You know, I don't even know how long did it take me to beat the game the first time. Mostly because I didn't play the game in a linear fashion, I replayed most of the levels a few times before finishing the Campaign (I did the same thing with Bayonetta too)Amir0x said:DERP
anybody can beat even 10 hour average campaigns in under 2 hours after memorizing layouts and shit
the only fucking relevant point is if it's four hours or less ON THE FIRST TIME THROUGH
otherwise if you're doing that on a second or third playthrough, guess what, you already automatically sunk in more hours than that.
I'm not even sure how you thought your point was relevant otherwise.
As I said, I didn't mention anything about a first playthrough (read above) And thanks for the compliment BTWTeam Klimt said:Sadly, you are not the general public. Most people who drop $60 for a four hour game will be pissed off. (No way you could play through that game on your first go in 3 hours either. No way)
It makes sense, you just don't get it. Not my problem.Amir0x said:Ok, let me try to explain why the point you were making made zero sense.
Nier does not suck.Amir0x said:Nier sucks but this is an amazing deal right here.
RSB said:Mirror's Edge Campaign is 3 hours long, and it is still one of the best games of this generation. Between the speedruns and the Time Attack levels I've played more than 100 hours of Mirror's Edge, and I've happily spent over 90 euros for it (I have both the 360 and PS3 versions, plus the DLC) The same happened with Bayonetta, short campaign, insane replayability. So yeah, the length of the Campaign doesn't mean that much, really (well, to me, at least)
Adam J. said:In regards to the shotgun, it's use is pretty much mandatory if you want to survive the challenge demo (you get rushed down fast) but whatever. I'm through defending this game until I've actually played the full retail version.
RSB said:You know, I don't even know how long did it take me to beat the game the first time. Mostly because I didn't play the game in a linear fashion, I replayed most of the levels a few more times before finishing the Campaign.
What I was trying to say is that Mirror's Edge has a short Campaign (I'd say about 3 hours without rushing too much, at least for me) and that doesn't stop it from being a masterpiece. That's it, and stop overreacting please.
Beezy said:Nier does not suck.
Amir0x said:Nah it's basically immensely awful in every way. Gameplay :lol Story :lol
Fimbulvetr said:I hope that "every way" is excluding the soundtrack.
Koralsky said:So Famitsu and Play UK opinions aren't important after you saw the negative GI one?
Amir0x said:Nah it's basically immensely awful in every way. Gameplay :lol Story :lol
Smh, I forgot who I was talking to. Moving on.Amir0x said:Nah it's basically immensely awful in every way. Gameplay :lol Story :lol
Koralsky said:So Famitsu and Play UK opinions aren't important after you saw the negative GI one?
That's bullshit. Waiting for Edge and Eurogamer reviews.
Also what was the GameInformer score for God Hand?
Shurs said:Maybe I'll pass then. Though $20 is pretty much the price point at which I'll buy any retail game that remotely interests me.
Amir0x said:65% of the game content consists of doing extremely menial tasks that are almost all unfun and mostly involve you running from one town to the next. It's the RPG version of Animal Crossing, which as everyone with taste knows is the worst game ever made.
Amir0x said:Play UK, i didn't even know they reviewed it!
Also, The Game Informer Score is nearly an 8. That != Negative.
Also also, it's less the review people are complaining about but the assertion the game may be four hours long on a first play through.
Vilix said:Thank goodness it's only your opinion, hmm?
Koralsky said:It's negative for me because i didn't expect Vanquish score to be below 8![]()
Amir0x said:Let me tell you before people try to trick you.
The combat is just fucking insanely awful. God, it's almost as bad as Enslaved. There's this terrible magic/bullet hell system ability that they thought was clever but basically is awful in practice.
65% of the game content consists of doing extremely menial tasks that are almost all unfun and mostly involve you running from one town to the next. It's the RPG version of Animal Crossing, which as everyone with taste knows is the worst game ever made.
The story is just painful, start to end. The writing is so frequently terrible that one is not surprised they thought their main selling point was an jRPG that says "fuck." The introduction bombards you with this profanity in an attempt to distract you from the basement quality writing.
The art direction/visuals are devastatingly awful. Like, the developer should stop making games it's so bad.
God, I cannot believe how bad it was. Like everyone was calling it some cult classic and I fucking should have listened to my instincts because aside from the music there is no redeeming qualities.
Shurs said:I appreciate your take on the game. Thanks.
Amir0x said:Anyway, I already have a $25 dollar off card from K-Mart, so i think I might still get Vanquish that way. If I use that coupon, do these other deals still apply for me?
Amir0x said:only the opinion of people with taste, as has been established.
