The problem is each car has different feel and control
Handling, acceleration, speed etc each car got each status rated between 1 star to 5 star, i just escaped from the building, stole the first car front of me and trying to run from the cops, oooh this car got 1/5 star handling, lets just drop and pick another car? or try to chase a guy during one of the missions only to discover that he is actually escaping from me in the highway just because my car "max speed" is not as fast as his car and fail the mission.
I'm not hating on the game but some reviews are rating the game simply way too high as if it was flawless , that eurogamers reviews with watch dogs ads blasted everywhere rated it 9/10 some even rated it 100/100 the hell?
Giantbomb gave it what it deserve, 6/10 (maybe 7/10 if i was generous)
That sounds pretty accurate to real life. You're not going to catch a Corvette in a Prius.....