AC with cellphones, as expected.
One day y'all are gonna have to get over the Vanquish review.Interesting to see Jim Sterling rate it so highly. Not sure whether to take that as a recommendation or not. He's a great consumer activist, but after his reviews of Bioshock Infinite and Vanquish, I'm not so sure about his critical eye. Especially when he's saying there's an incredible amount of polish, yet other reviews are specifically criticizing poor AI and sloppy driving.
Wait and see, we must. Certainly doesn't seem like this game is the great next-gen hope we thought it would be.
I get where this criticism is coming from. Games like Quadrilateral Cowboy and Hack n' Slash approach the hacking as gameplay concept in unique ways that mimic the real thing, emphasizing player expression and even education over simplicity. Pressing a button for cool stuff to happen and pipe maze puzzles might make for a more accessible system but it certainly sounds like the tried and true video game approach over anything substantial or ground breaking. Cool concepts deserve cool gameplay mechanics.
ACIV was better than Infamous too, so probably.
And that had very little to do with the meaningless reputation meter, which appears to have no consequences whatsoever.
The difference between Mario Kart and Watchdogs is that WD review embargo just lifted today, while MK8 was lifted while ago so it's normal to have more reviews.I dont believe in how videogames are review nowadays. (i hope that that phrase explains enough)
Still, on metacritic i see: "based on 41 critics" thats a low number for a game as big as watch dogs, no??. At least i think so (and its not like the xbox one version is getting many reviews, only 5 reviews for now). Give it more time.
For example, mario kart 8 already has 58 critics after less than 2 weeks, and it will have a lot more after some time (same for watch dogs, i guess).
One day y'all are gonna have to get over the Vanquish review.
Please trust the gaming journalism websites reviews (Not every site)
Reading the reviews made me facepalm multiple times, i finished the game, was hyped for it but ended up being disappointed
Driving (as bad as GTA 4)
Main missions (lame/repetitive and feel like fillers)
Story+Characters including the lead are bad
Hacking Mini Game gets worse and worse as you advance through the story
Stealth+Escort missions are annoying as hell
The Core of the game is lacking, you buy watch dogs to mess around with cops, play some mini games and explore the city basically.
You will have to get over that, too. I for one have no regrets about my review there.Bioshock Infinite 10/10 lol, come on son.
The difference between Mario Kart and Watchdogs is that WD review embargo just lifted today, while MK8 was lifted while ago so it's normal to have more reviews.
I don't understand how it's a problem with the game that the cars control differently and there's no rubberbanding. All recent sandbox games bar Sleeping Dogs have cars with varied handling. You want everything to be the same? Just get a car with the smartphone before the mission and use that for the mission. I had an issue you did on the chase the firetruck mission so I just went and found a better car before I started the chase.
Hang on the game was only released today and you've finished it already??????
You will have to get over that, too. I for one have no regrets about my review there.
Sorry I can't have your opinions for you.
Yeah, I can see that for sure. Perhaps a mechanic where you program your abilities or objects in the environment and then execute with one button on the fly might be a decent middle ground. There's a lot of promise in the concept, looking forward to seeing for myself how Watch Dogs approaches it.Wouldn't work here. The hacking relies largely on swift execution, especially while driving. Anything more complex mechanically than a button press would only hamper it.
Hey if you wanna throw 10's around to mediocre games with decent stories more power to you man, you get paid for that shit at the end of the day so why the hell not, right?
Hey if you wanna throw 10's around to mediocre games with decent stories more power to you man, you get paid for that shit at the end of the day so why the hell not, right?
It's been out a week in a lot of places...
Hang on the game was only released today and you've finished it already??????
Given that we live in an era where people are out there paying way-too-much money for Google Glass and anticipating other head-mounted setups, going phone-only (and all the hilarious animations that come along with a man holding a pistol in one hand and a phone in the other) seems out of touch for a game that's trying to represent the dark future of technology.
not in retail though...?
One day y'all are gonna have to get over the Vanquish review.
It's funny how so many people on this forum are trying to force these reviews into confirming their suspicion that they won't like this game. I don't get it. After the downgrade (which apparently wasn't even a thing according to DF's analysis), negativity here has been borderline irrational.
People went from expecting bad reviews, to saying scores didn't reflect the cons listed on the reviews, to outright dismissing the reviews that were generally positive. Cognitive dissonance is strong today.
I was waiting to see whether reviews were positive. They seem to be, across the board, so I put in my order and should be receiving it tomorrow (dat Prime).
Lots of places probably sent the games out before the weekend to ensure that it would arrive on the 27th. It's really odd to release a game on a tuesday, so the leaks are on Ubisofts hands.not in retail though...?
Kinda makes you wonder how TF ended up with an 86 on metacritic...
The driving itself is bad
The driving itself varies from car to car (each car got a different handling level)
Therefore I'm trying to get used to the already bad driving mechanic but it's hard to get used to it when there is already variety of handling levels for each car, i have played games with bad mechanic before but i can always get used to them since it's always the same
Plus The Driving was only one point of the many things i mentioned
The story,missions,etc of the things i mentioned were lacking
Hey if you wanna throw 10's around to mediocre games with decent stories more power to you man, you get paid forthat shitgiving a game a number at the end of the day so why the hell not, right?
Hey if you wanna throw 10's around to mediocre games with decent stories more power to you man, you get paid forthat shitgiving a game a number at the end of the day so why the hell not, right?
One day y'all are gonna have to get over the Vanquish review.
Guys I'm liking the game so far and I don't think video game reviews are a conspiracy. Can I still post here?
Wow, that is startlingly true of Platinum fans in general. lol
It's funny how so many people on this forum are trying to force these reviews into confirming their suspicion that they won't like this game. I don't get it. After the downgrade (which apparently wasn't even a thing according to DF's analysis), negativity here has been borderline irrational.
People went from expecting bad reviews, to saying scores didn't reflect the cons listed on the reviews, to outright dismissing the reviews that were generally positive. Cognitive dissonance is strong today.
I was waiting to see whether reviews were positive. They seem to be, across the board, so I put in my order and should be receiving it tomorrow (dat Prime).