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Warcraft |OT| You Are Not Prepared

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Here's a pic of the Warlords in Gul'Dans tent -


Minus Gul'Dan and Blackhand. Ner'zhul also wasn't in the movie. Doomhammer isn't one of the Warlords but that's just a thing they made up for WoW.
Are we sure Ner'Zhul wasn't the one wearing the mask that is in the trailers?

lightning storm part


Considering the changes they made to the source material, the fact that there was apparently no mention of Ner'zhul in the movie prequel novel, and Metzen's own disliking of the character, I'm going to assume he doesn't exist in the movie universe and if they ever get to making a film about the Warcraft 3 story than Gul'dan is going to become the Lich King.
Just came back from watching it. It was an okay movie. Certainly not as bad as critics make it out to be but not great either. As a Warcraft fan I can see why people were turned off by the movie as there wasn't enough character depth as there should've been to make people care about these characters. Warcraft was rushed a bit too much in its pacing.

I hope the movie does well enough to get a Director's Cut out there.
It was enjoyable enough. Gotta say I've only played 3 and seen a few videos of WoW but it was still really damn cool to see the Alliance armor and hear stuff like "For the Horde/Alliance" in a movie. And even I noticed that subtle nod with the orange level up effect they threw onto Khadgar near the end when he defeated Medivh.

Enjoyed it more than the hobbit sequels tbh. It's not something I'd go shouting at the heavens about. But it's an alright romp in theaters. You can tell it suffers from editing issues with a lot of these abrupt scene transitions. Needed more connective tissue, BUT it's the first film I've seen in theaters this year since Everybody Wants Some that didn't have such long pacing issues and plod along at times (and I'm including ones I enjoyed more than this too such as Nice Guys and Civil War). So it's kind of a positive and a negative that they cut so much away from it.

anyways a few more thoughts
- I love the hell out of Ragnar from Vikings, so I was pretty entertained by his Lothar tbh. I can see why his performance would irk some people but I love how Fimmel always looks like he's amused.
- Durotan was of course the other standout from the movie, Kebell did great. And because it was a mo-cap performance I really think they should bring him back to play another major character (Orc or Human) in a sequel if it happens. This man is underappreciated. Guldan, Medivh and Garona weren't bad either.
- King looked like shit lmao. Cooper is a bad person to get for somebody to look regal, and that wig too haha, looked like those old-timey children with the curls and giant lollipops.
- Orc mo-cap was incredible. I dismissed this shit in the trailers but these Orcs are so good in close-ups. It belongs in the conversation alongside LoTR, Avatar and Apes tbh.
- The mage action was really cool, that and seeing these beastly Orcs (particularly in the intro and the forest) fight humans was very cool. The large final battle was not nearly as satisfying as the smaller ones, they should take a cue from the big epics like Braveheart and LoTR for the next one
- Ramin Djawadi is a pretty bland composer. Dude has been phoning in his Game of Thrones work for a while now and he didn't do much good here, this series would really benefit from bringing in Howard Shore. Even when he had a lesser output with the hobbit trilogy it eclipses this by a landslide.

All in all I give it a 6/10. I don't regret watching it, and I'll even rewatch it again if there's an extended cut or if a sequel pops up. You can tell Duncan Jones went in earnestly as a big Warcraft fan wanting to make the film. In many ways it definitely reminds me of John Carter in that regard. I'm pretty sure if there's a sequel he can improve on it. And how amused I was by seeing this game world brought to life bodes so well for me enjoying Assassins Creed since I already love that cast AND the trailer. I wasn't expecting myself to be suckered in by seeing this videogame stuff brought to screen but it's pulling me in tbh.

edit: actually reading about stuff that was cut....eh I'll check it out but I dunno if it will be an improvement. It was odd hearing stuff like Fel without context but it can be figured out well enough anyways, and things are explained later.

It does go all in at the beginning and it can lose you if you're not with it, but sometimes i don't think that's a bad thing. I rather liked the pacing of this movie despite the questionable sacrifices because of it.


So I picked up the art book for Warcraft last week and it's great. It's done by the same group at Harper Collins who did the excellent Hobbit art books and the quality is just as top-tier. It even features an insert of a few small replica pages of Khadgar's spellbook. If you liked the movie and are the sort who collects these kinds of books I definitely recommend it.

Wow, did you guys see this interview? This guy was a massive prick for some reason, feels like he had a personal vendetta against Duncan.


