Just finished the main story after having it delivered Friday played none stop. 10/10 easily.
It's a neat 'cinematic' effect just like any other DOF in games, making it look like your character is focusing on the view outside, but really it's there to disguise any low-detail textures or geometry that you often get with games like this (no point in wasting resources on a view that many people will never use). The same has been done for the upcoming GRID: Autosport, which has low-detail interiors (as it is based on the same tech powering GRID 2, which had no interior view).What's the point of a depth of field option on the interior of a car? Streams and imgur don't degrade quality to the point where things look that blurry anyways. I even asked the streamer and he said that the interior is that blurry.
Just finished the main story after having it delivered Friday played none stop. 10/10 easily. Few minor things, but nothing to make me take a point off.
Graphically does it looks as good as Infamous?
No problem. Hardly in depth though, was it ?Thank you for this in-depth review.
No problem. Hardly in depth though, was it ?
The 2012 trailer was blatant false advertising. Don't show the product in a stage early in development and give us less at release.
Graphically does it looks as good as Infamous?
double woosh?
Not in a million years.
Watch Dogs on PS4 looks worse than GTAV on PS3. It's not even close.
There are some isolated elements in the game that look better than some isolated elements in GTAV (sharper textures, more polys, etc), but overall, GTAV shits all over it...and it's a last-gen game.
Forget about the bullshots people are posting. The bottom line is that when you're playing Watch Dogs on your bigass HDRV, people passing by will think you're playing on a last-gen console. It's terrible and Ubisoft should feel ashamed.
That's without taking into account elements like the story, glitches, multiplayer modes, etc. I'm speaking only about the quality of the sandbox world.
It has a "lackluster scenario," but is still a must-have? I dunno about that...
Not expecting much from this game, for how long it's been hyped up I can't wait for the eventual disappointment
Not in a million years.
Watch Dogs on PS4 looks worse than GTAV on PS3. It's not even close.
There are some isolated elements in the game that look better than some isolated elements in GTAV (sharper textures, more polys, etc), but overall, GTAV shits all over it...and it's a last-gen game.
Forget about the bullshots people are posting. The bottom line is that when you're playing Watch Dogs on your bigass HDTV, people passing by will think you're playing on a last-gen console. It's terrible and Ubisoft should feel ashamed.
That's without taking into account elements like the story, glitches, multiplayer modes, etc. I'm speaking only about the quality of the sandbox world.
The inside of the car in cockpit view has depth of field applied to it. It looks really nice. That's a horrible picture of it.
Why would that ever look really nice? Your eyes don't have anywhere near that shallow depth of field. It is completely excessive use of the effect and I don't like it.
Um I refuse to "accept what you get". The 2012 trailer was blatant false advertising. Don't show the product in a stage early in development and give us less at release.
Well that's my piece. I think it's not difficult to understand: Watch Dogs footage pre-embargo lift looks pretty bad to alot of people (myself included). Maybe that footage sells the game short and it's actually good, let's wait and see.
I think it's pretty hilarious the collective meltdown everyone is having over the fact that a super hyped game may turn out to be a turd. It's happened before.
Been playing since Saturday morning. I think the graphics are pretty good, not amazing. The game itself seriously lacks thrills though. Most of the side quests really feel like chores. Everything is so dull, including the characters, which makes me not care about the story at all. I'll probably be playing the game for a while, since I'm out of other things to play and you can definitely chip away at this game for a long time. I do find myself trying to clear the map, but I'm a bit of a completionist. Compared to the other current gen open world games I finished (AC4 and Infamous), Watch Dogs is by far the worst.
I would take these early reviews with a grain of salt. I've never even heard of these sites before. Wait until some more reputable sites start posting reviews and we'll see the average scores come down.
Graphically does it looks as good as Infamous?
No doubt its blurry. Its just hard to tell exactly the extent when the picture is degraded.What's the point of a depth of field option on the interior of a car? Streams and imgur don't degrade quality to the point where things look that blurry anyways. I even asked the streamer and he said that the interior is that blurry.
