What’s the best/scariest horror game you’ve played?


Alien Isolation for sure. Jesus hearing the alien pounding around the hallways while you desperately dart from point to point. Running into it in a vent has still got to be one of my biggest jumps in my gaming history.


Echo Night: Beyond
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Probably Resident Evil remake on the Gamecube. I was legit apprehensive about going into certain rooms. I'm sure it wouldn't hold up now but for then, it was awesome. Somewhat more recently, Outlast. That also had a great atmosphere that made you nervous.
I played the Resident Evil Remake last Halloween on Cube and it still is effective. I play it every couple years now and again it. Its so refreshing every time I come back to play and scares me senseless. Its wonderful.


Alien Isolation - This game really makes you feel like you're in one of the old Alien movies. Got stuck in a room the one time for like and hour and had to google if anyone else had a similar problem. After seeing how people quit this game I instantly felt better and went on to finish it. Not many of my friends even tried it.

Silent Hill - The whole atmosphere of this place with the mist and creepy noises made me wonder why am I even playing. The baby ghost was something else.

Resident Evil HD Remaster
Resident Evil 7
Dead Space series
Cold Fear


Five Nights at Freddy's in VR (while also being the first time playing a FNAF game and just figuring out the mechanics of how to play).

Game damn near game me a heart attack. Was all set to play the game, had my in ear monitors in and volume up. On Day 2 I didn't realize that I was vulnerable to attacks while phoneguy is talking. I'm listening to phone bro and then all of a sudden I look to my left and this pair of eyes is just looking in at me then Bonnie launches itself at me for a jumpscare. I flew back in my chair while also knocking it over with me on it and screamed like a little bitch. My heart was just racing, scared the absolute shit out of me. I had to put the game down for a little bit (lol like 5 months) and play it on mobile until I could get used to how to play it and get used to the jumpscares. The jumpscares in VR fucking terrified me and the dumb loud high pitches noises the animatronics made didn't help.


Man when I was a kid Splatterhouse scared me, so did DOOM 1&2, Clocktower, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill.

Silent Hill 2 stuck with me for decades because not only was it scary, but the content as well.

I think the scariest and most recent game(s) I played was Silent Hill 2 Remake and Alien Isolation. I mention both for different reasons. Even when Alien Isolation dropped I was 30, so things didn't affect me like they did when I was younger. But there were definitely a few moments where I jumped, or was hesitant to go in a direction I had to for reasons, lol.

Silent Hill 2 Remake did things with audio that got me pretty good. I didn't jump all crazy or anything, I mean, I'm 40 now, lol. But there were certain moments that made me feel slightly uncomfortable and I LOVED it. I hadn't felt that feeling in a LONG time. You HAVE to play that with headphones.
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Fatal Frame 2 (kinda like the first two, even though I greatly prefer the original)
the original for me, as well. once i realized that the spirits could move through the walls? that was it for me. how I managed to finish the game i have no friggin' idea. brilliant series (the original trilogy, anyway)...



I genuinely love all things horror, but I don’t get very scared by the vast majority of games I play.

PT was the most I ever felt scared the first time I played it alone with headphones on and the lights off. Something about the mystery of it and that damn radio guy and what he is saying while you’re walking through the house. “I said…look behind you” and then you turn around and she’s right in your face killing you. Genuinely made my heart skip a beat for a moment.

Plus for the time, it looked insane from a visual standpoint.
Best is a tie between Resident Evil 3 Remake and ObsCure for different styles of horror. Mechanically and in terms of pacing and presentation RE3R is a damn near perfect rendition of modern horror games. Likewise ObsCure is the same for the old school horror games.

The scariest I have played is Silent Hill Shattered Memories and Tower of Latria in Demon Souls. In one you have no choice but to run even when you're hopelessly lost. In the other every step you take could be your last.

The Evil Within 1 is the greatest survival horror game i've ever played. The sequel is a joke though 🤮
I am playing it now. It is so bad. I need to be a mile away or stun the enemy with bolts to aim the sniper rifle. Reminds me of the worst part of Resident Evil: Code Veronica. The randomness of match use on downed opponent lighting up surrounding enemies is also absurdly random. Somehow the accuracy of a point blank headshot with any gun is 0% while the accuracy of a long distance headshot (unless you line up the sniper rifle scope) is a coin flip. Also cannot believe that the protagonist has a heart attack after running for 3 seconds and can't stealth for shit. The progression of story is like schizophrenia of a patient that also has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The image quality is garbage as well. Absolute wankery.