I'm no film critic/journalist, but that struck me as pretty damn unprofessional. Like, Jesus guy, did Warcraft run over your dog?


well not really...yet
So I picked up the art book for Warcraft last week and it's great. It's done by the same group at Harper Collins who did the excellent Hobbit art books and the quality is just as top-tier. It even features an insert of a few small replica pages of Khadgar's spellbook. If you liked the movie and are the sort who collects these kinds of books I definitely recommend it.
Yeah I picked it up at B&N. Like how one side is the humans, and you flip it around and the reverse is orcs. Nicely put together book.
Wow, did you guys see this interview? This guy was a massive prick for some reason, feels like he had a personal vendetta against Duncan.


lmao holy shit. the questions are fine for like some post-mortem special about the film, maybe a dvd extra. not a press junket to promote the movie.

muthafucka thinks he's barbara walters or some shit.

i don't think it looks personal but this guy is approaching what's supposed to be a fluff-piece interview way too critically. duncan probably felt mad exhausted by the time the guy left. i'd like interviews like this with film directors about their movies (not nitpicky like this guy is being, more in depth) but it should happen much later imo. so i'm not gonna hate on the guy, just think it's bad time and place.


Unconfirmed Member
Wow, did you guys see this interview? This guy was a massive prick for some reason, feels like he had a personal vendetta against Duncan.



He was harsh, but that part at the end when he just gets up and Duncan looks like he has no idea what just happened, was just disrespectful. Very unprofessional.


Well, at least that interview gave me even more respect for Duncan Jones.
I also love that apparently this script already existed and Duncan Jones just took it and tweaked it to give more love to the orcs because the original one was humans=good, orcs=bad monsters.

Unsurprisingly, the orcs end up being by far the best part of the movie.
Saw the movie last night. Really enjoyed it. But it needed more time to breathe. I think it moved so fast that non-fans may have trouble understanding what's going on.


Seen the movie yesterday.
It has some editing problems and some stupid moments and music was not that good but the movie is not as bad as the reviewers say it is.
I am sure an extended cut would greatly benefit the movie so i ll be waiting for one.
You'll actually get one from this though
3rd time's the orc

Haha it would be nice. Hyped for lothar vs orgrim with that Garona drama on the side. And more mage stuff.

Should definitely bring back kebell as another major character be it an orc or an elf or whatever.

I wonder if duncan jones would be up for it again if this comes up. I'd be disappointed if he didn't return honestly. I don't see anybody else giving as much of a shit as he did for the IP. But he also took a huge critical beat down and I wonder if he is willing to risk it again


I still don't understand how Warcraft managed to be cheaper than both of those films.

Disney's pockets are infinitely deeper than Legendary's, and both Lone Ranger and John Carter had production problems that caused their budgets to balloon well beyond what they were originally supposed to be. If I remember correctly it's the job of a film's producers to monitor its finances and ensure things stay on time and and on-budget, in both of those movies the directors were pretty much given free reign to do whatever they wanted. Jones likely wasn't given such autonomy and was told "here's what we can afford".

I honestly feel like the film's utter lack of any recognizable stars helped it here as well. Warcraft wasn't full of big name actors who all command multi-million dollar salaries, which was likely intentional to help keep costs down. It also helps that a lot of the tech for this film already been developed on the likes of Avatar/Dawn of the Planet of the Apes so they didn't have to spend money on R&D to make the orcs happen.
The biggest star in this movie was Paula Patton

Which is exactly why they didn't fuck with her face at all and just gave her teeny tiny orc teeth

I love Ben Foster in this btw, he stands out well
Are we sure Ner'Zhul wasn't the one wearing the mask that is in the trailers?

lightning storm part

If they're even remotely following the games lore,
at that point in time Gul'Dan has already betrayed him and ratted him out to Kil'Jaden who has made him an outcast. He then warns Durotan of what's going on and prevents them from drinking Mannoroth's blood, actually becoming the one who saves the Orc race!

I haven't seen the movie yet but hopefully with China help, we'll get sequels. I want to see them explain on screen Onyixia and humanoid dragons and Varyan/Lo'Gosh!
The biggest star in this movie was Paula Patton

Which is exactly why they didn't fuck with her face at all and just gave her teeny tiny orc teeth

I love Ben Foster in this btw, he stands out well

And she was the worst of the lot. Really horrible. Hated her.

I liked Ben Foster as well.


