so that we can unlock the new parallel universe plus where we have some godly weaponry.Muffdraul said:"We have 4-6 hours to stop that from happening."
so that we can unlock the new parallel universe plus where we have some godly weaponry.Muffdraul said:"We have 4-6 hours to stop that from happening."
...4 hours. wow. i was so dead set on getting this game.~Devil Trigger~ said:1 HOUR!!!!:lol
nah GI said 4 hours
Read the last two pages.Bad_Boy said:...4 hours. wow. i was so dead set on getting this game.
Bayonetta, Vanquish and Mirror's Edge have those rare demos that I just play and play and play. It's weird.Linkzg said:The only thing surprising about the length of the game is how long RE4 and God Hand were. Both were quite long for the types of games they were. Vanquish's length seems closer to PN03's.
That said, the combined time I played the two Vanquish demos was something like six to eight hours. I only stopped because it was getting ridiculous and I needed to save it for the full game. It's a bit like Mirror's Edge for me.
Macintosh360 said:One of the firat online reviews - they liked it alot:
Macintosh360 said:One of the firat online reviews - they liked it alot:
Fuck hours they said the frame rate is great!miladesn said:4-6 hours! everybody PANIC!
Shurs said:They gave it an 8.9
Edit: Wow! If you look up "7 to 10 scale" in a dictionary, they would reference Planet Xbox 360.
Macintosh360 said:One of the firat online reviews - they liked it alot:
If Platinum Games nailed one thing in Vanquish, it is easily the lack of repetition.
Empty said:my god at some of the writing in that review. just picking out one sentence.
"Its difficult to put into words why Vanquish is a fun twist on your average 3rd-person shooter.."
err, i don't think you should be a game critic if you find that hard. why the combat flow of vanquish is so entertaining is really easy to describe, man.
"..but if I could sum it up the most caveman-esque of terms, I would call it badass."
i don't think you should be a professional writer at all if you can write that line with a straight face.
CaptYamato said:You're mistaking these men for professionals.
Macintosh360 said:I don't think he was writing that last sentence with a straight face, and if you want to be a professional journalism critic there are plenty of sites out there in need of you, maybe we could see some of your writing first? Thanks for the tips though!
Macintosh360 said:And who in this industry of "playing video games" could be considered a professional - seriously anime, comic books, video games, action figures, even movie critics all deal with the same thing; no one wants to read a review of their "hobby" like it was penned by our high-school english teacher, if you think I'm wrong go make that site and see how long it lasts.... :lol :lol :lol :lol
Macintosh360 said:I don't think he was writing that last sentence with a straight face, and if you want to be a professional journalism critic there are plenty of sites out there in need of you, maybe we could see some of your writing first? Thanks for the tips though!
Danneee said:If only more games were 6 hours long I would probably have the time to actually go through them again instead of just quickly jumping on the next game.
All these 15-20 hr games are really hurting my motivation to play them at all as a majority won't even keep my interest for the whole game.
Macintosh360 said:Sorry I defended someone's hard work, it's much easier to sit back and point at things, criticizing them without the smallest amount of knowledge on the subject . please insert sirins in this post - thanks! :lol
Dannee said:If only more games were 6 hours long I would probably have the time to actually go through them again instead of just quickly jumping on the next game.
Amir0x said:One doesn't need to be a published fucking novelist to properly criticize a novel. One doesn't need to be involved in the rotting corpse of game "journalism" in order to recognize when the writing of a review is abysmal.
Frankly, it's more telling about your inability to think critically that you thought this argument of yours was sound.
Yes, it's easy to sit and point at things. It's also what needs to be done. Criticizing things is far more important than sitting back and pretending everything is perfect.
If only games were $40 to support their lack of content, then!
Shurs said:So is Planet Xbox 360 the website for which you are the Editor-in-Chief?
Macintosh360 said:And pointing at things without making an effort to fix those issues (which plenty of people have with games journalism) doesn't really get us anywhere. Regardless we can just agree to disagree, thanks for the discussion though =)
Macintosh360 said:I have been an active member there for some time, and like to contribute to their forums, etc. But no - I'm not the EIC over there, someone by the name of Eric Bush - lives in New York I think.
