What good does a game getting 9.5 do you when you can't even purchase it?
...A lot of good? Reviews let you know that a game likely is or isn't bad ahead of time, so that you can make a more informed decision as to whether to buy it.
Embargoes have been explained on GAF numerous times now, both by people abiding to them and people setting them. They're for out benefit and not just for us, but for developers and writers, too.
And we're still not buying it, at least not entirely. Do developers/publishers benefit from embargoes? Sure, in some cases. Consumers? No. Release-day embargoes do not do the consumer any good at all. If the game ends up being shit, everyone who preordered gets screwed, while the publisher laughs all the way to the bank.
{the inevitable reply} said:Then they shouldn't preorder!
Irrelevant. People do preorder, and they will always, if they're interested enough in something. Of course, they become less likely to do so if they end up getting a stinker, but it's never going to go away completely.