Just my (negative, disappointed) opinion. Feel free to disagree and think it's the best thing since sliced bread.
I'll wait until I get my hands on the game before I decide.
Just my (negative, disappointed) opinion. Feel free to disagree and think it's the best thing since sliced bread.
Did Wacth dogs kill your dog or something?Just my (negative, disappointed) opinion. Feel free to disagree and think it's the best thing since sliced bread.
It is now 9am on the 27th. STILL NO REVIEWS???? What kind of embargo is this Ubi?? You got something to hide??
You're on the wrong side of the world, brah
Right, so ya too old to get excited for a AAA game yet it obviously not immature to make a big fuss and bother everyone else about a game that didn't match your expectations set by a heavily compressed reveal trailer which is a blurrier version of of what we got and you only pre-order Mario Kart 8, gotcha ;-)Haha. Yes. It does look worse. It looks terrible. I hate the way it looks and I will not buy it. I fully expect many of those who buy it to start crying salty tears because the game looks like ass.
You know how I know?
1- I have eyes.
2- I wanted to like the game.
3- I have no hidden agenda. I don't care if it sells or doesn't (unlike, say, Ubisoft)
4- I am too old and have too many game systems to care if any one game is a dud (unlike some people who get all excited about the latest AAA game)
5- I don't pre-order games (well, except Mario Kart 8 because I get a free game for doing it and because Nintendo deserves my trust when it comes to their core franchises)
Wait.....what?Now, I hope everybody who bought the game enjoys it and I am definitely not saying the game is terrible (I'm saying it's mediocre), but if I had bought it myself, I would be jumping out a window while cursing Ubisoft.
Yeah this plays like GTA with a cell phone
Rolling my eyes out of my skull...
It is now 9am on the 27th. STILL NO REVIEWS???? What kind of embargo is this Ubi?? You got something to hide??
High standards when it comes to graphics? I agree with you completely.I guess some people must have some very high standards.
Pre-ordered this digitally for the PS4, it is now 00:15 GMT and it seems I am unable to download it...
Seems others are having the same problem http://community.eu.playstation.com/t5/PS4-Support/Can-t-start-Watch-Dogs-Digital-Pre-Order/td-p/21456393
High standards when it comes to the rest of the game? Hardly. If anything people haven't been nearly critical enough.
Doesn't it unlock at 12 am eastern?
it's nothing like that, Aliens Colonial Marines received tons of gameplay downgrades, not just graphical. They blatantly lied about some things like talking from first person. Where did Ubisoft lie about Watch Dogs gameplay?I don't understand why people can't accept that some people feel lied to about the game? This is a very similar bait and switch at least graphically that Aliens Colonial Marines pulled.
Which is actually sorta weird in this case given that Ubisoft IS French.LOL true USA is the 'centre of the world' when it comes to game reviews
No, it's up in Australia, etc.
Based on the game footage that's out there from streams and leaks, the AI, the characterizations (incidental dialogue, Aiden himself - everyone either sounds bored, talks like an asshat or both - unlikable characters aplenty) and "hacking" consisting largely of derivative cell phone-style mini-games are the obvious criticisms. It also seems to be very AC1-like in its multitude of things to do - many of which are redundant and not especially fun.What parts of the rest of the game should we be more critical of?
18 pages before the embargo is even up?
This is the craziest I've seen people here get in a long time. I love it!18 pages before the embargo is even up?
Stupid post. He/She's entitled to as negative an opinion he wants without having to be told he's "a blast at parties." Either disagree with his opinion in an intelligent manner or don't reply at all.I bet you're a blast at parties. Give it a break.
So do we not even have any real reviews yet?
dafuq is going on in this thread
Is this on par with Infamous on console or pc?
Gotcha, didn't realize it was up already in other countries. Hope Europe gets it soon.
Based on the game footage that's out there from streams and leaks, the AI, the characterizations (incidental dialogue, Aiden himself - everyone either sounds bored, talks like an asshat or both - unlikable characters aplenty) and "hacking" consisting largely of derivative cell phone-style mini-games are the obvious criticisms. It also seems to be very AC1-like in its multitude of things to do - many of which are redundant and not especially fun.
I think the graphics are fine, the writing is solid and the stealth gameplay is better than most open world games deliver (subpar AI notwithstanding).
Just want to correct my previous post and state that I appear to have been mistaken. Australia hasn't got it either through PSN, although it can be purchased at retail there and in Europe. Really sloppy and poorly communicated on Sony's part.
Stupid post. He/She's entitled to as negative an opinion he wants without having to be told he's "a blast at parties." Either disagree with his opinion in an intelligent manner or don't reply at all.
Just went along to the (advertised) midnight opening for Watch Dogs in Surrey Quays (SE London). Store wasn't open, around 15-20 of us outside waiting. Not happy about that.
Get hyped.
What store was it for? Game? Or an independent launch gig?
Haha. Yes. It does look worse. It looks terrible. I hate the way it looks and I will not buy it. I fully expect many of those who buy it to start crying salty tears because the game looks like ass.
You know how I know?
1- I have eyes.
2- I wanted to like the game.
3- I have no hidden agenda. I don't care if it sells or doesn't (unlike, say, Ubisoft)
4- I am too old and have too many game systems to care if any one game is a dud (unlike some people who get all excited about the latest AAA game)
5- I don't pre-order games (well, except Mario Kart 8 because I get a free game for doing it and because Nintendo deserves my trust when it comes to their core franchises)
Now, I hope everybody who bought the game enjoys it and I am definitely not saying the game is terrible (I'm saying it's mediocre), but if I had bought it myself, I would be jumping out a window while cursing Ubisoft.
That's simply how development works sometimes, though. Shit happens later on and you have to make cuts.
What's incredible is you calling GTA V eye searing.Once again we are:
-Back to nothing but graphics talk, and giving the gameplay a passing mention
-Still bringing up the graphics of the 2012 proof of concept which the final product clearly doesn't match.
-Still claiming that WD no only looks bad, but is actually worse than the eye searing jagfest that is GTAV.
Incredible, truly incredible.
What's incredible is you calling GTA V eye searing.
Haven't seen if this was posted or not, but I'm sure glad Ubi put in all dat extra polish time...
Who the fuck thought this was okay?
edit: Nvm it totally has been posted. Beaten.