It's funny how so many people on this forum are trying to force these reviews into confirming their suspicion that they won't like this game.
I think it's reflective of a general distrust of professional game reviews.
When you buy a highly rated game, you expect it to play like the 9/10 game it reviewed at, and not a 5/10 mediocre POS. When you get torched like that a few times, it doesn't take much to laugh at the pros and seek out unbiased opinions elsewhere. Or even just watch streamed gameplay and form your own opinion prior to purchasing the game.
I've personally stopped preordering all games but those I am 100% I will enjoy (I went from about 20-25 games a year down to 2 or 3), just because I personally feel pro game reviews and previews are too open to manipulation. I'm sick of buying crap because nobody has the balls to give mediocre, big budgeted games the 3/10 or 4/10 they deserve.
Time Magazine and the New Yorker just shredded the new Godzilla movie. However, do you think Warner is going to stop inviting them to review events, or threaten future ad dollars? Of course not. The main issue, I feel, is that gaming sites are simply too dependent on the support of game publishers to run their operations, and as a result, will never honestly review games from certain publishers.