Where are all the other 50 pages?
As I expected, rumors of the 2500k's death have been greatly exaggerated. Much ado over nothing indeed.lol.
So much for us lot in the I need a new PC thread recommending i5s still, what terrible advice. Good to see all those AMD threads being put to use...
With the new Nvidia drivers SLI is finally working and gives quite the performance boost.
Stuttering with SLI is also gone.
As I expected, rumors of the 2500k's death have been greatly exaggerated. Much ado over nothing indeed.
Where are all the other 50 pages?
With the new Nvidia drivers SLI is finally working and gives quite the performance boost.
Stuttering with SLI is also gone.
I installed the new drivers and Watch Dogs yesterday and I had severe stuttering at times on my GTX 680 SLI setup.
I installed the new drivers and Watch Dogs yesterday and I had severe stuttering at times on my GTX 680 SLI setup.
Do you have 3GB on each card and are you using Ultra textures?
I had terrible stuttering with the old drivers but the new ones are much better.
With those specs the PC version is going to get you at least comparable results to the PS4 let alone the xbone.My rig is an i5 2500k, 16 GB of RAM with a 7850...you guys think I should go PC or xbone? Any benchmarks out there for a similar set up?
Are there any reasonably accurate Jaguar benchmarks out there? Would be interesting to see. As I've said in the past, I'd be surprised if the PS4 CPU could beat a stock 2500k in anything at all, maybe not even with nearly perfect multi thread scaling.That always seemed a bit suspect considering that the PS4 CPU probably scores around 3000 points in that benchmark![]()
I wonder if the older low end GPUs (like GTX 570, GTX 680..ect) can match PS4 performance at the same resolution (1600x900) at high setting. anyone here with an older card willing to test?
Is anyone else getting a kind of image retention after playing for a while? Very noticeable when panning the camera, and the only way to fix it is to restart the game it seems. I'm running a 690 in SLI, newest drivers, Windows 8.1. I'll try to get a screenshot the next time it happens.
I wonder if the older low end GPUs (like GTX 570, GTX 680..ect) can match PS4 performance at the same resolution (1600x900) at high setting. anyone here with an older card willing to test?
Do not use temporal smaa. Works?
My i7 3770k, GTX 770 4GB and 8GB of RAM are working flawlessly on everything ultra bar shadows, which I've turned to medium because shadows annoy me a lot in games. Get an occasional stutter but nothing big. Looks gorgeous and I just love walking around the city soaking in the atmosphere.
Everything just feels alive and wanting to be looked at which is just great for an open-world game. Ubisoft has done a very good job with this PC version, and gives me hope for their future titles.
Ah cool. Fairly reasonable then.i5 4570 with 8GB ram. My 760 is OC'd though to 1130 on GPU.
lolGame runs barely acceptable on powerful hardware. Very good job! /s
Unable to downsample? Will give you better IQ than the config file Supersampling.
Nope. 2GB. The texture and shader options are set to High.
Anyone else have this kind of bug after the game runs a while? It's like another image is flickering all the time, its kinda annoying.
8GB Ram
GTX 670 (2GB) SLI
The game runs prefectly fine if not for that bug, a little stuttering sometimes but far from unplayable.