The sequel is awesome on the other hand. Fantastic mechanics in first-person and third. A plot with well written characters and pacing. Great graphics and things worth exploring.
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The Mortuary Assistant is genuinely scary. I love horror games and this one made me so uncomfortable. It luls you into a sense of familiarity with the routines it has you do and you stop paying attention just enough for the game to then fuck with you. It's incredibly well done.
If I have to both the best and the most scary, I'd say REmake. Side note, the baby section from Resident Evil: Village nearly killed me playing at 2am.

Visage offers best scares from modern games. There are obvious jumpscares, but also smaller creepy moments like when you notice someone's watching you from around the corner.

Outlast 1 and its expansion offer the best cat & mouse horror moments.

Condemned 1 from the PS3/360 era. I remember losing it only on my first playthrough after one of the enemies jumped out of the locker.

Clive Barker's Undying from much older titles. I will admit I haven't replayed it in years, so maybe my opinion would change.
Great choices. Visage is unnerving as fuck. Outlast and Condemned 1 are classics. The Groom...*shivers*


If you want the best immersion and tension based horror experiences, play any of these 3 titles (and remember to never play intense horror games on edibles 👍)



Resident Evil 8 in VR.
Not scary-related, but holy shit the things that you can do in RE8 VR is nuts. The fact that you can take the knife and throw it 20 feet into the air while simultaneously throwing your gun with your other hand and catch them both with the opposite hands is just insane.
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Scariest horror experience for me is PT.

And Silent Hill 2 Remake is what full game PT would probably have been, so it's also up there in terms of the scariest games (still playing through it so haven't finalised my thoughts).

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I don’t think there was anything as creepy or scary as the Village dlc with the dolls following you around. I was playing it at night and I noped right out and quit the game. 😂


If I have to both the best and the most scary, I'd say REmake. Side note, the baby section from Resident Evil: Village nearly killed me playing at 2am.

Great choices. Visage is unnerving as fuck. Outlast and Condemned 1 are classics. The Groom...*shivers*
Oh wow, how did I forget the Baby section? That was legitimately one of the scariest RE moments of all time


Alien Isolation is up there, now with Silent Hill 2 remake.
Silent Hill 1 was, for a very long time, the scariest game I'd played, the one I was the most uncomfortable while playing it.
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Outlast 1 and 2. Lots of heart pumping moments and the fact that you don't have a weapon, where your only options are to hide or run makes it even scarier.
Horror games stop being scary when you're over 12.
Have you played PS2 Manhunt? The only legitimately "scary" game I've ever played - it doesn't get less scary with subsequent playthroughs. The AI works to keep you from building a tolerance to the game.
Anything that relies on jump scares is faking horror by exploiting the human startle response and will lose it's 'scariness' with each exposure.


I am playing it now. It is so bad. I need to be a mile away or stun the enemy with bolts to aim the sniper rifle. Reminds me of the worst part of Resident Evil: Code Veronica. The randomness of match use on downed opponent lighting up surrounding enemies is also absurdly random. Somehow the accuracy of a point blank headshot with any gun is 0% while the accuracy of a long distance headshot (unless you line up the sniper rifle scope) is a coin flip. Also cannot believe that the protagonist has a heart attack after running for 3 seconds and can't stealth for shit. The progression of story is like schizophrenia of a patient that also has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The image quality is garbage as well. Absolute wankery.

The sequel is awesome on the other hand. Fantastic mechanics in first-person and third. A plot with well written characters and pacing. Great graphics and things worth exploring.
I respect your opinion but i strongly disagree 🙂
At the top of my head the most memorable

Condemned Criminal Origins
Amnesia The Dark Descent
Alien Isolation(the first hours until you get the flamethrower)
RE7(the first hours)
Dino Crisis
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It's not technically horror, but the scariest for me is Ecco the Dolphin, for the Genesis.

It's really difficult too. So you have to be a real man to play it..
Definitely Ecco is a scary game.

It starts like "Wow such nice peaceful game. Blue sea, bright colored fight and environment etc..." Then the vortex happen which is already a bit weird. Then the final levels are "WTF, how a dolphin game ended up there ?!".
Also I always had fear of the depths even in games (maybe this game actually contributed it heavily now that I think about it) and the encounter with the whale terrified me.

Damn ! Now that I think about it, this is really a great game. Should replay it. But when I think about its difficulty I am not sure xD.

Not really into horror game.
Only played Resident Evil 0-4. 1 (and remake) has a great atmosphere but not very scary (played it late) and I actually don't consider them horror game.
From the the recent remake, REmake 2 would be the scariest or most horror like.

Wish I could play the legendary P.T. (but would probably shit my pant. I couldn't complete RE7 demo despite seeing nothing scary... I was just scared that after everydoorway something will jump at me. First person horror is too scary).

I plan to play the OG Silent Hill 1/2 at one point. Which are probably the only horror games I am curious to play.

Honorable mention for the Ravenholm section in Half-Life 2.
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