Macintosh360 said:Oh and his contact info is [email protected] if you want to shoot him an email with tips or advice on how to make the site better, he's a great guy and would take constructive criticism with ease. A lot of there freelancers may not be the best writers and I know he tries to work with them, making them better writers over time. Many of our writers have gone on to do great things in the industry, so that counts for something - sorry this review may not have been the best example of what they got going on over there...
ZING!Macintosh360 said:Oh and his contact info is [email protected] if you want to shoot him an email with tips or advice on how to make the site better, he's a great guy and would take constructive criticism with ease. A lot of there freelancers may not be the best writers and I know he tries to work with them, making them better writers over time. Many of our writers have gone on to do great things in the industry, so that counts for something - sorry this review may not have been the best example of what they got going on over there...
Amir0x said:If only games were $40 to support their lack of content, then!
I don't think the length of the campaign is always a good indicator of value, especially if the gameplay lends itself to multiple playthroughs. For example, DMC3 can be beaten in less than 4 hours but I put over 75 hours into that game. The inverse is something like Assassin's Creed, which I couldn't even be bothered to finish after 4 hours of playing.Amir0x said:If only games were $40 to support their lack of content, then!
Macintosh360 said:Oh and his contact info is [email protected] if you want to shoot him an email with tips or advice on how to make the site better, he's a great guy and would take constructive criticism with ease. A lot of there freelancers may not be the best writers and I know he tries to work with them, making them better writers over time. Many of our writers have gone on to do great things in the industry, so that counts for something - sorry this review may not have been the best example of what they got going on over there...
Macintosh360 said:And pointing at things without making an effort to fix those issues (which plenty of people have with games journalism) doesn't really get us anywhere. Regardless we can just agree to disagree, thanks for the discussion though =)
SapientWolf said:I don't think the length of the campaign is always a good indicator of value, especially if the gameplay lends itself to multiple playthroughs. For example, DMC3 can be beaten in less than 4 hours but I put over 75 hours into that game. The inverse is something like Assassin's Creed, which I couldn't even be bothered to finish after 4 hours of playing.
Macintosh360 said:I have been an active member there for some time, and like to contribute to their forums, etc. But no - I'm not the EIC over there, someone by the name of Eric Bush - lives in New York I think.
Amir0x said:hey then why does your registration e-mail include?
"our Writers?"
You're exactly as clever as the person who wrote that awful review!
Amir0x said:hey then why does your registration e-mail include?
"our Writers?"
Website Editor-in-Chief
You're exactly as clever as the person who wrote that awful review!
Old but...Amir0x said:hey then why does your registration e-mail include:
"our Writers?"
Website Editor-in-Chief
You're exactly as clever as the person who wrote that awful review!
CaptYamato said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Fuckkkkk :lol :lol :lol :lol
I can respect that. But I see no reason for someone to pay full price for a retail game that they'll be done with in a rental period, regardless of whether it's 4 hours long or 10 hours long. Unless they're gonna flip it for trade-in credit, so in that case it doesn't make much of a difference.Amir0x said:obviously, there are other factors. That's always the case. I didn't particularly think Vanquish struck me as a game I'd want to replay over and over (like the aforementioned Mirror's Edge), and there definitely does not seem to be enough incentivizing for my taste there.
But we'll see.
CaptYamato said:Why did he quote me of all people?
Rez said:Keep fighting the good fight, Amirox. You've achieved the humiliation of another guy on the Internet trying to save face. He was being subversive, but it was completely harmless/small-time.
Really fucking admirable.
SapientWolf said:I can respect that. But I see no reason for someone to pay full price for a retail game that they'll be done with in a rental period, regardless of whether it's 4 hours long or 10 hours long. Unless they're gonna flip it for trade-in credit, so in that case it doesn't make much of a difference.
And I'm considering taking the Video Game Journalism challenge and posting a review after I play the tar out of the game.
Amir0x said:"maybe related to him"?
Jesus fucking christ :lol