Pops Maellard
What's incredible is you calling GTA V eye searing.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that it seared my eyes. It was more of a cutting/slicing pain in my eyeballs from how incredibly jaggy it was.
What's incredible is you calling GTA V eye searing.
What's incredible is you calling GTA V eye searing.
I have to wonder if that's from a pirated version. Often times those are sabotaged to be like this.
It's kind of mind blowing that all of these reviews are giving a fantastic score but acknowledging the problems and the hilariously terrible AI as if this is a sort of minor issue. Where's the fun in being on the run if the computer is too stupid to come close to catching you?
It's kind of mind blowing that all of these reviews are giving a fantastic score but acknowledging the problems and the hilariously terrible AI as if this is a sort of minor issue. Where's the fun in being on the run if the computer is too stupid to come close to catching you?
Psn is 12 ESTSorry if this is a bit off topic but any idea for digital release times for either console?
Sorry if this is a bit off topic but any idea for digital release times for either console?
Same glitch happened to me in TR. Kept falling through the map. Kept reloading, and nothing. Restarted the game and nothing. Had to find a way to the nearby camp and fast traveled to a new area, then fast traveled back. Really weird bug. PEACE.Those bugs are really abnormal, as those who have played the game have pointed out.
Yeah, that one reason being it isn't out yet and the embargo hasn't been lifted. Might want to adjust your tin foil hat a bit.how are the main site reviews not yet out? and the game is out now .... only one reason for that ...
how are the main site reviews not yet out? and the game is out now .... only one reason for that ...
how are the main site reviews not yet out? and the game is out now .... only one reason for that ...
The embargoes get lifted until the 27th and a lot of what I'd imagine to be "main sites" are either in the US where it isn't yet the 27th, or are where it is still very early morning? I don't know specifics but I imagine that the embargo is set for a specific time internationally which probably is sometime in the morning on the US West coast, as that would mean the game would be fully available.
Anyone who has received a review copy of WD has the 5/27 12:01 AM PT embargo
Is this normal for ubi games?
So the embargo ends midnight pacific time?
Psn is 12 EST
It's normal for most games. Unless an outlet has arranged an exclusive review embargo (which is a bullshit move) most sites must all adhere to the same embargo time.
Yup, midnight-O'one.
Reviews will be live then.
I meant reviews embargoed till the actual release date. Just seems really insecure.
Is this normal for ubi games?
lolIt's not that bad but my eyes would eventually get tired of straining to see the environment clearly in that game. The IQ in GTA V is quite worse than going a day without wearing my glasses.
I give it an 8/10
Not quite GTAV quality but easily the next best thing.
I imagine a sequel would score all 10's if they listen to feedback.
Yeah, that one reason being it isn't out yet and the embargo hasn't been lifted. Might want to adjust your tin foil hat a bit.
Mixed so far. Need more reviews!
Let's just make sure we separate the reviews done by those who played it on easy to blow through the game and get their review out, and those that played it on realistic.
I expect this game to sell between 5-10 million copies. good job Ubisoft you give amediocre game and sell through the roof. After all the craziness associated wih this game you would think gamers would steer clear... not even a little bit. Another hit for Ubisoft
I expect this game to sell between 5-10 million copies. good job Ubisoft you give amediocre game and sell through the roof. After all the craziness associated wih this game you would think gamers would steer clear... not even a little bit. Another hit for Ubisoft
Have you played it?
I expect this game to sell between 5-10 million copies. good job Ubisoft you give amediocre game and sell through the roof. After all the craziness associated wih this game you would think gamers would steer clear... not even a little bit. Another hit for Ubisoft
I expect this game to sell between 5-10 million copies. good job Ubisoft you give amediocre game and sell through the roof. After all the craziness associated wih this game you would think gamers would steer clear... not even a little bit. Another hit for Ubisoft
We survived last E3, we can survive anything
Yeah this plays like GTA with a cell phone
Rolling my eyes out of my skull...
The influx of junior members is really making it annoying to read this forum now.
Just a bunch of trolls every thread I go into now.
so it's the 27th NZT ...my mate should be fine streaming this via twitch now right?