I'm m gonna be honest :
The PS5 performance of this game is INEXCUSABLE, in fact, I'm surprised that the "press" either downplayed it or didn't even bother to mention how bad it really is, we're talking about the game dropping to 30fps most of the time where shit hits the fan - and that's 99% of the time.
When shit doesn't hit the fan...it still feels like it almost never reaches the 60fps mark.VRR doesn't help at all obviously.
Maybe it's because people are hungry for a good 40K game, maybe it's because the fanbase is very ho-hum about it but, again, the game shouldn't have been released in this state - and the funny part ? That the "performance patch" for the game is going to be the PS5 Pro.
Personally, I'd have taken 3 points off the final score due to this if I were to review to it, frankly, it's horrible and I feel like I wasted 70 big ones, I just don't find it to be enjoyable nor playable like this, it feels like wading through molasses/playing in slow motion 99% of the time FFS...
Add to that continuous loading screens that take almost 30 seconds each and...
I can understand that it's CPU bound but still, it's technical incompetence on the Dev's part, either tone things down, optimize it properly or don't release it in such a state...
What a let down, feels like I'm back to the PS360 era, it's one of the worst performing games on the PlayStation 5 (if not the worst).