Jim Sterling is a shitty reviewer that doesn't deserve the benefit of ever being a topic of discussion. Let's stop talking about him.robor said:After reading Jim Sterling's review I noticed something crucial, he doesn't mention AR mode once. Not in it's application, not in it's relationship to the game world and enemies, not even a mention of it's existence. The fact that it's completely ignored illustrates just how pathological his analysis truly is.
Zavvi shipped out preorders for anyone else yet?
AllGamer said:nope
LiK said:Zavvi shipped out preorders for anyone else yet?
LiK said:Zavvi shipped out preorders for anyone else yet?
robor said:After reading Jim Sterling's review I noticed something crucial, he doesn't mention AR mode once. Not in it's application, not in it's relationship to the game world and enemies, not even a mention of it's existence. The fact that it's completely ignored illustrates just how pathological his analysis truly is.
Same, ah well.rubbishmonkey said:Mine's stuck on "Awaiting Stock Pick"
Why?Dartastic said:This game's title should have been spelled "Vankwish."
I dunno. Just cause.Why?
rubbishmonkey said:Mine's stuck on "Awaiting Stock Pick"
Fuck, why can't I be this lucky.kanugo said:GAME just shipped my Steelbook Edition. Can't wait to play it.
cleveridea said:can someone explain why melee uses the same energy as the boost?
cleveridea said:wow what a variety of review scores. it looks like the kind of game I would like, its more an issue of at what price I get it. there is only one real issue I have:
can someone explain why melee uses the same energy as the boost? isnt that bad? I mean why would you ever use melee? it sounds like a disincentive. melee should be high risk high reward, given that you can shoot your gun without using up boost (and at range too, which I imagine is safer than being at melee range)
it just seems poorly balanced. given the care in the rest of the game, I imagine I am missing something but can someone explain please.
other than that, sounds awesome way way better than the MOH, COD etc boring same FPS games have played 100 times before
Your melee attacks are really powerful. The game would be really fucking easy if it wasn't this way. You'd be able to dash up to every enemy and take them out with one or two hits.cleveridea said:can someone explain why melee uses the same energy as the boost?
jett said:You have not played the demo, have you. Melee attacks are super overpowered and kill mostly anything in one hit.
BS. This game gets started once you first get control of Sam.Vilix said:Because it seems to be over before it has a chance to get started.
practice02 said:Can we talk about how long and uninformative that opening movie is?
I really don't see why melee had to be completely taken away when out of boost. They could of just let you use a powered down version of it similar to what they do with the dodge roll.Shurs said:Balance.
CaptYamato said:BS. This game gets started once you first get control of Sam.
Jigsaw said:mine's on "Awaiting Despatch"![]()
Koralsky said:Yeah, same here.
So, Europe had like 4 different editions?
Normal; with Lenticular Sleeve; Steelbook Edition and zavvi's Limited Edition With Figurine?
And what's up with that pointless part were you see those dudes get sucked out of the haul breaches it's like ten seconds of controlling the character and then back to cutscenes. My girlfriend was watching the begining and shes halfway through she was like " did I wiss something what is happening now?" If I hadn't been foloowing the games coverage I would barely understand what was going on.Adam J. said:I thought all in all, the opening of the game was poorly executed. I wanted the game to start up like the demo--just drop me into the action and have Burns scream the gist of why I'm on the space station while I'm dropkicking/shooting robots (that would have worked for me).
I played up to Act 4 last night and the game is starting to hit RE4 levels of awesomeness. I'm assuming there is only one more act to go...Going to be sad when it's over.
practice02 said:And what's up with that pointless part were you see those dudes get sucked out of the haul breaches it's like ten seconds of controlling the character and then back to cutscenes. My girlfriend was watching the begining and shes halfway through she was like " did I wiss something what is happening now?" If I hadn't been foloowing the games coverage I would barely understand what was going on.
I doubt it.greenjerk said:Didn't get to play until late last night but loving it so far.
Any whispers of DLC?
greenjerk said:Didn't get to play until late last night but loving it so far.
Any whispers of DLC?
That's about all I heard. Thanks, just curious.Space A Cobra said:The Gamestop pre-order gun pack is expected to become dlc but I don't believe there's been official confirmation on that yet.
rvy said:About to order. 360 or PS3? Still haven't figured this shit out.
Tough choice. Not big on framerate dips, it bothers me far more than screen-tearing.Forbiden said:From what I saw in a comparison vid, 360 has locked 30fps but there is screen tearing. PS3 dips to about 26fps sometimes but no screen tearing. Other than that there is next to no difference in the graphical department.