Saw the movie last night and thought it was OK. I definitely got what reviews were talking about when they said the movie felt rushed.

It felt like they jumped from scene to scene at a pretty rapid pace without actually explaining somethings. I even feel like I noticed editing cuts that sort of fast forwarded scenes and it sort of felt jarring.

I also thought some of the acting and line delivery was a little cheesy. I know its a game and all, but it felt very cartoony and I guess I was hoping for a more serious LOTR feel.

Overall I enjoyed it and hope to see some sequels.


The only scene that struck me as awkward when I first watched the film was the scene where
Garona thinks Khadgar wants to bang her. Like, what?


Watched it tonight and loved it. I played WoW since beta until 2011 or so, so I had a good idea who was who and what was going on but I can see why people who hadn't played the games would be confused or not like the film. There was so much nostalgia, the characters, cities, armor, weapons, griffins, places, everything really. I really really hope there's sequels so we can see more characters like Jaina, Arthas, grown up Thrall etc etc.


John Carter name drops, nice.

This is better than that movie though, at least it doesnt have boring or cringeworthy parts, nor is too long for its own good, it feels disjointed and cutted to hell and back but still felt coherent to me.

Ragnar was good as well as Garona, Medivh felt like he was tense the whole time, like he took to damn serious that afected his performance, it lacked this actor passion that uses to put on his characters.

Lots of things I had to wiki myself like what the fuck is the Fel and if
Medivih was possesed and if yes by whom
but all in all it was enjoyable.

I give it a 7/10


I saw this movie today.
I haven't played any Blizzard game ever, but i found the movie very enteraining as well as interesting because Orcs were not just bad guys.

I liked Durotan very much and Ben Foster's performance as Medivh was great !
Some spoilery impressions :

Durotan was by far the best character for me.
To see him die in such a despicable way was sad. Not to mention the irony that his son is hinted to be a bad guy ? (i don't know if it's true but it seemed that way from the after credits scene)

The ending
lacked finality but that's not a bad thing and i also liked that the King sacrificed himself to place Garona among the Horde's ranks (an interesting way to wrap her whole 'neglected' arc)

I have some questions though...

Maybe i wasn't careful, but why Medivh helped open the gate ? Did he do it because of his love with an Orc ? He doesn't seem corrupted by Fel magic from the get-go and seems VERY surprised about signs of Fel magic in the beginning..

Who was that woman inside that cube thing ?

Was it hinted that Garona might be Medivh's daughter ? My friend thinks so, but i think their scene together was just to show how they're both torn between two worlds.
I saw this movie today.
I haven't played any Blizzard game ever, but i found the movie very enteraining as well as interesting because Orcs were not just bad guys.

I liked Durotan very much and Ben Foster's performance as Medivh was great !
Some spoilery impressions :

Durotan was by far the best character for me.
To see him die in such a despicable way was sad. Not to mention the irony that his son is hinted to be a bad guy ? (i don't know if it's true but it seemed that way from the after credits scene)

The ending
lacked finality but that's not a bad thing and i also liked that the King sacrificed himself to place Garona among the Horde's ranks (an interesting way to wrap her whole 'neglected' arc)

I have some questions though...

Maybe i wasn't careful, but why Medivh helped open the gate ? Did he do it because of his love with an Orc ? He doesn't seem corrupted by Fel magic from the get-go and seems VERY surprised about signs of Fel magic in the beginning..

Who was that woman inside that cube thing ?

Was it hinted that Garona might be Medivh's daughter ? My friend thinks so, but i think their scene together was just to show how they're both torn between two worlds.

For your questions -

1. In the lore, Medivh's mother Aegwynn once battled an Avatar of Sargaeras, essentially Satan in the WC Universe. If there is a big bad in this universe, its him. Aegwynn was an extremely powerful mage, arguably the most powerful mortal in the WC Universe. Aegwynn managed to push the Avatar of Sargaeras back, but that was a ruse - Sargaeras' essence flowed into Aegwynn and into her unborn son, Medivh. Medivh was corrupted before birth by the Fel, and Sargaeras bided his time until the proper moment - playing the long game, because he is immortal anyway.