Haha what. No. Watch Dogs does not look worse than GTA V PS3 at all on the PS4. You are pushing that delusion far too hard if you honestly think that Watch Dogs PS4 is being beaten by GTA V graphically on PS3. I will admit the lighting is pretty crap during midday, but any other TOD and it easily beats GTA V both in graphics and atmosphere.
Just take a look at the OT, you'll find numerous webM's of the PS4 version with far more detail in the world compared to GTA V. There is far more pedestrians and cars roaming around as well. You are drinking that kool aid far too much, because this is just pure hyperbole.
I'm heading out right now to pre order. OT impressions won me over as did some game play vids.
Haha. Yes. It does look worse. It looks terrible. I hate the way it looks and I will not buy it. I will wait for those who do to start crying salty tears because the game looks like ass.
You know how I know?
1- I have eyes.
2- I wanted to like the game.
3- I have no hidden agenda. I don't care if it sells or doesn't (unlike, say, Ubisoft)
4- I am too old and have too many game systems to care if any one game is a dud (unlike some people who get all excited about the latest AAA game)
5- I don't pre-order games (well, except Mario Kart 8 because I get a free game for doing it and because Nintendo deserves my trust when it comes to their core franchises)
Now, I hope everybody who bought the game enjoys it and I am definitely not saying the game is terrible (I'm saying it's mediocre), but if I had bought it myself, I would be jumping out a window while cursing Ubisoft.
Been playing since Saturday morning. I think the graphics are pretty good, not amazing. The game itself seriously lacks thrills though. Most of the side quests really feel like chores. Everything is so dull, including the characters, which makes me not care about the story at all. I'll probably be playing the game for a while, since I'm out of other things to play and you can definitely chip away at this game for a long time. I do find myself trying to clear the map, but I'm a bit of a completionist. Compared to the other current gen open world games I finished (AC4 and Infamous), Watch Dogs is by far the worst.
I would take these early reviews with a grain of salt. I've never even heard of these sites before. Wait until some more reputable sites start posting reviews and we'll see the average scores come down.
Haha. Yes. It does look worse. It looks terrible.
I fully expect many of those who buy it to start crying salty tears because the game looks like ass.
(I'm saying it's mediocre), but if I had bought it myself, I would be jumping out a window while cursing Ubisoft.
Haha. Yes. It does look worse. It looks terrible. I hate the way it looks and I will not buy it. I fully expect many of those who buy it to start crying salty tears because the game looks like ass.
You know how I know?
1- I have eyes.
2- I wanted to like the game.
3- I have no hidden agenda. I don't care if it sells or doesn't (unlike, say, Ubisoft)
4- I am too old and have too many game systems to care if any one game is a dud (unlike some people who get all excited about the latest AAA game)
5- I don't pre-order games (well, except Mario Kart 8 because I get a free game for doing it and because Nintendo deserves my trust when it comes to their core franchises)
Now, I hope everybody who bought the game enjoys it and I am definitely not saying the game is terrible (I'm saying it's mediocre), but if I had bought it myself, I would be jumping out a window while cursing Ubisoft.
Haha. Yes. It does look worse. It looks terrible. I hate the way it looks and I will not buy it. I fully expect many of those who buy it to start crying salty tears because the game looks like ass.
You know how I know?
1- I have eyes.
2- I wanted to like the game.
3- I have no hidden agenda. I don't care if it sells or doesn't (unlike, say, Ubisoft)
4- I am too old and have too many game systems to care if any one game is a dud (unlike some people who get all excited about the latest AAA game)
5- I don't pre-order games (well, except Mario Kart 8 because I get a free game for doing it and because Nintendo deserves my trust when it comes to their core franchises)
Now, I hope everybody who bought the game enjoys it and I am definitely not saying the game is terrible (I'm saying it's mediocre), but if I had bought it myself, I would be jumping out a window while cursing Ubisoft.
Wait, CEX do reviews now?
The hell is this?
Just my (negative, disappointed) opinion. Feel free to disagree and think it's the best thing since sliced bread.
Once again we are:
-Back to nothing but graphics talk, and giving the gameplay a passing mention
-Still bringing up the graphics of the 2012 proof of concept which the final product clearly doesn't match.
-Still claiming that WD no only looks bad, but is actually worse than the eye searing jagfest that is GTAV.
Incredible, truly incredible.