sides, and innocents (well, as innocent as soldiers get, anyway) just caught up between the big entities. I think that's what made Ch8 so great, it made the good-guy bad-guy thing a lot more ambiguous than the first few chapters.
A story based on the Imperial elites
(post Selvaria :'( )
I've stayed away from this game ever since I noticed that reaction fire is tied to framerate and read that moving up inclines can be negatively influenced by the same thing. Figured I'd wait for a patch.
Has Sega made any announcements about the problem? I think I read that the incline thing was corrected but I didn't see anything about reaction fire.
Would you guys recommend leaving 60 FPS enabled even if it makes things more difficult?
You'd think that developers would have noticed by now that tying gameplay elements to framerate is a Bad Idea.
I stand by my speculation that the fact one framerate-related thing was fixed while the other wasn't is a good sign as it might imply some discussion is going on behind the scenes on what to do. (As I pointed out, the porting team and the original devs are different entities so simply asking for permission isn't as simple as fixing a few lines of code)
Also, some games' mechanics absolutely need to be tied to frame-thinks. A lot of bullet hell games would be nigh-impossible without (artificial, nowadays) CPU limitations and slowdown, so the games continue to be written that way. Granted, that's not exactly the same issue here, and also a niche case.