2. I believe that was Alodi, the first of the Guardians of Tirisfal - although in the game lore Alodi was male.

3. Yes that was hinted.


For your questions -

1. In the lore, Medivh's mother Aegwynn once battled an Avatar of Sargaeras, essentially Satan in the WC Universe. If there is a big bad in this universe, its him. Aegwynn was an extremely powerful mage, arguably the most powerful mortal in the WC Universe. Aegwynn managed to push the Avatar of Sargaeras back, but that was a ruse - Sargaeras' essence flowed into Aegwynn and into her unborn son, Medivh. Medivh was corrupted before birth by the Fel, and Sargaeras bided his time until the proper moment - playing the long game, because he is immortal anyway.

2. I believe that was Alodi, the first of the Guardians of Tirisfal - although in the game lore Alodi was male.

3. Yes that was hinted.

Thanks a lot !
Is there any way to play Warcraft 1-3 ? Are they available at Blizzard's site ? And how can i experience the story of WoW ? Should i rely only on youtube or Wikipedia for everything before the current MMO expansion ? Or can i actually play it ?
Thanks a lot !
Is there any way to play Warcraft 1-3 ? Are they available at Blizzard's site ? And how can i experience the story of WoW ? Should i rely only on youtube or Wikipedia for everything before the current MMO expansion ? Or can i actually play it ?

WarCraft 1-2 are extremely old. I'm not sure if you can get them off Blizzard's site - I think you can get WC2. You can still buy WC3 battle chest. For WoW...you might want to do a deep dive into a wiki or youtube channel if you want to know the lore. There are multiple hour+ long videos. If there was a sequel, it'd likely follow pretty close to the 2nd War storyline in WarCraft II - Tides of Darkness/Beyond the Dark Portal.


WarCraft 1-2 are extremely old. I'm not sure if you can get them off Blizzard's site - I think you can get WC2. You can still buy WC3 battle chest. For WoW...you might want to do a deep dive into a wiki or youtube channel if you want to know the lore. There are multiple hour+ long videos.

Thaaaaanks !!


Djawadi sucks ass. I can't believe he's sitting on so many franchises and just shitting out bland after bland scores

it's amazing how GoT has tricked Hollywood into thinking anything associated with it must be good.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Durotan was by far the best character for me.
To see him die in such a despicable way was sad. Not to mention the irony that his son is hinted to be a bad guy ? (i don't know if it's true but it seemed that way from the after credits scene)

Durotan's son is actually
Thrall from the games, who is the orc who ends up leading his people to freedom from corruption and finding a home on Azeroth. He's kind of the opposite of a bad guy; he's a bit of an uncorruptible goody-goody. Showing him roar at the end I think was just supposed to be kind of cute and show that he's fierce and strong like his father, not necessarily violent or bloodthirsty.


I finally saw it yesterday and I came away satisfied. No way it's nearly as bad as reviews indicated.

It's messy, it's rushed, the editing is all over the place and the movie would have benefited from these additional 40 minutes to let it breath and explore characters a bit. Character motivations are muddled and Callan arc was totally botched. As for casting, orcs were generally great and I liked Lothar but Llane was just terrible. I even went along with Garona who wasn't as bad as I expected, but Llane just didn't work at all.

I'm really glad this movie did this well in China, Jones deserves another go with Warcraft 2, he has proven he can do a surprisingly decent adaptation of a ludicrous source material and did it with the most generic story in the lore, I wonder how the series will go on.


Finally saw this and have to say I thought it was AWESOME.

It's a bit hyperbole mixed with rose colored glasses, but I had very little expectations for this movie and really, really enjoyed it.

The Orc parts were much better than the human ones but given the impressions in this thread I expected the human section to be MUCH worse. I liked most of the characters and while not Oscar worthy performances, thought most everyone did a solid job.

As someone who played WoW for quite a bit in my youth, I definitely geeked out to all the references and fan service. (How funny was the king making his 'battle plan' and just name dropping WoW zones for no reason) The lore stuff was cool to see on the big screen and I felt the battle scenes were very well done.

If you have no attachment to WoW or the universe than I can understand not thinking highly of the movie, but if you have ANY interest in the lore and the world, I think it's well worth seeing. I enjoyed it from start to finish.


Saw it last night thought it was a bad movie. As someone who has never played a warcraft in my life I was lost thought the whole movie. The pacing was also terrible and as well as the human actor were kind of boring.


Went in expecting this to suck, left surprised how good it was, lol.But I did expect this to be corny as fuck. I played wow beta and maybe a year or 2 of release, but thats it. I knew a handful of references (barely). I think the movie stands well on its own. Pacing was a little to quick but better that than it draggin.
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