Galvanise_ said:
Some of these reviewers are something else.
Galvanise_ said:
The Heavy Machine Gun's melee won't overheat if you don't use it on an enemy. It's nice if you want to fly above cover without actually going over it.
brandonh83 said:Bayonetta is a tough pill to swallow. I love it personally but apart from the gameplay and soundtrack I can see how it would turn some people away. :lol
I know the counter argument is "but it's a game so the gameplay is all that matters" and I agree which is why I love the game, so lower your weapons. But it is easy to understand why the story, characters, dialogue, and overall stupidity of everything can put a bad taste in someone's mouth.
That shit was hard for even me to take. I let it slide because the gameplay and bosses are just too damned awesome, but still.
The 20 rotations code is legit.
God Hard conditions are the following:
Yeah, but you aren't always next to cover. When out in the open, the HMG melee is really handy.Fimbulvetr said:Boost kicking walls, obstacles, or cover will still let you activate AR mode in mid-air.
Amir0x said:yup
this is my second favorite game of the year so far. i really was getting down on it before release, fucking FLOORING me
amazing bravo Mikami BRAV-FUCKING-O
Evade has 10 invincibility frames. Take advantage of that.Colocho said:I hate that I suck so much at this, I'm about halfway through act 3 and I've died about 15 times already, I'm obviously doing something wrong.
:lolFimbulvetr said:I already said I was mad at myself.![]()
Yeah, I think overheating is my biggest problem so far and I rarely use melee unless there are only a couple of enemies.Evade has 10 invincibility frames. Take advantage of that.
Do not melee something needlessly.
Avoid overheating.
Y2Kev said:jim sterling jim sterling jim sterling
harriet the spy said:Such a fucking awesome game! I am not half as crazy as some of you guys are about DMC, but this is so so good. James Franco so good gif right here.
andymcc said:what in the world does DMC have to do with this game?
30fpsandymcc said:what in the world does DMC have to do with this game?
Finaika said:30fps
what in the world does DMC have to do with this game?
Sir Ilpalazzo said:The director isn't the same, but because a lot of Platinum Games' staff come from Mikami and Kamiya's teams at Capcom, it might be safe to assume that some DMC people were involved with this.
Killing with style.
Tricky I Shadow said:Gameplay/controls = 100% perfection!
This game is soooooooooo damn good!
Shurs said:This game is insane. I just boosted into a mech and destroyed it with a punch. There is so much shit happening on the screen at one time it's almost hard to take it all in.
Amir0x said:Ok guys scrap every bit of pessimism i've expressed at game length
Zeitgeister said:I guess that's one way to stay consistent.![]()
Totally fine. Just keep on eye on the circle gauge.Colocho said:I have a question, when boosting is it correct to also try to use the aim button? it's while I do that that my overheating problems surface.
PlatinumGamesJP said:
glad you're gladPlatinumGamesJP said:
PlatinumGamesJP said:
PlatinumGamesJP said:
Galvanise_ said:
ezekial45 said:FYI, the reviewer posts here on GAF.
PlatinumGamesJP said:
Seriously of all the games people unnecessarily ask for PC ports for, this is actually a game I would like to see have a PC port.amtentori said:any word on a PC port?