What’s the best/scariest horror game you’ve played?

John Bilbo

Original Silent Hill 2 back when it released. The atmosphere is still great but I don't find the game as scary any more.

P.T. was also frightening.


Scariest horror experience for me is PT.

And Silent Hill 2 Remake is what full game PT would probably have been, so it's also up there in terms of the scariest games (still playing through it so haven't finalised my thoughts).

Eternal Darkness would literally trick you into thinking the game deleted itself lol
It's difficult to answer.

Maybe Fatal Frame series, when I was younger i couldn't play it because the camera mechanic was too scary.
I was really afraid of Nemesis from Resident Evil 3 too. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

While playing Silent Hill 2-4 i get more depressed and unease/anxious than scaried.

Resident Evil 7 and Alien Isolation are scary as hell until you've some weapons.
Condemned and F.E.A.R. are the opposite, they get more disturbing along the way.


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