Anyway, thankfully for all humanity, VANQUISH is nothing like Nier or Animal Crossing.
Ask yourself, is .25 really worth losing sleep over? :lol
well, they did.Amir0x said:The art direction/visuals are devastatingly awful. Like, the developer should stop making games it's so bad.
The whole point of Vanquish is to play fast...Vilix said:The GI review seems suspect to me in that he probably did a quick run through. Most here will finish the game in 8 to 10 hours. I'll probably finish it in 16 or more. I love to take my time with games. I love to soak in the atmosphere and get as drawn in as possible. I also don't run in games. I figure if the game has me playing the character of some badass why not have a badass attitude. Sorta like a bull thinking "Instead of running down the hill to fuck a cow, why don't I just walk down the hill and fuck some cows."
Vilix said:I also don't run in games. I figure if the game has me playing the character of some badass why not have a badass attitude. Sorta like a bull thinking "Instead of running down the hill to fuck a cow, why don't I just walk down the hill and fuck some cows."
Y2Kev said:This is OT but can you get Nier from
Shurs said:I appreciate your take on the game. Thanks.
Amir0x said:Let me tell you before people try to trick you.
The combat is just fucking insanely awful. God, it's almost as bad as Enslaved. There's this terrible magic/bullet hell system ability that they thought was clever but basically is awful in practice.
65% of the game content consists of doing extremely menial tasks that are almost all unfun and mostly involve you running from one town to the next. It's the RPG version of Animal Crossing, which as everyone with taste knows is the worst game ever made.
The story is just painful, start to end. The writing is so frequently terrible that one is not surprised they thought their main selling point was an jRPG that says "fuck." The introduction bombards you with this profanity in an attempt to distract you from the basement quality writing.
The art direction/visuals are devastatingly awful. Like, the developer should stop making games it's so bad.
God, I cannot believe how bad it was. Like everyone was calling it some cult classic and I fucking should have listened to my instincts because aside from the music there is no redeeming qualities.
Sinople said:Sorry to be off-topic but...
You could also try for yourself before forging your opinion.
Other people would tell you it's a very good game (me included).
Take a look at the OT.
PG_jp said:GameInformer: "Don't be surprised if you finish your first playthrough in four hours." Really? Because it would surprise the hell out of us.
Even in Casual Auto it doesn't make sense, nor is it indicative of how long a normal gamer's playthough would take.
GI status: toldBudokaiMR2 said:Yeah I think we might need to get Gameinformer to give us a screencap with their playtime or something.
Especially after seeing this quote
Oh shit PG!BudokaiMR2 said:Yeah I think we might need to get Gameinformer to give us a screencap with their playtime or something.
Especially after seeing this quote
BudokaiMR2 said:Yeah I think we might need to get Gameinformer to give us a screencap with their playtime or something.
Especially after seeing this quote
If that's the case then, like others, I'll probably wait until this drops to $19.99. I'm not really into challenge modes and I think the repetition may bother me. Plus I'm a bit burnt out on shooting things at the moment.Adam J. said:Look, I hate to shill for this game, but for those of you that are reconsidering buying this because of it's supposed length, but really enjoyed the demo and were excited for this game, hear this. When the JP challenge demo dropped I played it with a friend for 3 hours straight, about 2 of those were just trying to beat it(yeah we suck), and the other hour dedicated to just screwing around, trying new strategies, and, you know, having fun. I'm sure that the campaign will be a blast, but I'm willing to bet that the meat of the game will be in these challenge stages.
miladesn said:
ZealousD said:Told you guys that you shouldn't trust GameInformer with reviews. Seriously, they're pretty bad.
oh shit!BudokaiMR2 said:Yeah I think we might need to get Gameinformer to give us a screencap with their playtime or something.
Especially after seeing this quote
:lolBudokaiMR2 said:Yeah I think we might need to get Gameinformer to give us a screencap with their playtime or something.
Especially after seeing this quote
As far as quality of writing and willingness to criticize heavily hyped games, Eurogamer and Edge probably. I don't think Vanquish qualifies as one of those though, so there shouldn't be too much review inflation across the board.Discotheque said:I haven't been really keeping up with game reviews these days.....who is fairly trustworthy now?
GAF. And podcasts, I guess.Discotheque said:I haven't been really keeping up with game reviews these days.....who is fairly trustworthy now?
Discotheque said:I haven't been really keeping up with game reviews these days.....who is fairly trustworthy now?
I'm talking writing by the way, none of that 9.3 lol game is worse than 9.4 bullshit.
miladesn said:
BudokaiMR2 said:Yeah I think we might need to get Gameinformer to give us a screencap with their playtime or something.
Especially after seeing this quote